Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Club Runs - Wind And Rain!

Hello blog lovers.

What a yucky evening.  I am sure there are people that love running in rain and wind and chill, I am sure that these conditions will suit some people down to the ground, but not me!  I surprised my self that I went and did group 1 as well! But I did, and I was very pleased about it!

So group 0.  There were a couple of people that couldn't make it this evening, but it was good to see that Janet was back.  It wont be too long before she steps back into group 1.  Also we had JJ, ChattyWendy and Tracey, and this time Tracey had a nice warm jacket on!  It's good to have layers as you can always tie them round your waist when you want to strip them off.

I chose a different route this time, just to shake off any of those niggling thoughts in your head about "here is where I usually stop" or "This is where I normally feel I can't go on"  As ChattyWendi says, running is mainly mental!  I remember Naggy Neighbour used to keep telling me that, although back then I hadn't a clue what she meant, as to me my body felt knackered so I wanted to stop, end of!  And now ChattyWendi is saying it again to our group 0 members!

I was running a little bit too fast as I was chatting to JJ and Wendy while Janet and Tracey were behind, such a bad leader!  "I should be stripped of my Leadership Card", I joked, and ChattyWendi agreed "Yes, totally useless" she said, and we all laughed!

We had our second break just at the top of Shepperton, as this was a new route, I wasn't sure just how far it would be if we turned right and then went down Beaumount road, but I knew it was about half a mile or three quarters of a mile if we turned left and went down to Tudor Way, so I decided that would be the way to go.

I think Tracey was pleased with that idea too, we ran down there and the girls then asked if we were going to go past Station Square, but I had in mind to go straight down to Crossways as that would bring us to about a group 0 distance!

A good run and it was good getting a new route as well, hopefully next week it will be with the other members, fully recovered from this dreaded cold virus!

Group 1

Illustrious Leader was leading our group this evening.  SingstarJo was having achy muscles issues after doing the Turkey Trot at the weekend.  But I.L. had promised a flat route.  As I said earlier I really wanted desperately to go home.  I was cold and wet, and it was still raining, and the thought of trying to run again after hanging about for quater of an hour filled me with dispondancey.  I just wanted to get home, strip off and put on my pjs, and then write up my blog for group 0.  But after I.L. said that she has a flat route sorted out, I was intrigued!  How on earth did she find a flat route?

But when she told us which way she was going then I realised, it's not quite flat!   But the way she takes us kind of disguises the fact that we are running up hill.  I was sweeping, along with ChattyWendi.  We had a new lady start with us and it was good to see Anne with us as well, she came last week, her and her husband, for the first time.  And we had a new runner with us as well, she was persuaded to come out on one of the worst nights possible!  If she comes back next week then I hope its because, in spite of the rain and the wind and the cold, that PWR's have made a positive impact on her, showing her what a great club we are! 

I managed to twist my foot just as we got onto Beaumont Road, not a lot, but it just seemed to be a bit more exaggerated as I was still not quite warmed after cooling down after group 0.  So I decided to just run through it.  If it really hurt (which it didn't) then I would know that I should stop.  I couldn't wait until I warmed up a bit more,  not feel so stiff!

I was sweeping at the back with ChattyWendi and Anne, and she realised that it was uphill!  There was not disguising it from her, and when we get through the zigzag bit of Palace Estates and having a schedule stop on Crofton road, when I.L. says "It's all down hill now, all the way back" then you begin to realise that her 'flat route' wasn't as flat as all that!  But then again, there is no where flat around here!

It was a pleasant run back down though, all the way to the 'Off Licenses' where we had another little break, before running the last bit, breaking into two groups, those who wanted to go a bit faster and those who just wanted to carry on at their own pace.

I.L. waiting for the slower runners on Tudor way and we ran the rest of the way together, until we got to Pettswood road.  After we crossed that I did my usual sprinty bit down Crossways, it's become a ritual with me, as if I didn't do it the world would stop spinning or something.  It still surprises me that I have enough energy to do that!  

A great run, bloomin freezing, bloomin wet and bloomin windy, but I feel bloomin pleased with myself that I didn't whimp out and go home after doing group 0.

Geeky stats

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