Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Graduates and Seniors!

Hello blog lovers

Some of our beginners from the course just gone, are not quite confident to join PWR and run in the group 1 just yet, but we can't just leave them to 'go off the boil' So, those PWR's that could make it at 7 this evening turned up to put them through some more training, me being the senior, very senior, (probably the longest member of group 1 has ever had) I was there to witness them all achieve their goals!

My mate Tracy came along again. Now she has had a bit of a break, she missed the last 3 weeks of the course, Maderia was a bit too far to commute for an hour's long session.  She has been keeping up with some of the homework, and she was jogging for 3 mins and then rest for 2.  When she heard what we had planned today she looked a tad shocked!

Today we were going to keep the longer jogging going, so it was a 20 mins jog, 2 mins rest and 10 mins jog.  "Don't panic" I said to her as she looked a though she was about to head out of the rec! "I will be there with you, we will go at your pace" She felt a bit better then.

After the warm ups we all set off together, there were four beginners and 3 Coaches (as PhysioMike calls us all, which I kinda like) so it was almost 1-1 for our beginners.  The group sorted it self as we jogged along and Physio Mike took the faster 2 to find the best in themselves, Peter took the middle lady under his wing, and I stayed with Tracy.  I think I know what she can do.  She has surprised herself over these last 8 weeks, so I was going to help her to achieve something she though impossible just a few short weeks ago.

It was a straight out and back, the same as last week, and to add an extra booster for Tracy the Jubilee Park section is part of her 'homework' runs. So she knows the little up section, which is always good as you know how much effort to put in. Although sometimes it's good not to know! Just get on and do it as it arrives!

We had run to the gate at the other end of the park and it was time to run back again, just over a mile non stop for her.  The longest time she has ever run.  Another 5 mins jogging and the the 2 minutes of walking.  She was deffo ready for that!  She smiled when we had done the 20 mins jog. She couldn't believe it of herself.  Even then she wasn't quite sure if she could jog for the last 10 mins, but I think she could.  The 2 mins walk had finished and we started on the 10 mins jog back to the rec.

On the downhill section I noticed that she was going a tad faster, so I thought I would encourage that a bit more.  I said that we would run faster to the next lamppost, and the take it down again.  She looked at me as if I was totally crazy.  But the great thing was is that she did it.  I followed her pace, kept at her speed, but she deffo put on a spurt there. Not just once but at least 3 times. 

We got to Towncourt and we turned down there, it's a slightly steeper hill, keep the heart rate going. She almost gave up, but I gave a a bit of encouragement, "It's not that far now, just up here and into the rec"  She kept going! I think she really wanted to finish this 10 min jog off.  We started around the gree, just as we got passed the tennis courts the 10 mins was up, and we just walked the rest of it to get the heat rate back down

A fantastic effort.  She was totally thrilled with what she did! I was totally thrilled with what she did.  When all the others came back, all the leaders were totally thrilled with what all of them had achieved!  Fantastic effort from all of them! Just so proud and privileged to see them all prove something to themselves that what they thought was impossible has now become a little golden nugget in the belts!  Park run next!

Geeky stats.

Next it was group 1 run.  Sue was taking the lead today, and she chose a fantastic route.....with hills! You all know me with hills, would rather ride or run a mile out of my way to avoid them! But we did have the fantastic bit of down hill as we were running towards Orpington, so I can't complain!  We set off a tad quicker that what I had been used to, it was a warm day, and I had been with the beginners so I was pretty much warmed up anyway.  But my old body was in a bit of shock, I shouldn't have looked at my Garmin! 

Yes, I am back with my Garmin.  I have handed the TomTom to Hitchy to road test, I was still pretty mad at it for 'losing' my ride yesterday, (even though I think I probably did something wrong) but if that was the case then why did it keep me informed as to how I was doing!!! GRRRRR. anyway, my Garmin was saying that we were doing under 11 minutes for the first bit, but I kept up with them, I was at the back doing my usual sweeping! Even though I think that is where I would have been anyway.  33 miles on a bike and 30 minutes jogging this evening would keep me there!

It was a great run, and a great route! Yes, I said great, it is good to have hills, I have to learn to embrance them, let them become my friend!! And I did put Tracy through that last bit of hill on Towncour Road! 

We got back to the rec, I even had a little bit left to put on a bit of a sprint up Crossways!  Back into the rec and then wait for everyone else to come in.  I am 'hall monitor' as Jez called me today, I still have the box and key. So I had to do my 'PWR Warden' duties, as John called me the PWR Warden, and had to make sure that I locked up the gate after making sure there were no cars left in the carpark!

Geeky stats!

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