Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Club Run!

Hello blog lovers.

It seems at the moment, I am only getting one run in a week! And that is with the club. But what a run today! 90% at least through the woods!  Just love the summer!

Nagging Sister didn't turn up today, she was at the XFactor, O2 Areana!  I just hope she is not audisioning herself! She is worse singer than me!  Mr. S was there today, but I hardly recognised him with 'clothes' on. He is tapering, and he came to the club in his 'civvies' He will be running for quite a distance. You can check his run out on his blog page, 'The Magic Forest'  He loves running the ultra stuff.

Anyway, I am digressing again, why I do that I don't know. We were heading into the woods via 'poo ally' and the straight up to the top of the woods! Now so far, I have not managed to run this length of the woods yet, up hill, without a short breather! No matter where I start from. Whether it be a mile away, half a mile, or even from 'poo ally' itself! But today I ran the whole way up, and I was so relieved that our illustrious leader was taking our first break there! "Oh thank you, thank you!" I said, and then the next breath, telling anyone who was listening to me, that I finally made it to the top without stopping!

From here we were going across the top. But our illustious leader was taking the first path on the left. This path is quite tricky running down it. Its full of tree routes. I remember trying to ride down here with Nagging Sister back in 2008! Before I knew about the top path was there. We all managed to get down there with no-one going ass over tit!

There was another hill to contend with, but I failed to keep on running up there!  Our illustrious leader did mention before we entered the woods that depending on how we all looked, she will take us up Birchwood and back down again. on the other side. I wasn't quite sure, as was one of two others, of what she meant. But when I saw her pointing to a path in the woods then I knew where she was heading! Along side the railtracks until we pop out of the woods near the new bridge.

Then its back dow Birchwood Road! "As fast or as slow as you like" says our illustrious leader.

I still had a little bit for a sprint. I started a little ealier than I last time we came down Birchwood, I was just hoping there were no cars coming up the road as I was feeling like I could push it a little bit more.

Run done. Garmin stopped. And I felt, ok! Even on this silly diet, which by the way, I failed to stick with it last week, which is why I am attempting it again. So far so good!

Geeky stats.

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Club Run - What Was That Strange Thing In The Sky

Hello blog lovers.

Ok, so I am going to do the typical British thing and talk about the weather, or at least moan about it. I know we have had the rain, and boy, has it really come down in the last few weeks. But the sun, wow! Back in 'couch potato days' I would have forced my amble bosoms and huge ass into a tiny bikini and fried myself out in the garden, frightening the local wild life to death!

But after keeping myself inside or under an umbrella (we all know the sun is not good for your skin) it was club run time. Now I must tell you, I am doing this ridiculous diet at the moment, I am sure you are not supposed to be doing any exercise with it, I am only doing this for about 4 to five days at the most, and I wont be recommending it to anyone either! It is something I decided to do! But I shall let you know how it goes. It is only day two, and I was hungry when I went running this evening, not only that, but the two miles yesterday, hmmmm, is there any more excuses that I can use for todays run?

Back to club run. Groups all sorted, and it seems the whole of the Pettswood Runners will be running through the woods!  It sounded really good to hear those words, "We will be running through the woods" Again, back in the bad old days of 'couch potato days'  I used to hate the woods. For a start if I was in the woods then I wasn't in the car, and if I was in the woods it was because I was walking! It was some form of exercise back then, and even that became less when we lost our little pooch. 

There were were, all running, and what I had forgotten about, and probably some of the other runners , as well, was that when it's hot then you sweat, you get thirsty, you require water! I had forgotten all of this. The rain has put me in a complacent mood where  the weather is concerned!  Hot days make for a hard run, (especially after a very fast 20 mile bike ride yesterday, which the Old Boy has told me I had a moving time of 1 hour and 35.5 minutes) so I was struggling. I felt my legs were very heavy as we, first, hit the pavements to get to the woods.

My Garmin had lost satellites just before I pushed the start button, there are so many Garmins about at our club, I just didn't notice mine beep at me! I kept checking it, it helped to keep my mind off my sore legs.  We finally got to the road that takes us through the woods. But first there was the two bridges to run over! My watch still hadn't found satellites! All the way down and the up to Botony Bay and Tongs Farm where the first regroup was.

I managed to run most of this, even the hill, and I wasn't the last up it. But from here on up. And from this point, when we reached the top of the hill, that my Garmin kicked in!  I was at the back of the group, and I remained at the back!  We had another bit of running in the woods, a lovely downhill section. Of course the hazards of running through the woods is the woods themselves, the tree roots that grow.  It makes you lift your feet a bit more, but  one of our runners today didn't quite manage it and tripped over. He was ok, nothing hurting, not twisted ankles, just dirty knees!

Just the last bit of pounding pavements to do before we are back to our start point! And I even managed to sprint just the little bit of Cross ways that we had to do.

Geeky stats, with the first mile and a bit missing. But according to Nagging Sisters geeky stats we ran this route in 42 minutes. Yes, she ran with group 1 today, she was 'testing' the ride, run, ride, thing today as we both came along on our bikes!

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Club Run - AGM And Celebrations!

Hello blog lovers.

As it was the AGM we were all meeting up earlier for our group runs. But about 6:30 in the evening the rains came again! Will it ever stop raining!! The mere mention of a drought and hose pipe ban then the heavens opened! And It just hasn't stopped!  It's a wonder we have so many running clubs really, in this country. Our weather can be so very demoralising.  I even rang Nagging Sister to try and get her to talk us out of it, but she more or less said, "Get you fat ass out there and run woman!"

Sigh!! So here I am blogging again, so you know her quick rant on the phone worked!  I really wasn't in the mood, but when she arrived to pick me up, the rain had stopped! Maybe it will be a good day after all.

Our Illustrious leader was busy preparing the hall for the AGM so she left her husband in charge of group 1. We set off, out the other gate for a change, with a destination of Crofton Heath! That's up hill, but it is all down hill on the way back, just when I need it!  It started raining, again, and the thought popped into my mind, again, "Why am I doing this", it has to look totally ludicrous to those who have never jogged or ran before! A group of people, all sizes, all ages, all abilities leaving Willet Way Rec, running, for fun!

I'm here now, and I will just get on with it. I checked out my Garmin and saw that our leader today was running slighter faster than our Illustrious leader would go, but I thought maybe this will be a good thing, the sooner we finish, the soon we get to the AGM and the soon to ....... celebrate and welcome new committee members!

He took us a slightly different way than his wife normally takes, he took us through the park. Now to get to the path that takes us to the road to run back on, we have to go through just the edge of the woods! You remember I told you it was raining, In fact it has been raining since 1948!, and it is still raining now! You can imagine the muddy path and puddles that we were splashing through then.  I was desperately trying not to fall over, I didn't fancy a mudpack around my back side, not this evening, not when we have things to do after! Mind you, are mud baths supposed to be good for you!

"I saw some nice white trainers" Said our leader "And now we all look the same, lets carry on, and I promise there are no more muddy paths" Ah, that was his game! He still has the mob match on his mind, where, indeed, we did look pretty awesome all looking the same!

At the top of the path, for those wanted to, can do the little loop around, and for those who wanted to, can stand and stretch out, or do some other sort of training thingy, (I must find out what is the best thing to do if we do not do the little loopy bit!) but I guess standing around and just bouncing on the spot is probably not the thing.  When we saw the others coming back, (yes I stayed behind) then we just carried on, they didn't stop, it was just heading back now, all that lovely down hill section.

Do you remember I told you that our leader said there would be no more muddy paths, well he had forgotten the tiny little bit that we had to take, just to add extra muddiness on our shoes, before we started pounding the pavements again.

I stayed up with the leaders for some of the way, but I soon flagged again. I no I am getting fitter and faster, I just want to know when it starts to get easier! Some days there are runs that you just fly by, you get into the zone and the miles just pass by, and there are other days where doing .5 of a mile and you are looking to see how far to the end!

I was so pleased to see the last stretch of road. My sprinting bit. I am not even going to ask my self, "do you have it in you to sprint Old Girl" because this has become my thing! My thing that I do, whether its a 5k or a 10k or, well who knows how far I can run yet, but I will push myself to sprint, always the last few metres!

My geeky stats

Sunday, 13 May 2012

Mob Match AT 9 AM!

Hello bloggers,

Sorry for late delay in blogging, but I have been very busy, with cycling and more cycling!

But this is Park Run, a mob match between my running club Pettswood runners and Beckenham Running club! Now we do always have a great affection for mob matches, and we normally do try and turn out as many runners as we can. Last we beat them on the whole who has the most runners out in the fieled! It was usually us!

Was yesterday any different! No! We definitely won on the numbers game, I'm just not sure if we won anything else, I am sure there are some Pettswood runners who are reading this that can add some comments to let you all know!

This is my first park run in quite a while, the add 'fun' of the mob match only added to my......excitement! (read as nervousness) as I really wanted to do well. All the hard work I have been doing in the running and cycling, I just wanted it to show in this timed official event! Even by just a few seconds, I wanted to beat my time for the last time I ran this!

I cycled to Norman Park and met Nagging sister at the entrance, she rode her jalopy of a bike that I had dropped off to her the day before. After saying hello to the other PWR's we made our way to the start.  I always like to start from behind. I have decided that I would rather try to pass people than to have them fly past me.

As the count down started I could feel the tension, then it was GO. We all set off, I kept at the back as planned, even though there were a few others behind me. Then I noticed the 30 min pace, with her bright yellow jacket on, I thought I would be able to keep up with her. She was running along chatting to her friend. I was very naive, thinking that as her and her friend looked ......erm.....a bit older than me, I thought I could keep up! Silly mare. I should realise by now, all sorts of ages, all sorts of size from all walks of life can still beat the hell out of me on a 5k course. Whether they are 12 to 120 years old! Its just what you put into doing what you love that you can get the best out of yourself. So, I paced myself again. I kept looking at my watch, the first half mile running at 9. something minute miling. Do I slow down, or do just carry on until I feel I cant run anymore and need a quick walking break. Arggghhh decisions! I decided to just run my own 5k, with a view of beating my last park run time.

The first lap went fine. As usual, seeing all the front runners, racing past as I am still nearly finishing the first lap is quite demoralising. But I said to my self, "Being here has helped boost the PWR's numbers game!" which was consolation enough.  The second lap I felt a bit more relaxed. The pressure off myself, for now, as I kept on running, with the occasional stop, just as we do on a Tuesday night club run, but its a fast walking stop, and not a regrouping stop!

It felt good to be running down the last long straight, being encouraged not only but my own fellow PWR's but by the Beckehham runners, and just all the other park runners!! Runners/cyclists really are the nicest people!

Just the last tiny bit, up towards the tunnel, to get my token and to register my time. The sprinting starts now, I put on a bit of speed, puffing and panting, pushing hard, PWR's urging me on, other park runners saying "Go on Pettswood, nearly there" totally focused on the tunnel. "Please let it be a PB, please let it be a PB!"

Through the tunnel, turn of my garmin! Done! I turn off my Garmin!

My geeky stats for my Mob Match. Check out my Cycling blog for the second half of my exercise today.

P.s, by the way, it's official, I did reach a PB on this course! I beat my record by 58 seconds! Official Park run time was 33.53

Friday, 11 May 2012

Park 'n' Ride 'n' Run!

Hello bloggers!

For the sake of my long distance readers, I'm not sure if you have the same sort of thing were you live, but here in good Ol' Blighty, we have this thing, especially at Christams time, called Park and Ride, where you drive to a designated place, park your car and the take the bus the rest of the way to the shopping centres.  Just to explain the title of todays blog. It kind of fits in!

The Old boy is on a fishing trip today, and so I won't be going out this evening! Which is just as well as I am doing my clubs Mob Match tomorrow morning at 9:00! Nagging sister is as well, and we have both decided to ride into the park instead of taking the car, or indeed run there! After all, it is a race as well, I dont want to over do things.

The thing is, her bike is at my house, (I'm getting to my exercise bit now, I assure you) as I didn't have to spend hours getting myself looking tottally drop dead gorgeous as I do most Friday nights (no questions or comments from the back please!!) I thought I would ride her bike to her house and then jog home and then cook up a bit of pasta for my dinner!

Her house is only about 2 and half miles away, but riding on her bike was totally pants!! For a start it's totally not set up for me, its the wrong size, its HEAVY, and its just not a cool bike! I decided to take it through all the back streets, I certainly didn't want to be spotted riding on this thing!

I managed to get there, I think I may have been spotted by at least one person, well, its quite difficult to camaflage a bright yellow mountain bike, being sat on by me, a black and orange clad ex couchie!  I couldn't wait to get to nagging sisters house, and then get back home.

It took me about 20 minutes! to get there, for just a 2.79 mile ride. After a quick pit stop, say hi to Nagging Sister and our brother and my gorgeous niece, it was ready for the run back home......ok jog back home. But I do have to save myself, remember, for the park run (There goes that sub title again!) Mob Match!  Setting my Garmin, (of course I took it, it exercise right) I started on the homeward journey, and for some reason, I was feeling quite tired. Oh well, there is only one way to get home now, so I might as well get on with it. I didn't even bring any cash with me to catch a bus if I wanted to.

I did manage to run the whole of the road leading to the first right turn, and that is an up hill road. My heart was pumping well, and I took a short breather at the top. In fact the whole jog home was a jog/walk scenario! My excuse was that I was saving my self, I didn't want to get any injuires, or start up any niggles of pains or aches before tomorrow. I really want to get a pb for park run tomorrow, as well as help my club score points for the mob match.!

So geeky stats, there are two today, first is Ride and second is Run. Oh and just one other reference for todays title, on both the bike ride and the jog home I went through two parks!

and this is my jog back,

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Club Run!

Hello blog lovers.

It's Tuesday evening, it's still light outside and the rain has stopped!  Perfect for running. I just wished my head was. I was feeling a little lazy today, and it wouldn't have taken much persuasion from anybody for me to stay indoors! But that is not the attitude I want to have anymore. I must be determined, and always up for a run, no matter what! (So I keep on telling myself!)

By the time Nagging Sister had picked me up and we were heading for the club house, I had my running head on, and my determination to do really quite well, and try and try not do stop, unofficially that is, before we stopped for the regroup. After the usual group calls and the necessary notices, (i.e. Mob Match on Saturday, be there!, but said in a very nice way!) we were ready for the off.

Nagging Sister was joining me in group 1 today, after running an 8 miler yesterday, she was just wanting a stretch of the legs today. We were going to be doing a route which I quite like, it has a very gentle up hill as we go through twiddly bits of road, and the return leg is a down hill straight road, of course my fav kind of running.

I was feeling ok today, my knees were complaining a bit, and I also tried to concentrate on my gait, the way I run. Trying not to run with my heels landing first. It's quite hard to do, I kept on forgetting. But I did feel as if I could go faster, in fact that I should go faster, but I kept the same pace, concentrating on the way my feet land.

I did flag a bit before the official stops, and I was behind the group giving the sweepers reason for being there. I felt sure I ran more than I usually did though, could it be the way I was running, or could it be that I was just feeling I need to get home now, so lets get this done quick!

I still had a bit for my, now, legendary sprint finish and I even pushed it through the whole,  'You're gonna throw up if you don't stop NOW' just to see if do actually throw up. I would have hovered over a drain, to be polite, if I actually did chuck up chunks!, its only right really.

Anyway my geeky stats for you perusal.

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Club Run - And the Buzz Is Gait Analysis!

Hello blog lovers.

It was a lovely, lovely evening. All Sundays runners are talking about their time and also the 'gait Analysis' that our Kit Man/physio guy has been sharing with us all. Maybe he is well pleased that there was only 29 runners on Sundays rather wet members only 10k.

But I am pleased to say that there is not much wrong with my gait, apart from heel striking, and my head always with my chin in my boots! So I have some work to do, re train the way I run, and our coach even said about running barefoot, which would help. I didn't tell him that If I am barefoot, on the outside, then I am usually beside a swimming pool, with a long cool drink besides me, soaking up some rays! With not even a thought of walking to get another drink, let along running!

But I digress! Today we ran another hilly route! Why do people want to get me running up hills! But to look on the bright side, it was mainly down hill for the first half, a nice long down hill. But I think maybe I have overdone things, running 10k, then cycling 30 and now running for another 3 and 3/4 miles this evening. but I do enjoy meeting up with my club, so rest day tomorrow. 

My legs were really feeling heavy, and I was at the back most of the time today, but I am out here still, so I think I will pat myself on my back for that at least.  Our first official stop and regroup and our illustrious leader was talking about 'The Mob Match' Its a friendly rivalry thing we have with the other running clubs in the area, and it's in a couple of weeks time. On a Saturday, 9 in the morning, at Normans Park! Usually i am tucked up in bed, nursing my hangover, hoping the OB will bring me a cuppa up to start the re-hydration of my body!  Oops, I digress again. I must be delirious.

Just the road down, loop around the one way system, and then back up via chislehurst road! To the road we have just ran down! We are only going as far as the mini roundabout and then turning left, but I usually stop on the really steep bit and walk some, But today......... I ran up it! Only after swearing at myself, ....oh  by the way, sorry to my two running buddies next to me, for my language,.....I usually do swear at my self when I am by myself running, just to get my ass going again! I turned the corner and there they all were, the rest of the group, just having another regroup! Thank ffff.....flipping Nora for that!

By now my legs were really complaining and really wanted me to stop, but we still have over a mile to do. I kept at the back, well, whats the point of appointing a sweeper if you don't use her, so I had company. In fact I had two sweepers, and both of them ran the VLM this year, in pretty good times, so I was in very good company. By now, everyone in the club knows I have this little sprint thing I do at the end of my runs, but I just didn't think I would be able to do it.

We were on St. Johns road now, not that far from the finish, and my companions were talking about my sprint finish, I didn't say that I might not be able to do it, because I never know myself if the energy is there until it suddenly kicks in. 

By now our illustrious leader came to rescue the two sweepers. But one chose to stay behind, I am sure to make sure that she is not running alone if I do my sprint thing up the road! But now comes the test. Have I been too busy over these last 3 days, is there that little bit of energy left. I cross over the road with Anne and Jonathon behind me, and as soon as we touch into crossways I took off! "Not yet Old Girl" I heard Jonathan say, but my body took over, I started on my sprint, not as fast as I usually go, but definitely a sprint finish!

So my geeky stats for todays run.