Monday, 29 September 2014

Beginners and Back!

Hello blog lovers.

Monday sees me writing up two blogs!  The first one is about Saturday.

Saturday Beginners

Sherry is very busy helping over 50 people to reach their goal of running a 5k.  The Saturday just gone she she needed a to have an extra helper or two.  You all know how I feel about helping those to achieve their running goal so I volunteered my services.

They were already into their third week, and all the runners were looking a little anxious about the run 3 mins walk 3 mins.  It really does seem to be a lot if you have never ran before.  But once the warm up laps of the rec and the warm drills were done the faces on the runners were looking a lot more confident.

They all soon got into the swing of things, there was even one lady who had blisters on her feet from hiking 14 miles just before the weekend who was determined to do this.  And do it she did!  There wasn't any one that dropped out saying they had had enough.  It's quite amazing how quickly your running fitness can build up.

As for next week, well, I think I will offer my services again if me and the Old Boy have no particular plans planned! And just look how much ground they had covered just doing those loops!

Monday Training.

Now we are on today, and boy was I in need of getting out and running!  More stresses to get my fists tight, so a run will deffo help things calm down, and clear my head.  Today I also asked Wendi to come along with us as well.  Now Wendi is even tougher on herself than I am on me.  She beats herself up more that Mike Tyson could beat up Barry McGuigan!  I thought maybe taking her back to basics will get her focused again.  

Wendi has done the Edinburgh Marathon, but some time after that she had injuries.  Just like all of us stubborn runners we expect to come back to running exactly where we left off!  Forgetting all the new arse grooves we have created on our furniture, forgetting all the chocolate that we consumed in the name of medicine. No, when we come back to running, we want to be chatting to Mo flippin Farah, talking shop with Paula blinking Radcliffe, and if we're not then the beating stick comes out!

And Wendi is the worlds worse for this, and it does nothing for the sole!  Your mojo will most certainly stay put, so I suggested that she comes back to basic training.  Start from the beginning and just watch her mojo slowly come out of its hiding place.  I am so glad that she did.

Tracy was look tons happier about todays run too.  After completing her homework during last week, and flinging in a swimming session and racket ball session to put two fingers up to couch potato, she was raring to go.  

We started off with our 4 minute walk and then 2 minutes jog, we are going to repeat this 5 or six times, it depends on if I can remember how many reps we have done, and if I can keep count! Maths is not my forte!  Luckily Wendi has a super duper Garmin that is set up for run/walk and it beeps when its time to do either one!

The first run section seemed to fly by as we all was chatting away, in fact I had to check with the ladies that we had actually run for the two minutes!  (which is how I know that Wendi's watch does that brill thing) And that is how the session went today! Those minutes just seemed to melt away.  It's amazes me how some runs just work out so perfect and yet other runs are just so crap!

We were making great progress on the way back so I threw in that extra rep of 4/2 walk/run.  It's was a great sight to see both ladies smiling at the end of the session, especially when I managed to get them to run up hill (thanks big burly road workers).  Yup, I think this two ladies are well on the way to completing a 5k in just a few short weeks away!  And I have said to Wendi "Do not do any more that what I have suggested!"  Because knowing Wendi she will probably try and attempt to do a half marathon come Wednesday!

Geeky Stats for their run today.

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