Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Club Run - And the Buzz Is Gait Analysis!

Hello blog lovers.

It was a lovely, lovely evening. All Sundays runners are talking about their time and also the 'gait Analysis' that our Kit Man/physio guy has been sharing with us all. Maybe he is well pleased that there was only 29 runners on Sundays rather wet members only 10k.

But I am pleased to say that there is not much wrong with my gait, apart from heel striking, and my head always with my chin in my boots! So I have some work to do, re train the way I run, and our coach even said about running barefoot, which would help. I didn't tell him that If I am barefoot, on the outside, then I am usually beside a swimming pool, with a long cool drink besides me, soaking up some rays! With not even a thought of walking to get another drink, let along running!

But I digress! Today we ran another hilly route! Why do people want to get me running up hills! But to look on the bright side, it was mainly down hill for the first half, a nice long down hill. But I think maybe I have overdone things, running 10k, then cycling 30 and now running for another 3 and 3/4 miles this evening. but I do enjoy meeting up with my club, so rest day tomorrow. 

My legs were really feeling heavy, and I was at the back most of the time today, but I am out here still, so I think I will pat myself on my back for that at least.  Our first official stop and regroup and our illustrious leader was talking about 'The Mob Match' Its a friendly rivalry thing we have with the other running clubs in the area, and it's in a couple of weeks time. On a Saturday, 9 in the morning, at Normans Park! Usually i am tucked up in bed, nursing my hangover, hoping the OB will bring me a cuppa up to start the re-hydration of my body!  Oops, I digress again. I must be delirious.

Just the road down, loop around the one way system, and then back up via chislehurst road! To the road we have just ran down! We are only going as far as the mini roundabout and then turning left, but I usually stop on the really steep bit and walk some, But today......... I ran up it! Only after swearing at myself, ....oh  by the way, sorry to my two running buddies next to me, for my language,.....I usually do swear at my self when I am by myself running, just to get my ass going again! I turned the corner and there they all were, the rest of the group, just having another regroup! Thank ffff.....flipping Nora for that!

By now my legs were really complaining and really wanted me to stop, but we still have over a mile to do. I kept at the back, well, whats the point of appointing a sweeper if you don't use her, so I had company. In fact I had two sweepers, and both of them ran the VLM this year, in pretty good times, so I was in very good company. By now, everyone in the club knows I have this little sprint thing I do at the end of my runs, but I just didn't think I would be able to do it.

We were on St. Johns road now, not that far from the finish, and my companions were talking about my sprint finish, I didn't say that I might not be able to do it, because I never know myself if the energy is there until it suddenly kicks in. 

By now our illustrious leader came to rescue the two sweepers. But one chose to stay behind, I am sure to make sure that she is not running alone if I do my sprint thing up the road! But now comes the test. Have I been too busy over these last 3 days, is there that little bit of energy left. I cross over the road with Anne and Jonathon behind me, and as soon as we touch into crossways I took off! "Not yet Old Girl" I heard Jonathan say, but my body took over, I started on my sprint, not as fast as I usually go, but definitely a sprint finish!

So my geeky stats for todays run.


  1. Of course I was ina flippant mood tonight doing some gate analysis, I found quite a few attached to the end of people's drive and garden paths.

    I think you deserve a rest after 3 days of big exercise...well done

    1. I did try to Jerry, with just a nice leisurely 9 mile bike ride, complete with drinks and dinner! hows that for resting ;-)
