Thursday, 14 February 2013

A Taste Of Summer?

Hello blog lovers.

It's Thursday, and I am kid free all day! Very unusual these days, but a nice welcome break! So again I was able to help out with the Thursday improvers group.  These Thursdays sessions came about because some of the group 1 runners wanted extra help to get faster and stronger.  And it is so much more motivating to be running in a group. Although I sometimes do enjoy my solo runs (because I am more inclined to be lenient on myself when I'm alone!)

Kay did a solo run last Sunday, and I was very impressed and surprised that she chose Summer Hill as part of her route. It has taken me, what...... four years to incorporate that particular nasty little nemesis into one of my routes! The thing that impressed me most is that she said the shorter way up (heading towards Bickely) wasn't as bad because it was shorter! To me, way back in my beginning days, that would have been equivalent to Mount Everest! I wouldn't even contemplate even thinking about doing it! And she was tackling it head on. Go Kay!

I still find that hill a struggle, but now that I have run up it twice it will no long hold me in dread! Blimey, I have gone on awol, writing about todays run! So, our route was what we did a couple of weeks ago, through Jubilee park and then up Blackbrook and along Southborough Lane. But our Illustrious Leader, suggested to DiscoRich, (her hubby) that actually do the route in reverse is much more pleasant, as its down hill. Kay immediately backed up IL and so the direction of the run was changed.

Illustrious Leader and I will be going with the slower group, at group 1 pace while DiscoRich will be taking the faster ones out, and also going a slightly different route to what we would be doing! And then we we off. Over the NewShopper bridge on to Southborough Lane. It really is a more pleasant way to run on this road! Everybody was chatting away, and enjoying the sun that was trying to peak out.  Just a little taste of what summer will bring us!

Going up Blackbrook Lane all still running along nicely, no one had stopped yet, but then the faster group had caught us up. Two girls went flying past us and then DiscoRich with two others were trailing. Now these two usually run with us in group 1, and they usually do really well, keeping ahead of the pack, but running at D.R. pace and over a slightly longer route was challenging for them and they decided to finish the rest of the run with us. D.R. had to run fast now to catch up with the faster ladies!

We went across the first of the three bridges, (not that we were planning to go over the other three)  into Little Thrift and then turned right and then right again!.Even I thought that we were going to running straight towards Crossways, but our I.L. had other ideas, and that was to head up to Pettswood again, and then run up Crossways from the other end!

All in all, a very pleasant run. The sun did come out for a short period, and made everyone feel really good!  Summer time can't come quick enough!

Geeky stats.

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