Hello Bloggers,
Second day out for my new shoes! And, apparently, all the cool people are in pink asics.
I was still feeling a little fatigued after yesterdays run with the Old Boy, but usually our club runs are a little more relaxed pace, a kind of recovery run (I think that is what all the really fit people call them) So after saying 'Hi' to all my running mates, we were told by our group leaders where we are going to be running.
Then we was off. Up hill to start with, just what you need after a nigh on five mile the day before! But then it was going to be flat for a while, so not so bad really. As we went through Jubilee Park though, our illustrious leader wasn't feeling too well. So she went back. The rest of us carried on. But you could sure notice that she wasn't leading! Get well soon, Group 1 leader!
We re-grouped again at the end of the road, and chatted about were we should run. Whether it should be turn left now and then left again to go up Southborough from them, or whether to go straight across and then turn left and left again at the end of that road. We were all in agreement. Straight over. It will add an extra half mile, but what the heck.
So that's what we did. The group was still running at a faster pace than our group usually run, but we re grouped again at the round about before heading off towards Southborough Lane. And the just before running up there we had one last regroup. It was fairly straight forward from here, so the stand in group leader said to run it however we felt, and to meet up again at the pavilion.
The group stretched out further and further, I was at the back with a couple of other ladies, and me and another lady were running at the same pace. We kept each other going. There was still people behind us, which we were still pulling away from, but we wasn't gaining on the main group. We had our pace going on and we were keeping each other going. Up the steepest part of the hill was a test though. "Come on, run all the way to the crest, just to the crossing bit" I said to my run buddy. She slowed to walking pace, just before we got there, "Come on, you can do it" I said, as all the fibres of my muscles just started to hurt me, and she started to run again. I was really looking forward to easing back on the pace!
By this time, however, the main group was nowhere to be seen, and so was the ones at the back. We had become a group of 2! We ran across the walking bridge, and decided to turn left here, as it was all down hill to the pavilion. And besides, I didn't quite know which way the others went, and my run buddy knew the way from here to the pavilion, I only know it by going down towards the church and then turning left. And that seemed such a long way!
We got back to the pavilion by doing the slightly shorter route. My run buddy then informed me that the people behind us included her friend! and she had to wait for her. We thought maybe they had got lost, but they came back, and I might add, they came in the longer way. It was only just a tenth of a mile difference, mind!!
Geeky stats for you
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