Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Club Run - What Was That Strange Thing In The Sky

Hello blog lovers.

Ok, so I am going to do the typical British thing and talk about the weather, or at least moan about it. I know we have had the rain, and boy, has it really come down in the last few weeks. But the sun, wow! Back in 'couch potato days' I would have forced my amble bosoms and huge ass into a tiny bikini and fried myself out in the garden, frightening the local wild life to death!

But after keeping myself inside or under an umbrella (we all know the sun is not good for your skin) it was club run time. Now I must tell you, I am doing this ridiculous diet at the moment, I am sure you are not supposed to be doing any exercise with it, I am only doing this for about 4 to five days at the most, and I wont be recommending it to anyone either! It is something I decided to do! But I shall let you know how it goes. It is only day two, and I was hungry when I went running this evening, not only that, but the two miles yesterday, hmmmm, is there any more excuses that I can use for todays run?

Back to club run. Groups all sorted, and it seems the whole of the Pettswood Runners will be running through the woods!  It sounded really good to hear those words, "We will be running through the woods" Again, back in the bad old days of 'couch potato days'  I used to hate the woods. For a start if I was in the woods then I wasn't in the car, and if I was in the woods it was because I was walking! It was some form of exercise back then, and even that became less when we lost our little pooch. 

There were were, all running, and what I had forgotten about, and probably some of the other runners , as well, was that when it's hot then you sweat, you get thirsty, you require water! I had forgotten all of this. The rain has put me in a complacent mood where  the weather is concerned!  Hot days make for a hard run, (especially after a very fast 20 mile bike ride yesterday, which the Old Boy has told me I had a moving time of 1 hour and 35.5 minutes) so I was struggling. I felt my legs were very heavy as we, first, hit the pavements to get to the woods.

My Garmin had lost satellites just before I pushed the start button, there are so many Garmins about at our club, I just didn't notice mine beep at me! I kept checking it, it helped to keep my mind off my sore legs.  We finally got to the road that takes us through the woods. But first there was the two bridges to run over! My watch still hadn't found satellites! All the way down and the up to Botony Bay and Tongs Farm where the first regroup was.

I managed to run most of this, even the hill, and I wasn't the last up it. But from here on up. And from this point, when we reached the top of the hill, that my Garmin kicked in!  I was at the back of the group, and I remained at the back!  We had another bit of running in the woods, a lovely downhill section. Of course the hazards of running through the woods is the woods themselves, the tree roots that grow.  It makes you lift your feet a bit more, but  one of our runners today didn't quite manage it and tripped over. He was ok, nothing hurting, not twisted ankles, just dirty knees!

Just the last bit of pounding pavements to do before we are back to our start point! And I even managed to sprint just the little bit of Cross ways that we had to do.

Geeky stats, with the first mile and a bit missing. But according to Nagging Sisters geeky stats we ran this route in 42 minutes. Yes, she ran with group 1 today, she was 'testing' the ride, run, ride, thing today as we both came along on our bikes!

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