Hello blog lovers.
Most people can multi task, but running and playing the TomToms, is one thing not many can do! And to be truthful, neither can I! I am actually testing out a new gadget for the annual awards. My club tested out quite a few bits and bobs last year!
This year, I am only testing out some gooey gel thing, and that really isn't something that I will ever get into, and also this TomTom sports gps watch. It's a nice looking watch, easy to use, and easy to upload into the computer. Maybe if my Garmin ever packs in this will be one to think about. Also I like the fact that the 'gubbins' comes away from the strap, so that if the strap ever wears out or gets broken, I am sure you can buy a new one to replace it. Maybe even get different colour straps to match your outfits! Now that is a typical girly thing to say! But what a brilliant idea!
Also today I had my brother coming over for lunch. But I so wanted to go out for run. The whole of yesterday was just nothing but rain. If we didn't have that fine misting rain then it was big think fat rain, and every other sort of rain in between! I really wanted to go for a long cycle ride yesterday with the old, but that didn't happen, so today was a much needed tension releasing run!
So after a great time a church, one of our congregation was being baptised today, and a brilliant time it was too! I picked up my brother from the station and went home The Old Boy had already prepared dinner this morning, so all I had to do was get into my running gear and get out and do it!
I put on the new gadget and then tried to find the satellites. It kept flashing 'Please wait' so I waited. And waited! I saw a little heart flashing, so I delved into the watch and noticed that the heart rate monitor was switched on, so of course I switch it off. And then waited. And waited a bit more. Just then it said "Go!" So I went! There was no pushing the start button, I had no idea if it would turn off after the programmed time and distance I put in to it. Or if it will send 2,000 volts into me if I fail to reach programmed target! I guess that is what testing is all about!
It felt good to be out running! The sun was shining, unlike yesterdays 24 hour rain fest! And it was quite warm, I was only planning on doing a 3 mile run. I can't believe life and weather gets in the way of running and cycling, but I am sure I will get further afield soon. I need to find a local half marathon again! That will do it.
I chose to go up a little hill, it's always good to have a hill (so everyone one keeps telling me) just a short hill, I was heading up to Pettswood, I would like to have gone through the woods, but the rain would have made it a bit of a mud fest, and today wasn't the day for mud fest, (although I do like a little bit of mud) today was just to get out and run because I want to run before I have to do the 'life' things.
I kept looking at the watch and playing with the buttons, there is a screen that shows you how much of your programmed target has been reached. It buzzed on my hand, and I thought immediately of the 'self destruct timer' on bombs! but then I saw a little clock type thing showing the half way mark.
I flipped back to the other screen and and saw how long I had been running for, looked at the mileage and pace. At least I think that is what I was looking at. And then I concentrated on my running again. I promised myself I wasn't going to look at it again until I had finished.
I was just going through the park and it buzzed again on my arm. This time it said 90%. I was thinking "I still have a bit to go to get home,what happens when it says 100%?" I was wondering if it will just stop as when it started it just told me to go. It did reach a 100% and it didn't tell me to stop! I was heading down Whitebeam by this time. I presumed I didn't make my target time! (lazy mare) and so just carried on jogging along, but then I looked at it again, and it said 103%, so at least that answer the question about if it switches off!
I got back to the start and just switched the screen to clock hoping that will be the way to stop the timer and GPS.
It seems I was right! so here is the geeky stats if I can actually get them from the Internet!
Ok so I can't get into my account just yet, but I will do so tomorrow :-)
Hello, and thanks for reading :-)