Group 0
I didn't know how many would be turning up today, I knew a couple of people wouldn't be, but I also knew a couple of the Saturday beginners group will be coming along. So I had to be there. At least the rain had stopped and the wind had died down, Hurricane Gonzalo is still reeking havoc over the planet, and tonight it was Britain's turn.
As it happened, just Vanessa and Georgina came along, they are on the Saturday beginners group, and they wanted to come along for group 0. It' was still windy and it was getting a tad bit chilly too. The route I had in mind today was the undulations of Hazelmere, Great Thrift and Woodland Way and the through the high street before coming back down again. It's a great route, those little hills to set you a challenge, whether your a beginner or coming back from injury, with the nice flat bit of the high street, nice and bright and well lit.
I had remembered to bring my little torch, just to light up the bits of pavement that were a dark, where the tree roots started to appear and crack the tarmac. The two ladies today, well, you wouldn't be able t tell they were beginners the way they were running up Great Thrift! Chatting away, not even sounding out of breath. But then Vanessa is quite a sporty sort of person anyway, tennis, cycling and mountain climbing, and her daughter, well, she's young!
We took a walking break when we got to the memorial, we didn't stop to catch our breath, we just walked for a bit until we got to the bridge and then started running again. They seemed to be taking this run in their stride! I think after they have finished the beginners group they will fit quite comfortable into group 1 and maybe even quickly entering the ranks of group 2 before to long!
A great run this evening, a tiny bid windy, but at least it was nice not running in the rain! Here's the geeky stats for group 0
Group 1
No Illustrious Leader, no SingstarJo, and no watch to keep an eye on ZippySherry (new nick name for our Sherry!) who was taking out group 1. Although ZippySherry has a Garmin, she also has this easy style of running about her. When she is talking to anybody some how her legs just go into over drive, and before you know it we are all zipping along at a faster than usual pace. Maybe this is just what I need. I can't remember the last time I ran without my Geeky stats recorder! I felt quite naked actually! I think this run could be good for me!
I was running at the back with JJ, it just goes to show how this running bug effects our brain cells, as JJ has a bit of a cold, yet she still came out for a run. I remember in the 'old days' if I so much as sneezed through moving dust I would have laid up flat for two weeks to recuperate! Yet just like JJ, if the bug is all above the neck then there is no reason to be sat in doors! What a weird bunch of people we are!
For those of you who read Saturdays beginners blog, I told you about the hill we took the group up. And that some of them looked panic stricken. Well today ZippySherry thought that all in group 1 could do with running up there, at group 1 speed of course, well, group 1 warming up speed!
It wasn't till we got to the top and turned left out of Kingsway, that I started to think about the route she would be taking. ZS mentioned Southborough Lane, now Southborough Lane from here is one of two ways,Birchwood, down to Crossways again and then run up Petts Wood Road to the mememorial or, and I feared it would be the case, Birchwood, Hazlemere, Great Thrift and Woodland Way! I was right to be fearful! "Oh no, why did I chose this route for group 0 this evening" I think that maybe I should liase with group 1 leaders before I plan group 0's route!
It's going to be a challenge again for me. Tired legs, plus I did get a bit chilled before we started group 1, so my muscles were complaining a little. I did have a couple of walks up the hill, but only because I was sweeper and I didn't want to let the girl be the last one behind (that's my excuse and I am sticking to it). We eventually had a first break at the top of the hills, not quite to the memorial hall, but at Towncourt, the other side! It was tough, enjoyable, but tough.
From here were were going to go over the bridge and then down Southborough and turn left at to Oxhawth until Crescent Drive. There was going to be a next catch up. Those with the fast legs will be able to run around the triangular bit of green, those that wanted to stop altogether can do so just there while they waited for any (meaning me!) last runners to catch up.
It was while we were there that ZippySherry said some about running UP Lakeswood. "I thought we would be going down Shepperton" I said to her, I am sure I did here her mention that. But then she said that she was not quite sure of those roads, I quickly jumped in and said "I do" I think maybe I must have looked a bit desperate! I just didn't fancy running up any more inclines this evening! "Ok" said ZS "You take the lead" Me? Lead Group 1? Of course I said ok! Gulp. But it was done at my pace, I was planning on handing back the reins to Sherry when we got to Tudor Way.
Once Sherry took back the lead I settle back into sweeper mode! Very pleased that I didn't have to do any more inclines!
A great run though, and I think it was good running without a watch! I must try it again some time! And try not to get so hooked on my Garmin! They are great tools, and I love seeing those calories eaten up by my running, but it was good to doing some 'free' running :-)
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