Hello blog lovers
It's me again. I was going to tack this bit of blog on to the end of my other blog entry today, but I thought I would make it easier reading for some members of SLGR who may read this. Because this running group are meeting up with us PWR's at Norman Park Track this evening. It seems that our Thursday 'In the Park' sessions have deffo finished for now, and I want to keep to running on a Thursday evening so to the track I trecked! Ok I drove my car, but I went to the track.
The last time I did track sessions was when I was training for the marathon, panicking slightly, apprehensive and all other emotions that go with training for your first ever marathon. I saw the track sessions as a necessary evil! But today, it was different, today, I had no agenda but to enjoy running with some running buddies and meeting some more members of SLGR (So Lets Go Running), the new running group Brian and Dawn had started.
PhysioMike had his session planned, a timing session. It involved running for 90 seconds, then walking or slow jog (or even crashing out on the grass he said) for so many seconds (I have a lousy memory!) and then do that again for another 3 times! But the slow jog part,, the recovery (or crashing out on the grass) will be less each time! It's just as well he had his whistle because I could never have remembered to look at my watch, calculate when I should slow down, and all that maths stuff! I guess that's why having a great coach with a whistle and stop watch helps!
There seemed an awful lot of people there, some in the orange and black of SLGR and the rest in array of colours, with at least one PWR at least in the club colours! I shall remember to wear mine next SLGR meet up! I was running behind the masses and another young lady,who was with the other team, was just behind me.
On the first lap PhysioMike was there calling out numbers. The numbers related to the speed we were doing in relation to a park run, if we kept up the pace that is. You will never guess what mine was?! 31 minutes! He call out on the first lap, but still, I was pretty impressed with my self! It's a pity I can't keep that up for a whole 5k! Maybe after all the track sessions then my time will improve, of course I am not going to obsess about it, (but being a runner it is always in the back of my mind! Always!)
It was on the second lap that me and the young lady behind me started chatting. I found out that she has been accepted into the London Marathon this year! Exciting stuff. The whistle blows but the young lady just carries on plodding away. I was walking and chatting to her. She said that she just sticks to one pace only and it gets her through.
So for the next 20 minutes or so me and OnePaceKat just kept together jogging along. But while she kept on jogging along I took full advantage of the permission to slow down! Then there was a four minute rest! Perfect timing as I finished the first set right at the starting line. I chatted to Brian, founder member of SLGR and Editor of SLGR running magazine! He introduced me to a couple of the members and to Dawn as well.
The four minutes were soon finished and we did the whole thing again! A great session, with the warm up drills in the beginning and the warm down stretches to finish! I really enjoyed track session! I mean, last time it really did feel as if I needed to be there for the full support of PWR's to help get me through the marathon, this time I was do track session for the sake of doing track session! It's some times good to do things just for the sake of it!
I think I could do a few track sessions this winter! I had fun, fun... even sprinting away from Mr 'monkey feet' S himself, mind you, I will admit he had his loafers on, and it looked like he was leaning on a walking stick, it suited him (It was a spike in the ground holding tape up!) Here's to next track session.
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