Hello blog lovers.
Well this is going to be a bit of a longish blog as I have a couple of reports to do!
This is for 15th July, Tuesday its group 0 time!....except I was the only member there today. So I didn't actually go running, I just waited for the main club runs and sat on the bench enjoying the sunshine! I do like summer.
So on to group 1 runs. There were an awful lot of members that day! I was sweeping at the back, although I hadn't ran group 0, I still like it at the back, and besides I can encourage anyone else who is at the back, let them know that being at the back is just as much fun as being in the front!
Illustrious Leader was leading us today, and it was through the woods we go! My fav place to go running of course! We went in through 'Dog poo' Alley, and the we took a left path to run along with the railway on our left! But instead of going all the way along till we got to The path that leads up to Botany Bay Lane, we took another one. It's a path that my running club use as part of our October 10k, but usually the entrants are running down it! It was quite a warm evening on Tuesday and I was 'glowing' a bit, but I was looking forward to the end of the run, as our newly appointed Social Secretary had planned a social at the local One In The Wood! After group runs we were all going to descend on the new micro pub!
That was a lovely thought actually and it kept us all running along quite nicely! The hills were a bit challenging, especially as it was so warm, but the thought of beer at the pub was a great 'encourager' and we soon 'ate' those hills up.
We went along to the left to run past the back of the school and the down Goss hill. I do like hills........erm running down hills that is! We got to the river but instead of going out of the woods we turned left to run along side the river. The woods is just too nice a place to leave while there is light!
The group started to get long now as the faster runners made up some ground on the down hills, so I.L. sent them off with PhysioMike to keep their legs going, and they were to turn back and run back to us! When us back runners got to the bottom of the hill the main group had already started the run along by the river. We had a quick breather and then followed on after.
We didn't catch up to them until we got to the footbridge over the railway lines. As we had some faster runs with us, PhysioMike took them on a slightly fast jaunt up and over the two bridges, and then headed back to the rec, with just a little detour around the outside of the rec before they had finished. SingstarJo who was sweeping with me decided to go along with that group also, pick her pace up, but also it's good to have a sweep for them as well. Me and I.L. took the slightly shorter route back to the rec, and then joined in the the stretches when we go there!
A great run, a great route! I love running!
My next run was today, It's Thursday and I ran this morning with my usual group 1 paced ladies. Only there was just one lady today, Andrea. This is the first time that I have met Andrea, and she didn't like the idea of me running by myself so decided that she would come with me. Now when Andrea told me that she had ran a sub 60 min 10k, I thought that my little plod around the woods was going to be too slow and maybe too short for her! I was going to have to try and keep going as much as I could. No pressure!
But Andrea was lovely! Chatted the whole way around, and thoroughly enjoyed running through the woods. In fact she loved it so much she is going to bring her friends along as well, and also learn some of the routes and paths that go through here for her own free running group that she does for her friends and mums! This running lark is such great fun, and when you're running through beautiful woodlands it just fills you up with......with.......good stuff, good feelings, and great fresh air!
I took on the same route that we did Tuesday, the one I just written about above! Mainly because I wanted to see how far we had run on Tuesday, as I had forgotten to switch on my Garmin! I am getting worse in my old age! The other reason is because its all in the woods! We had got back to the two bridges, but I wasn't ready to go on the roads! So I decided to stick with the woods and follow the path back to 'Dog Poo Ally'. I am sure it is slightly longer than going over the two bridges to Little Thrift, but it's Thursday and I'm not in any particular hurry!
When we got to the alleyway the distance seemed way to short, and we still had plenty of time, so we carried on up the hill! The hill parallel to Birchwood, running up on the inside of the woods. It does mean that we have to run down on the outside of the woods, but as its down hill, it don't matter, any hill that I am running down is great fun!
It was a great run today, and Andrea was great company! There could be more ladies the next time I do the Thursday morning runs. It's the school holidays coming now, the long six, so mums will have their kids with them, and I will probably have my grandson! I wonder if I can get some mum and kids running games sorted? Now there's a thought!
Geeky stats for this run, and look out for yet another blog later this evening as its Thursday summer core training session!
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