Hello blog lovers,
I know! I know! I have been neglecting my blogs for goodness knows how long. But I am back, I am blogging, and I hope to keep on running and cycling and blogging!
I know I have been neglecting my blogging but I have not been missing out too much on my running and cycling. But considering I have the memory span of Dory (see Finding Nemo to get significance) then I am just going to talk about todays efforts, and also just upload todays running to this blog.
So this morning, I went running! "Doh, really Old Girl, I would never have guessed" I took my Thursday group out and we ran the route that we did on Tuesday evening! I kept it quite from on our ladies today, just to keep it..........exciting! (and also to not panic her thinking that she can't do the distance) I had to quickly wink at one of our ladies as she said "Oh its that long hill!" but I think she got the message with the wink.
Now, I don't like hills, but (according to 'they') they tell us that hills are good for us. They help build muscles, speed staminia and others stuff that we need to keep us running longer distance and (if you want to run faster) they can build speed. But why anyone would want to speed through the perfect woods that we have is beyond me!
There were four of us going out at 9:30 ish this morning and I know all of them are quite capable of doing the distance within the 1 hour time slot that we have. DiscoRich and his faster, longer distance runners went off and we traipsed behind them, just doing our thing.
I decided to go along the road to little thrift, it is a bit shorter distance as I was trying to disguise the it all the time. Trying not to saying anything about the route to anybody in fact, but one lady who had done the exact same route with me on Tuesday knew exactly where we were heading!
Once we reached Jubilee park, however, Auriol realised exactly what hill we will be tackling! But I assured her that we will all be doing at own pace, in our own time. Walking, running, just getting up it in our own time is what is on order!
It was tough, the weather would be classed at bloomin hot in Death vally, and we were tackling a 20% hill! (ok maybe a slight exaggeration on both counts) but it was still a tough little section! We are started on it, one a time, I went first, I knew I would flag out at some point on the hill, but in my mind as I was leading I though having them all behind me would motivate me to push further than if I was by myself! I was right, but I still stopped and took a breather, and even walked some of it! They others did really well, going further than me before taking a walking break!
Just one more hill to do after that, but before then it was the flat(ish) sections to cope with. It was really a great run, I was enjoying it, it was a tough run as well, a great opportunity to work out how much water you need, if you need to carrying water with your over a certain distance, etc. A great learning run. It was then I suddenly realised that I didn't have my phone with me! I like to carry a phone for emergency! But fortunately it wasn't needed!
The run down the path in the middle of the woods is always the nicest part! I even felt myself just going with the hill, wanted to let it do its best and just carry me on down and down. I had to kind of bring my self back out of the 'zone' and to check I wasn't leaving anyone behind me, but I am sure they all had found that zone as well as they were not more than a couple of strides behind me!
Back at the rec we still beat DiscoRich and his group back, all under under an hour! A lovely run!
Of course Thursday evenings it is still light and so we have our Thursday evening core training sessions. These are lovely times spent with my fellow club memebers, We all groan and moan that its hot hot hot, and hard! But we all come back each week to have more of the same! it really is a great core workout session.
DiscoRich was taking this evenings session and he had some hard workouts for us today! In all this heat as well.! Just so glad I remembered my drink! it is going to be necessary!
Disco Rich had some hard training for us today, some planking (done on the side) some V situps, and also some pretty hard running pyramid type of things!! Brilliant!
Anyway, that is me up to date with y exercise, all data for other runs is of course on my Garmin site, but only todays run is here on this blog!
It's good to be back! My Garmin appears not to be uploading at the moment, so I shall get that sorted and upload geeky stats as soon as possible
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