Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Just The Beginners

Hello blog lovers,

This blog is a day late!  Yesterday I had no time to write it up as yesterday was our club's AGM.  Usually on those days the group runs begin half an hour earlier, which means as I was helping out at the beginners I would not be able to join in with the group run.  But it doesn't matter.  There are plenty of days for running.

There were quite a few PWR's who had helped out, at least 6, including 'The Jogging hippo', who was taking things easy as he had done a marathon at the weekend! And one that would completely do my head in!  It was round and round a track, 17 laps! Add to that 3 inclines on each lap!  A test mental strength as well as physical strength!

There was the usual  walk around to warm up, then the drills to get the blood pumping.  After that the beginners were divided between the PWR's. I seemed to have the second fastest group again! But it was 2 ladies that I took last week and also 2 from another group, who wanted to go a bit faster than the group they was in last week.  One of those 2 ladies was my sister-in-law, Jackie!  I had told her about the beginners and she has been coming along ever since with her friend!  Our plan for the evening was to do the same route as last week, with a 10 minute run and then a 2 minute walk

We were going to be running along through the streets again.  They did enjoy it last week, being out of the park, so I thought I would introduce them to a bit of trail running too.  It was still virtually running along the same route as the planned route that PhysioMike said, but wit the added beauty of trees, and peace and quite, (until a train ran along the railway lines of course!) But as I was telling Peter of my slight diversion, I had missed the entrance, 'Dog Poo Ally'!  I was running along looking for it, until I realised my mistake! "Oh, sorry ladies, I have missed the tunnel" I explained to them! So we stuck to the planned route, but I had a cunning plan! 

As they were covering a bit of ground, I will take them through the woods on the way back! Simples! We have to run up the little hills, but I felt sure they would be able to cope with that! Then we shall nip into Little Thrift again and then pop out of 'Dog Poo Ally' instead! 

Peter's group was still with us, just a bit at the back, I told him of my plans, I seemed to have a couple of his group with me anyway, and he followed us into the woods.  Of course there were the two railway bridges we had to walk/run over, I can't remember if I told them about those!  And there we were, on the paths and trails of the woods.  I had been on this path only the day before, and I knew that it wasn't too muddy.  And I knew there were ways around the particular sticky patches, so there is not going to be anybody, getting stuck in the mud, are even slowing down to negotiate the muddy patches.

Just before we turned right to go through the ally to get to the rec I just took stock of everybody, made sure that all was ok, no one tripping up tree roots, hurting ankles or indeed left behind.  Then it was the last 5 minutes for running to the rec.  As we came out of the tunnel I saw PhysioMile and his group coming along the road.  I later found out that evening, he though I had actually go lost (again!) Ok I got lost once, in Scadbury Park, during a mob match, but I find it almost impossible to get lost in the woods around here!  I say almost, just in case one day I do lose my bearings!

We carried along to the rec, and with still a couple of minutes left of our 10 min jog session I told them to go around the green!  I lost a couple of them to comfort of leaning up against the wall, waiting for the cool down stretches, but some of the others kept going.

The third 10 minutes completed we walked back over to the pavilion to begin our stretches.  As we were all gathering up, we noticed some club members turn up to do the usual group runs!  They had not read the emails about the group runs starting at 7:30 today, because of the AGM.  PhysioMike said that he would take them out for a run, so I offered to do the stretches with the beginners.  Well, I may as well get some practise in, I have put my name 'out there' to do the next local LiRF course!  After all, being a leader isn't just all about leading from the front, there is all sorts of positions that a lead can lead from!

Aft this session, I went straight home, a quick shower and then walk up to the AGM, which, as the Jogging Hippo said, finished in record time!, we all adjourned to the pub, to discuss all things runny, including wife carrying, apparently!

Here is the beginners route.

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