Hello Bloggees.
Can you believe its been a whole week since I last put on my running shoes!? I am slacking! But at least I am not completely lazy and and vegging out, the bike does get an airing during the week.
But today, I really struggled..........to get the motivation to go out! It was cold, and dark, and wet and windy! I really didn't have anything to get me out of my chair. I even put a pathetic appeal out the club's FaceBook page! But, then, the Old Boy had said he was going to go out on his bike, he called me a wimp for even thinking of not going out! That was it! I decided I will go, after all, what will happen if I get wet!! Melt!
I got all my gear on, the Old boy still laying on the sofa. I expect he will go when he is ready. I got to the club early, so I sat in my nice warm car, and I could feel that old couch potato wanting to keep me in the nice warm car. But I had come this far. The rain had stopped sometime ago, and even the wind seems to have gone, so there was no excuses left, well apart from the cold and the dark!
There were quite a few people who have turned up. And even the newbies were all keen and ready to run. After the announcements we all found our group leaders and headed off. Our route was a figure of eight style, which took us pass the road where we meet up, not just once but twice. And the second time we actually run past the rec, past where I park my car! Yet we still had another mile to run!
I was quite impressed with myself, for the first big loop I ran non stop up at the front of the pack, and even was in the lead 'role' for a short period! Our illustrious leader even said "If you get too far ahead, Old Girl, we are going to have a stop up near the memorial hall" I knew that I wouldn't be the first to get there, but now there was this thought in my head! Could I actually get there first> I was looking up towards the hill that we had to climb, and I started to think "Well go for it Old girl, see if you can get their first" I tried, but the hill just got to me, and I slowed down.
But I was still quite proud of myself for keep up. I wasn't the last one any more, thanks to the newbies, who will soon be overtake me anyway! But getting this far non stop running, was pretty good going for me,
Now came the time where we had to head down the road where we all met up in the rec. It was pretty tough going to pass it on by. Mentally it was quite a struggle, and mentally, knowing where we are heading was pretty tough going too. I know the hill that we are going to run up, one because I just know this road, and two, (if I didn't' know it,) we had ran down it earlier!
going back up the road that we had run down I really did try to keep going, but I took a couple of walking stops, and was encouraged by the other guys to keep going, nearly there.
Going down the hill again felt fan - blooming - tastic! I love running down hill, knowing that the energy levels were dropping now. And it gives me such a much needed boost as well.
The last road up to the club, the road that I take to get to the club, the road that we have already ran up this evening, felt terrific! I was looking forward to getting home. I still had a little extra for a sprint finish. I love that sprint finish. I felt great running today! Yes that's right, I felt great while running today!
I am glad I went out today, I am glad that I found that tiny bit of motivation to get on out....The Old Boy didn't go out! He wasn't feeling to well!
Here is the geeky stats
Club Run by moosh001 at Garmin Connect - Details
I am loving running. I can say that with almost true conviction. After all, if I didn't love it, then I wouldn't still be writing this blog, right? So dive in, enjoy the ramblings of my open diary.
Tuesday, 29 November 2011
Tuesday, 22 November 2011
Club Run! - Remembering My Mum, My Inspiration.

Hello Blog lovers.
Today we saw our group 1 swell in ranks as new members came along to check out what all this club running is all about. Some of these new comers have only been running for the last nine weeks! I felt under pressure to look good and run well. Most of them were tons younger than me (she says digging into the old excuse book again) so of course they were going to be a lot stronger, fitter and faster than me! I really felt that I had to push myself tons harder than usual. But I ran how I normally do, but with maybe just a tad bit more. I'm sure it doesn't look good when I tell people I have been coming for a year, I didn't want to look as if I had only just started running last night!!
It was a boozy weekend, we were celebrating my sister and her daughter swinging down ropes from Battersea Power station on Sunday, and also we were remembering my mum, my inspiration for all this running and cycling and keeping fit. Still find it very difficult to thing that it was 4 years ago that mum left us, taken by the wind. So, I had a lot of extra pushing that I needed to do, I haven't actually ran since last Sunday! but I have been going cycling. I just haven't blogged it! Yesterdays ride was a very leisurely 10 miler, but at a very social 2 and half hours! So punishment time, work up a little bit more of a sweat! Get my ass back on track.
Our leader today was Richard, our illustrious leader Ann's husband. (I have to start thinking of nick names again.) Anne was being sweeper today, and I was thinking that I would be keeping her company this evening. He was being very gentle on the group, even though the route today was a tad over what the new comers we expecting, but it is what we in group 1 have come to expect. And generally we are all totally thrilled with what we achieved, even the the next day or two we are sore. Mind you, these days I am not aching, but please don't tell group 1 leaders, they might suggest I move to group 2!
I was pleasantly surprised that I wasn't at the back keeping Ann company, I wasn't in the front either, but still, it was good not to be back stop today. I was well and truly wrapped up tonight. My house at the moment is like a ice box, blooming boiler on the blink, and I just presumed it was fairly chilly outside. But of course running along I soon warmed up! I had om more layers than an onion, and I slowly peeled off two layers by the time I got back!
It was a great run, but I seem to always say that now days, I am enjoying my running! I was speaking to one of the newbies as we ran and she said 'the only time that I like the running is when I stop' I can relate to that, I really can. It wasn't that long ago that I felt exactly the same. Even now, occasionally, when I am running, I sometimes wish there was some other easier way to get fit! But then most times I find that I really am enjoying the running! Not just the end, not just seeing the finish line, but the half way point, maybe just a few steps into the run. I find that totally amazing! Me, Old Mrs Couchy! Loving running!
Yes, today was a great run!
Geeky stats,
Club Run by moosh001 at Garmin Connect - Details
And I am going to add a video that I did back in 2010, to help raise money for Cancer Research.
Tuesday, 15 November 2011
Tuesday Club Run

Hello blog lovers.
Feeling good again, I went for my run with the club. It was cold out, but I know from experience that I will warm up. But I decided to wear my brightly coloured cycling jacket. Its good to be seen in the dark. Especially with my reputation of falling off and over things!
So after the notices given and the group routes sorted, we were off. Our illustrious leader is well and truly back in control. We had one newbie today, and she fitted in really well.
Only one probably today, and that was me and my scatter brainess, I didn't start my Garmin off! I thought I had, but it's just so dark I didn't really see to check it was going, I thought I had heard the bleep as I set it. But it could have been someone elses. Oh well. At lease I know exactly how far we had ran before I noticed it hadn't started. We had run exactly a mile. Mr.Kit man had some geeky stats going, and also, I remember running this bit before with one of the other run leaders!
So Garmin eventually started we continued on our way. It was a good run, but we were getting stretched out a bit so we had a pause just after the twiddly as our leader calls it, she also said "If you want to run around or up to the end of this road and back again, then do so, while we wait" A very nice offer I thought, but no one took her up on it. What a lazy bunch we are! Maybe next time I will do the extra bits. Have I said that before?
The route home was pleasant, no little inclines to speak of. And it was just a pleasant run. I had the little bit extra left over for a sprint finish back to the pavilion. Again I'm not sure where it came from, I just must be one of those fast finishers. mind you, I didn't do any 10 min/mil or faster today. Maybe my endurance is slowly building up after all this time.
Back at the Pavilion one of our club members is a newly qualified fitness instructor and she gave us some stretches to do. I did need that! My poor bruises!!
Geek stats, but don't forget to add a mile (and 14 mins, but that was with the catch up and breather stop)
Club Run by moosh001 at Garmin Connect - Details
Sunday, 13 November 2011
A Gorgeous Sunday Morning!

Hello blogees.
This morning me and Hitchy decided on an early run, before I had church. Now, bearing in mind I had had a lovely meal in a great restaurant last night, I wasn't expected anything to great from myself. And that is exactly what I got. (Excuse #201)
But I was up and ready, and Hitchy turned up at my house dead on 8:30 this morning. She was looking fetching in her running gear, but she also brought her car, but we won't mention that!
We wanted to do about 4 miles or so, so I kind of guessed a route that would take us about 4 miles, with a little bit of parks with paths but mainly roads. As soon as the cold weather kicks in we can hit the woods again. My Goodness, can you just believe I wrote that down, running in the cold. Oh yes, a true runner now!
We didn't push it, as my Thai curry was still a delightful clear memory in my tummy. (excuse #7, ? I think)We got to our first mile in just under 11 mins, and after that we (well, I) got slower. Like I said, I wasn't going out to win races, this was a longer route, with as much running involved as my poor bruised little legs could do.
We got to Blackbrook lane, but not at the place I thought. I should have ran up to the next right turn. I could quite easily be tempted to turn right and go through the park, but I stuck to the plan that was in my head and we turned left to go to the road that goes through Jubilee park.
We were not far off now. Not far to go at all. When we ran down Top Oxhawth though, Hitchy was thinking about running back to her house, but then I reminded her that her car was packed outside mine!
A great run though, albeit slow, but sometimes thats exactly what is needed.
Geeky stats for you.
Sunday, 6 November 2011
Running! On A Sunday!?

Hello Blog lovers.
I know, its Sunday, and no, its not an early morning run, or late afternoon run. Its a middle of the morning run! Guess who did not go to church today! But I know, through reading the bible He, Himself, did some .....un orthodox things, ..... picking food to eat for Him and His mates, and ...... would you believe making people better on days that you were not allowed to do anything!
So today, running through the woods, looking, enjoying, running, smelling and totally emersing one self in His glorious makings, was just fantastic! I decided from the start, because of (reason #121, Old Girls excuse book) I had exercised the day before, i.e. riding up to Downe Village (pint of lager! to recuperate) I wasn't go to go full out. And besides, Hitchy, was coming along, and she said that she hadn't ran for two weeks (reason #12 or whatever in old girls book) then I was going to 'keep her company! If only that were true.
Hitchy has come a long, long way in her running, she is ten years younger than me or more (reason #1, I think) so there was not way that I, in anyway, shape or form, was keeping her company! It was definitely the other way around.
I was looking forward to this run, not only just to get out and run through the woods, which I really love to do now days, but for the fact I can get another gong for my efforts! Ok, so my running club is very much into 'waste not, want not' and we had some 'spare medals' to share. I was also looking forward to the geeky stats, just to see if I had improved or not, since August. And guess what?, go on guess! I had improved. Not only did we start from the park, probably about 270 metres extra, but I was a whole 2 minutes quicker!
I was so pleased when I compared my two times on this route! Even though I moaned and groaned all the way round "This is supposed to be fun!" Hitchy had said to me. And it really is fun, I really do enjoy my running........after I had done the route of course, but I still enjoy my running! I miss it when I am not running, therefore, I enjoy running, just makes sense to me!
But looking at all the woods this time of year, don't it just fill your heart with wonder at what God had made! The colours of the leaves on the trees, the golder carpet that us runners are running on, the freshness of the air through the woods, the smells, the sounds, .....the silence! wow! Loving it, moaning at my slowness of course, but here I am enjoying everything.
Then its the road again! Popping out of the woods and up Barfield road, I know this road, boy do I know this road, its up hill, coming from this way, of course, and I virtually know every stone on this road, through running down here with the OB!
Still, its not far now, and I am feeling.......ok...ish! Hitchy is doing her thing! She could so easily have just took off and left me eating her dust, but here she is 'serpentine' her way through the course, running backwards, looking as if she is out for a Sunday morning stroll! Thankfully she is here because she just wants to get out and run. She loves running with people, in fact, if it wasn't for her job she would be a PWR! Darn the need for cash to live!!!!
Anyway, to top off the whole fantastic day, we had a great social time after in the local, and the I came home and had a fantastic time with my kids and grandson, and a small box of fireworks! A Brilliant fantastic day!
Geeky stats for you and I have put up the comparison page as well, clever init!
Comparison page
And todays run
Not a Mob Match! by moosh001 at Garmin Connect - Details
Tuesday, 1 November 2011
Club Run - A Great Run!

Hello Blog lovers
It was club run today, and it was great to have our usual group 1 leader back with us. Welcome back! We also had a couple more newbies and even 'Crazy Fool' was back with us. Fantastic. I can only assume Christmas is around the corner and everybody is looking forward to getting into that little black dress, although Crazy Fool best stick to his suit!
I was hoping it was going to be a nice easier run that it has been since our illustrious leader has been recuperating, and I wasn't disappointed! Although when she mentioned 'little twiddly bits' of road just so that we wouldn't notice the 'up hill-ness' (a new word that I have just invented!) of that particular section, then I knew she was definitely back in control and wasn't going to let us off any hard work this evening.
We started off and it was just a nice easy pace, you can see from the geeky stats at the bottom, but it was nice getting to know the newbies and catching up with 'Crazy Fool'. With the other leaders leading I found I could just about string to words together to talk to others when running! Or of course, it could be that I am just getting fitter! Mmmm, what do you reckon?
I wasn't even at the back this time, just kept it going at the front end for a change! It was lovely. We were soon on to the 'Twiddly bits' that our illustrious leader mentioned, quietly under her breath. And yes there was hills, but I even found these, dare I say it, just very nicely paced for me. But I know, I am still not ready to move it up to group 1.5 just yet.
I was talking to one of the newbies at the front for a while, and I decided to talk to the other newbie who was running along with sweeper, to give her some support and encouragement.
Towards the end of the run the last little bit of road me and 'Crazy Fool' decided to sprint the last bit. I don't know where I found the energy from, but I sprinted as fast as I could, I had been hastening my pace for a few metres before anyway, doing a tiny bit of interval running, but now I was going to finish in style! In really fast paced style! I don't think I have ever ran that fast before in my life! But boy did it feel good to have all that energy at the end of a club run.......in fact any run that I have done before! Check the geeky stats to see how fast my last bit was! Even I was amazed at my speed!
So, here are those geeky stats for your perusal
Club Run by moosh001 at Garmin Connect - Details
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