Thursday, 20 June 2013

No Lazyitus Today!

Hello blog lovers.

Thursday, and it's training day, I had lazyitus last Thursday but I am well over that now.  And I am looking forward to this evenings activities.  I am not sure who is taking the leaders 'hats' today, the anticipation of finding out that is just as much fun as the doing of the sessions!
I arrived at the park on my bike. I had collected my Giant from my sisters house only about an hour before hand.  It felt great to be out on the bike, so I thought why pollute the atmosphere with fumes and gasses (sorry, not quite sure what the scientific name is for the emissions from cars) I just know that it's not necessary. When the sun is bright and the day is warm, why start up my car to drive just a mile or so to the rec?  There was just one other person there when I got there, I was there early for a change! I chained up my bike, grabbed my drink and wandered over to the benches.

There were soon quite a few others turning up, including two ladies from PhysioMikes beginners class!  "Come along, its fun, we just do some running and exercises in the rec" was what our Illustrious leader had said to them!  It was I.L. and Sue who will be leading todays session.  Sue was the first to start the warm ups and the drills.  Then after that she had us running the three flag relay thingy again.  The flags seem to be set at a shorter distance that what Disco Rich had them a couple of weeks ago, but I found that was even harder, because the 'No.1's'  ( Sue had given half of us no.1 and half no.2) had to run to the first flag, then run back and the 'No.2's' had to run to the first flag, but of course they had got back before you had even had a chance to catch your breath.  But it was all still great fun.

After that it was the core training!  I.L. leader set out 5 stations, and we have five activities to do at each station.  Burpees, ab crunches, squats, planks and push ups!  I.L. asked me to demonstrate the ab crunch!  I you can remember from my other blogs, the only way I can describe what I look like when I am doing these is like a tortoise that has been flipped over, and is trying to get back on her feet!

But I think I gave it a pretty good shot!  The newbies Tracey and Sally seemed to be enjoying the whole experience.  Judging by the giggling going on!  And that is how these training sessions are.  They are hard work, we do sweat a lot, and do puff and groan (and maybe even fart....) and we do have a laugh! These sessions are kept fun, but they also work! I am sure they do! After all, on my first core training session, I couldn't even manage one half asses attempt at a sit up, and as for those burpees, they were just a burp to far for me!  But today, I think I managed to do at least 2 or 3  of them how they should be done!

All in all a great session.  At notice ladies and gentlemen, no one got a mention of who was the windy one or who was practising their 'poo face' while doing the squats!


  1. I still don't understand why I have a 'poo face'?!

  2. Lol, surely everyone has a poo face? It's the face that no one should see, its the face that we have when we are in the privacy of the privy, doing what all that good exercises and good food does to our bodies ;-)

  3. David, take it from have a Poo Face :-)

    Donna, your lazyitus is what I call "Thursdayitis" when the week catches up and we have the DOMS from Tuesday. I am thankful we have these events to go to on Thursday. I thoroughly enjoyed leaning on the gate watching you lot show your "Poo Faces"

    1. Ha ha Jerry, you did look very comfortable there, next Thursday get on the mozzie dinner table and join us :-)
