Two runs again! Tut tut! I mean it's good that I run, but my blogging, well that needs to be addressed.
So the first one was yesterday, Thursday morning group. I arrived late! (having a bit of a lay in) and when I started for the rec the traffic jam was there to greet me! As I was driving into the rec, DiscoRich was already heading out with his group, and a new member to the Thursday crew, who actually wanted to run in my group. I think she looked a little relieved that I showed up!
Also sat in her car waiting for me was MichelleS, she wasn't going to get out until she saw me arrive! So eventually we headed off out of the rec. I was going to do the cinder path again, as it was raining and the woods would be really sticky and muddy. I felt I needed to keep running rather that pick my way around puddles, as I had a bit of a headache to try and run off.
With just the three of us, and for the life of me, I can't quite remember the new persons name, I think it is something like Iyako, me and MichelleS ran down Crossways. It was a bit chilly, and wet, so wet! It was that horrible fine rain, you know the stuff, it doesn't know if it wants to be a shower or heavy mist type of stuff, makes you feel uncomfortable! Yup, I'm glad I decided not to run through the woods as well. At least we will still have the cinder path, traffic free!
We were running a quite a nice group 1 pace. I was enjoying it, and I am sure it was helping with my headache especially the traffic free bit. But all good things come to an end. I could just turn around and go back down the cinder path, but that would take distance off our run. I could go around the loopy bit, which is ok. Or I could stick to my plan and head on down Crofton. We ran down Crofton!
We also found out why there was a traffic jam, the road is being dug up again! It was a good run anyway, we chatted along the way, we had quiet moments, we laughed and we ran! Just a great run, and it is good to have MichelleS back to running, and nice to have another new member to the Thursday group and probably to PWR. But I think once she has found her running feet she will be moving up the groups in no time!
I was supposed to go to Track that evening, but my headache came back with a vengeance! For some reason I feel worse in the evenings! But hopefully this will be as bad as the cold virus makes me feel!
Friday Run
I went running again this morning. One of my group 0 was going to be joining me, and it was just going to be a short route through the woods, but she still wasn't feeling too good (this darn cold virus, grrrr) also MichelleC was going to be there as well, a group 0 graduate, who also moved up to group 2 on Tuesday, during moveup week! Her running is really coming along!
As it was just the two of us, I was still going to go through the woods, I think I nice gentle run is what I need, (headache again!) and just enjoy being out, but I was going to just add a bit more distance. The route was straight up the middle path, along the top to the left and then straight up again to the tigers. I love mud, I love hills! The second part of my mantra I am trying to believe!
When we were running along the road to Chislehurst Road our Emma ran up from behind us and said hi! She is our membership secretary, and also a personal trainer, putting people through spin classes and boot camp style stuff! I remember she took one of our Thursday evening summer core training and boy! did we know we did some core training! A great session if I remember rightly! At least my muscles thought so!
With just the tip of Scadbury park to do before we headed back down Birchwood, we were going really well. The sun had really broken through as we were running through Scadbury. The rays of sunlight piecing through the trees lighting up the leaf covered pathways, making them look like shiny copper coloured paths! I didn't want to leave this bit of the woods, it looked totally magical! I should have had my phone with me to try and capture a picture of it.
With just a few walking stops to slow the pace down, from me I might add, the last bit wasn't so. We were running on the pavement at quite a good pace, this has showed me just how far MichelleC had come in her running! We were running the last bit, according to my Garmin at 10:30 m/mi. Michelle was setting the pace, I was keeping up with her, mainly because we didn't have far to go now, but also it's good to run with someone who is just that little be faster than you.
We got back to the rec and I felt really good! The headache was still there, it hadn't improved it, but it wasn't any worse! A great run! And now I look forward to the Maidstone Harriers Turkey Trot in Ditton on Sunday! Bring it on!
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