Hello blog lovers!
You know when you really don't want something to happen and then it does, well it's a bit like this rain fall. I have my roof to fix and the roofers need to have the grass outside my house nice and dry! But this bloomin rain is going to put paid to that idea. The more I ask for clear skies and the more it seems to rain!
So this evening for group 0 it was going to be another wet run for me! I didn't know how many would turn up, this weather does seem to put the not so madly obsessed runners to stay in doors! As it happened there was just me and Auriol. The rain was falling down, gently but there was an awful lot of it! It's good to see the enthusiasm for coming out in the rain to run is there.
We left the rec about 7 minutes past the hour, with a determined look, and strong legs as we headed out the gate for Birchwood. We are going to use the shorter winter route, probably just as well. It's a great incentive to run as well as you can and as quick as you can to get back to the rec ready to go home. As we were running up the rec, a chap getting into his car must have felt quite impressed with us running in the rain as he gave us a big cheer!
That hill was like nothing as we thundered up there! We really were totally focused on our running. Probably a good idea to run in the rain, snow, or other foul weather, as all you really want to do is to get home. I know I do. Don't get me wrong, love, love, love running. I have this crazy passion for it, but, this might come as a shock, I am just like everyone else. The idea of sitting at home, all nice and cosy is a huge draw!
Running still hurts me, well, when I say hurt I mean gets my muscles aching in that 'nice that I done a good run' type of way. I still struggle, sometimes in group 0, sometimes in group 1. I have lack of motivation when I go out running by myself.
But I am still here! I have a passion for running. It can't be shaken by rain, injuries, snows, heat! It's can't be shaken because my times in park run has gone backwards rather that forwards. In fact my passion grows even more, and I just have to share it. So all the time that there will be a group 0 person at the rec I will be there, any one who wants me to run with them during the days that I am not working nor them, I shall run!
We seemed to have gone through our route pretty darn quickly. The rain had done it's worse but we just fought harder to get back to our cars to get home!
I didn't go on group 1 run, I stayed to listen to the announcements, to say hi to two new people that came to the club and to let them know that I was going home! By the time I got to my car I was quite chilly, and I was soaked through to the skin. I don't think I would have like to try running like that. After all, running is fun! No good making running a chore, that just won't keep your mojo where it is supposed to be!!
A great run though.
Geeky stats
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