Sunday, 11 August 2013

Early Morning And Me.

Hello Blog lovers.

The Blurb

It's been a while since being acquainted with early morning, (well apart from when I was up at a sparrows to go on holiday a couple of weeks ago!) only this time I am not going away on a luxury holiday, there was nobody else getting up with me, and the house was quiet!

The reason I am saying "hello" to 6:30 on a Sunday morning, is because I entered a race, the Mid-Kent 5 in Staplehurst. Staplehurst! It's in Kent, I live in Kent, so when I entered it, I thought  "it can't be that far because it is one  of the races for my clubs Grand Prix, so it's perfect"  I  asked the Old Boy exactly where it was! After I picking my jaw up of the floor, I decided to find out who, from my club,  will be going  so that I can tag along with them.  Even if it was on the train for company, I didn't mind.  Unfortunately the earliest train didn't arrive at Staplehurst until after the start of the race, so that was not an option anyway!

But with loads of PWR's heading that way there were plenty of car spaces. And of course it makes sense to cut down on our carbon footprints and do the whole car share thing, and boy was I pleased I got a lift! I would have been a total wreck before I got there if I had to drive! Going on a motorway! Me! It's unheard of.

Anyway, back to me meeting early morning. I feel I need to explain this bit and it can be added to my long list of excuses, and you will see why later.  I had little grandson over for the night. Usually he is very good and sleeps in the big bed with his uncle Michael, but last night, (or early hours this morning!) he decides to climb in bed with me and his granddad! So from 2:30 onwards I had little legs and little arms digging me, draped across me as well as him talking away in his sleep!

I managed to catnap till 6:30 until the alarm went off. I got up and I began to ready!  I was almost done when the doorbell went, and Sue was standing there, and by the look on her face I think she was relieved  that she had pushed the right bell! It's still ridiculous o'clock in the morning! I grabbed everything, and even remembered pins for my number.

I sat in the car as Sue turned it around, I then realised I had my HR monitor but no Garmin watch!  I apologised to Sue and she stopped the car.  I ran back to my house, I presumed I left it where I had always left it, near the plug as I had charged it up last night! But it wasn't there! I must have dropped it on the grass outside.

I ran back to the car looking at the floor, but didn't find it and told Sue. There was no more time we had to go as we had a schedule of pickups to do.  As we were going I realised that I hadn't picked up my hat  either! So no Garmin, no hat, and no water! Plus lack of sleep, but at least I will be there on time, thanks to Sue! I just hope they didn't want a copy of the email to say that I had paid! That would just be the 'ticket on the car windscreen of life for me'! (by the way, I did find my Garmin in the end, after I got back, I had put it on the kitchen table!)

Once we arrived there we met up with all the other PWR's and there were quite a few of us there.  We all collected our numbers and chip for our shoes.  Brian, the  Chief editor of so Lets Going Running Magazine recognised me, (I'm hardly inconspicuous with my name emblazoned across my chest), this is the first time we have actually spoken in person! He was there as spectator and photographer today, although he really wanted to run. Typical man, typical runner, with an injury its best to have lots of time off,  usually all of what the doctors say and then add a week! But he has done the sensible thing this time, so at least I can badger him for some photos later (I'm not daft!)

Here is one I pinched off him, just a few Pettswood runners, chilling before the race.

The Race

Blimey, I still do go on and on! So to the race.  We had to walk about 100 or so metres to the start. Just then I remembered I had my iPhone with me, I saw Orla setting up her 'Run Keeper' on hers, and I remembered I had an app on my phone that can track me around! Yes Geeky stats for later! I quickly set up 'micoach' app as we were waiting. The mats were laid down and all of a sudden we were off!  The route was on tarmac roads, going through some very pretty countryside.  Unfortunately the traffic wasn't stopped, but at least these roads are not busy with traffic.  There were shouts of "Car coming up" and "Car coming down" as we progressed along the road.  It was well marshalled and needed to be, as there were a couple of roads leading off the main route. 

The sun was shining, it wasn't overly warm, not at that time at least, and  there is no sign of the promised rain. The first mile went by, and my phone started to talk to me, I couldn't remember exactly what it said, but it was something like 5 mins passed, distance 1 mile, average pace 4 mins........ok I may not have quite remembered the exact same numbers, but I'm sure when I download/look at them, it will show each mile. I could hear people behind me, people who I overtook in the first mile. I really hope to keep them there! But this is me, early morning start, no Garmin, no sweat catching hat, and still podgy from my holidays! Plus lack of sleep and no water. (quite a few excuses from the Mighty Moosh book of excuses today)

The second mile and we were still running along the same stretch of road.  I had slowed down a bit,  I think I had pushed out a little too fast for the first mile, just like everyone does, even though it just didn't feel like it.  There was a water stop as we turned the first corner, about 2 and half miles in! I was pleased with that, being as that I left my water behind this morning.! At least now I know that we are half way round! I  knew that anyway, because of  'micoach' yelling from my boob (it's where I keep my phone, they only safe place so I don't drop it!) Three miles (so as I was told by my boob) soon came up, I carried on a little further and then I saw the 3 mile board.  Now who is wrong here?! Not long to go now, I can still here people catching me up. I tried to keep going but there was one young lady that overtook me. Then I heard, "GPS has been lost" Well it's a good job it's not an orienteering race! (are you allowed to use GPS in that sort of race?) So for most of the next mile nobody knew I was there! Well, yes, the organisers of the race did, and my racing club buddies did, but you know what I mean, I was undetected by the satellites. (Maybe I should change my mobile provider) but I plodded along, under the trees enjoying the scenery.

Then I heard 'GPS has been reconected' and best of all '4 miles' etc etc. But just then, I head someone say "Come on, not that far now" as she overtook me! Aggghhhh, NO!, I tried and tried to get back in front of her, which I did, but I still let her get back in the lead. Darn it! Then I heard another runner coming up from behind. "Not far now" I said to her, trying to be as cheery as the girl in front, "Where's the gate?" she said. She was beside me running and I noticed that she was a.....tad older than me. As I watched her slowly getting in front I started to feel a little dejected with myself. Just then I saw the cricket scoreboards thingy. That really spurred me on. I put in a bit of effort and overtook the older woman and headed for the finish line inside the cricket grounds. Just outside though was a welcoming committee, PhysioMike shouted "Come on Old Girl", and Brian was there too, to capture  me entering the grounds.

Me with my 'in race' race behind me

Just through the car park now, I didn't quite catch up to the other younger lady that had passed me, but I was still pleased that at least I hadn't let anyway else overtake on this last little bit.  By the way the older lady was awarded a prize for first woman back in her age group! Brilliant effort!

I think Brian must have put on a bit of a sprint as well, as he was at the finishing line to capture me on camera, coming over the mats! Well done Brian, (we won't say that I was probably running at about 24 m/mi by then)

Epilogue and Photos

A great race, a great atmosphere, and PWR's made a noticeable patch of black and white shirts! Here is some screenshots of my geeky stats. Oh and one more thing, about the whole 'I don't do early mornings' scenario, a little bit of fun,  lets see who is reading and paying attention!

Do you  remember me saying that I had to explain why I was talking about my grandson? Well, as you can see from the very last picture, I grabbed a 'pair' of shoes, and did the race in those. Remember it was early morning, lack of sleep etc, and to be honest, there is not a lot of difference between the shoes. But those that don't do 'Spot the Difference' The right shoe is my old Asisc and the left shoe is my new Adidas.  So as the title suggest, me and early morning? We don't mix so good!

Also, I did my usual thing of forgetting to switch off my tracker! The official chip time for todays run is 1 hour and 58 seconds!

The End!

Photos used with permission from Brian Page,
Editor So Lets Go Running


  1. Replies
    1. Lol, but you are a PWR :-) mind you, I did point out the 'mistake to Johnny and he didn't really notice anything drastic Unlike Moy who just screamed with laughter as soon as I showed her :-)
