Well, its here. Race For Life Day. And its raining. There are only 4 of us running today, and big son giving all the support from the side lines. My thoughts are with mum, the reason why I, personally, am here, and with my two nieces, who were being baptised today. Not just a christening, but their own personal testimony, and proclamation of their love of Jesus! Torn between already taking sponsorship, and watching them! But the family were being well represented there, and I was praying for all of them!
I got up this morning, head thumping like anything, but I tried to ignore that and just get on with things that needed to be done. Tickets sorted out, keys, number pinned on back, little message written, nose blown, hair tied, money (for celebratory drinks after) Anything else?
The one thing I did forget was my camera! But between us we had Iphones and camera phones to take a few pics, which will be at the bottom of today's blog. We all met up in time to by tickets for the kids and lucozade for big son! (just to keep him awake) So all photos will be downloaded from phones and Iphones!
It was raining! It was chilly and cold and wet! When we left for the station there was just a little 'dampness' in the air, but I carrie on in just tee shirt and leggings, in the belief that it will be a bright morning! Boy was I wrong!
We got to London bridge, and the rain was really coming down Gee suggesting that we walk to the start area, at Bank. I had other ideas, take the tube!! Still holding out hope that it will stop raining!
No such luck. Big son gave me his jacket while we waited to do the warm ups, what a little gent he is! Here is a pic of me and Gee's daughter, not looking too impressed, especially as me, Happy neighbour and her mum had been dancing to the tunes before hand,

But it was soon time to get going. My cold was threaten to put a dampener of things, just like the weather, but I was determined to run for as long as I could and as fast as I could, ignore the cold, ignore by coughing fits, ignore the headache! Sound advice I think!
We all started off together, getting through the barrier about 1.08 minutes after the clock started. My Garmin, although I switched it on about 3 minutes before hand so that it could locate satellites, was still looking for them! Either it was the rain and rain clouds that it couldn't get through or the satellites find it very difficult to pinpoint my tiny watch in the big City of London!!
We chatted for the first half kilometre, I was still trying to find satellites on my Garmin, but then I just had to take off, I weaved through some of the joggers, the ruuners already ahead of us, and it felt pretty good to be over taking people.
I was enjoying the whole thing, in spite of the weather trying to bring us down, and in spite of colds and flu virus trying to bring us down, and inspire of satellites refusing to find us on the streets of London!
I had to wipe my glasses clear of rain, but as I did the glass popped out! Is there anything eles that possibly happen to try and bring me to a stop and quit this race! Well its not going to happen. I ran and ran, and when I needed to I walked, I even stopped at one point, to try and locate satellites, but it didn't happen.
There was one magical moment on the run today, and I remembered it from last year, it was the bells of St. Pauls ringing out, I took a picture of St. Pauls, just so that I can go back to that moment when I look at this picture.

My Garmin found satellites when I was about half way round the course, so I shall up load and see where it found me! I really wanted it for the whole route, so that I could look around the streets where I ran. My sense of direction and my memory is useless, and when people say where about did you run at least I could have looked at my geeky stats and said.
But still half of it is better than none at all.
So a couple more pics and my geeky stats. Oh yes, and I finished in first place out the our little group this year! I came in when the clock said 37.01, minus 1.08 mins makes it 36.53! Not bad for someone suffering a cold.

Me 36:53
Gee's daughter 40:00
Happy Neighbour 40.....something will have to check
Gee 46:00
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