Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Happy Running!

Hello blog lovers.

I feel real good this week, my gorgeous eldest daughter and her husband came home from the USA last night, it's the first time I have seen her since she because 'The Mrs!'  So I was really excited to see her.  So this morning while she was over visiting her nanny I got ready and ran my usual 3 and half miles.  I had a huge smile on my face and I was feeling brilliant.  It's helped that the sun was shining and it is lovely and warm outside.

I did have other plans today, otherwise I could have gone for a longer run, but that doesn't matter, it's good to be out running even if it was only a mile it would be good.  I was in two minds which route I would take, but settled on the Turpington Lane route.  Straight up to there, down Greenway, Magpie Hall Lane and then Southborough.  I think the last time I did this route I was desperately trying not to beat myself up, but try and keep happy thoughts. Well today there was no beating up, I felt happy all the way round!

A great run today, it doesn't matter that it's not the fastest time, but it mattered that it was a good quality, feel good run!  And this evening, well, it's going to be family time, meeting up with everyone to finally be able to celebrate all together my daughter and her husbands nuptials!

Geeky stats.

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