Thursday, 17 July 2014

Thursday Evening Core Training!

Good Evening Blog Lovers.

Now for no.2 blog for todays exercise!

The 7:30 start came around way to quickly for me!  I was a tad late!  The group were already on their first lap around half the green (the park had two football matches going on today) so we had just park of the park to do our work outs in.  It's great when our local parks are well used.

After the 2nd lap (my first lap, but I did cycle down any way) we did the usual drills.  Well there was a a new drill that I hadn't done before and that was 'Drumming Majorettes'. Its where you have to raise your legs up and touch opposite hand to ankle! While moving forward in a Majorettes style!  I think she must have noticed a lot of bending down hand to ankle though, as she made us do it again with our ankles coming up to meet our hands!

After that it was straight into the core training, planks, push ups, crunches etc.  I am afraid I only managed to do the minimum seconds for the plank, for both the first discipline of the core training and the last discipline!  After that it was into the running sections.

It was Helen who was todays leader, and she had this plan of doing relays using the trees.  Running to one tree, touching it and running back to our team with the baton, there were about 8 trees and we had to touch each one, in any order, but only touch it once!  But the footballers had taken up place where she first had this idea, so she quickly counted up the trees on the other side of the part and we had to do it there.  About 10 trees in all!  It was all great fun.  Everyone decided to sprint to the furthest one first and then get nearer and near trees to run to.

After the running we came back to the front of the pavilion to do our stretching out, which we did all while sitting on the floor!  Stretching all the necessary muscle groups all while sitting on our bottom! perfect end to a perfect day!

I may just had a rest day tomorrow though! Doing two double exercisers in the three exercising days is pretty good going for me :-)

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