Hello Blog Lovers
Yesterday I had that horrible nasty little affliction veticula-aversion syndrome, or the street name of can't-be-arsed-itus. The horrible outside conditions just didn't do it me, unless it was getting into the car and driving to the local proveyor of all things spicey! Which is what won the day!
But the day today looks very inviting! The sun is shining, the sky is blue, and I just feel more positive about getting out there. Oh, I can't wait for the summer to be here! It's just so much more inviting to be out in the woods, parks and forests running through them! But today, I will settle for a run through the park and then back up the pavements.
Smarty Pants is coming along as well. She is really getting into her running, even thinking about her attire! She has been running in these trousers type of thing, with the hem flapping open around her ankles. All well and good if you want to stand around and look good, but she is realising that streamlined is better, as I said in one of my earlier blogs, she will soon be walking around the LSS with an arm full of lycra and tech tops, clearing out one drawer for all the running gear she will be accumalating, (or is that just me?)
Anyway, we were only going to be running for about 3 miles today, as I have track session later, and Smarty (streamlined) Pants ankle is a little achy, but as its such a gorgeous afternoon it's good to go through the parks. So it was going to be a shortened version of our run that we last done together. Up to Crestview, in through Tentpeg Lane and then through the park. But then we will be turning left onto Blackbrook lane to jog on home from there.
We were chatting as we left and I didn't start my garmin until we were almost a half mile into our run, but that's nothing new with this Old Girl. We were jogging along and I felt sure we were going much faster than my marathon pace, but when I looked it said something like 15.03! What how can that be? I chose not to divulge that little piece of information to S.P. but just keep plodding along, maybe my Garmin was having another hissy fit!
But when we got up to Tentpeg she S.P. asked "Are we going faster than last time?" I looked again at my Garmin, this time it read 13.01 pace, "Erm, no, according to my Garmin we are going slower!" S.P. couldn't believe it. "It's amazing how sometimes a run seems harder to do even though its the same route" And she is right! I think maybe it's the type of 'fuel' you put into your body. Yesterday, I had porridge, and then some bread, and maybe some more cereal in the afternoon, but then had lazy evening, didn't cook anything and went out for a curry, a quite oily greasy curry really, but I still ate it! And today I am feeling the benefits (or not in this case) of that. S.P. also said that she had an eating day yesterday. Hmmm, I think there maybe something in that!
We were just passing the mile mark (from when I started the Garmin that is) and I informed S.P. of this, "Is that all?" she said. But we kept on plodding away. We were running down Blackbrook Lane and I looked at my Garmin just as we were approaching Southborough lane, it said 10.22 pace! Flipping nora! How long had we been running at that pace! I felt as if I hadn't changed my pace at all, but wow! I need to just pull it back at bit....or do I? I am only doing 3 miles, lets just see where this can go.
We were both running side by side, both with our own thoughts, as we ran down Southborough. It's a slight incline to get to the turning that we need. We are on the other side of the road as well, so there is none the added distractions of the familiar land marks, houses, school gates etc to make us, or I should say me, slow or stop running. We ran up to the zebra crossing, that was the only time we had to stop, but we didn't let that get to us as soon as we were on the other side we began running again.
At the roundabout S.P. went one way to her home, and I carried on straight down to mine, I kept the same pace, I was feeling pretty good. I couldn't wait to see what the geeky stats say about this little three miler.
So geeky stats
After just this minute downloading my geeky stats I have come to the conclusion that it really did have some kind of hissy fit! It shows me and S.P. running up elevations more that 119 thousand feet!! Hmmm, I know we found it tough but it wasn't that tough!
Here for amusement only
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