Friday, 11 May 2012

Park 'n' Ride 'n' Run!

Hello bloggers!

For the sake of my long distance readers, I'm not sure if you have the same sort of thing were you live, but here in good Ol' Blighty, we have this thing, especially at Christams time, called Park and Ride, where you drive to a designated place, park your car and the take the bus the rest of the way to the shopping centres.  Just to explain the title of todays blog. It kind of fits in!

The Old boy is on a fishing trip today, and so I won't be going out this evening! Which is just as well as I am doing my clubs Mob Match tomorrow morning at 9:00! Nagging sister is as well, and we have both decided to ride into the park instead of taking the car, or indeed run there! After all, it is a race as well, I dont want to over do things.

The thing is, her bike is at my house, (I'm getting to my exercise bit now, I assure you) as I didn't have to spend hours getting myself looking tottally drop dead gorgeous as I do most Friday nights (no questions or comments from the back please!!) I thought I would ride her bike to her house and then jog home and then cook up a bit of pasta for my dinner!

Her house is only about 2 and half miles away, but riding on her bike was totally pants!! For a start it's totally not set up for me, its the wrong size, its HEAVY, and its just not a cool bike! I decided to take it through all the back streets, I certainly didn't want to be spotted riding on this thing!

I managed to get there, I think I may have been spotted by at least one person, well, its quite difficult to camaflage a bright yellow mountain bike, being sat on by me, a black and orange clad ex couchie!  I couldn't wait to get to nagging sisters house, and then get back home.

It took me about 20 minutes! to get there, for just a 2.79 mile ride. After a quick pit stop, say hi to Nagging Sister and our brother and my gorgeous niece, it was ready for the run back home......ok jog back home. But I do have to save myself, remember, for the park run (There goes that sub title again!) Mob Match!  Setting my Garmin, (of course I took it, it exercise right) I started on the homeward journey, and for some reason, I was feeling quite tired. Oh well, there is only one way to get home now, so I might as well get on with it. I didn't even bring any cash with me to catch a bus if I wanted to.

I did manage to run the whole of the road leading to the first right turn, and that is an up hill road. My heart was pumping well, and I took a short breather at the top. In fact the whole jog home was a jog/walk scenario! My excuse was that I was saving my self, I didn't want to get any injuires, or start up any niggles of pains or aches before tomorrow. I really want to get a pb for park run tomorrow, as well as help my club score points for the mob match.!

So geeky stats, there are two today, first is Ride and second is Run. Oh and just one other reference for todays title, on both the bike ride and the jog home I went through two parks!

and this is my jog back,


  1. "Oh well, there is only one way to get home now," - I use that strategy quite often - I have the wife drop me off someplace from which I have to run home or I run far enough along a loop so that there's no shortcut other than completing the loop.


    1. My Husband has dropped me and my sister off 6 miles away, with no money to get a bus or train home home! That was a good run. apart from dodging the icy bits!
