Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Club Run And Birthday Drinkies!

Hello bloggees.

Well after Sundays run and today's 15 mile bike ride, I thought I was ready for my club run. Boy was I wrong! Maybe its because I have over done it, but I want, and need to be ready for Sundays L2B.

When we got there, we were invited to the pub after to celebrate one of the other members birthday. I shall see, after all I do have my car with me! But on the run I thought, I could do with a nice pint of the amber nectar, and that thought kept my spirits up. Pity it didn't keep my body for hurting me!

We were doing about 11 minutes miles, but to start off with my Garmin was showing 10.30 min miles. My lungs thought there were being attacked! They started rebelling and chucking up their own ammunition! My lungs were hurting me!! Then the stitch arrived, half way round our route. And the most awful stitch as well. But that could quite easily been my fault, for tasting dinner as I was cooking it. I know I should not eat before a run, especially curry! Of course by now I was way behind the rest of the group, even way behind another runner who has had 6 weeks off during to another dangerous pursuit..... gardening, those secateurs can be lethal you know! She said she was struggling!

We got to point just outside the woods where the group was to run a little loop before heading back to the rec. One of the chaps suggested that I just take a little break! I was quite glad of that suggestion. After they went off, I had a good chance to ...... clear my lungs of debris, shall we say. I was hoping that would see me through to the end of the run now. My legs felt good, it's just my chest, and my lungs, and I'm sure my kidneys were ganging up with my lungs as well!

I just looked ahead, Naggy's voice was in my mind, (thank goodness) that particular sentence she says to me every time we run together "Head up and shoulders back, breathe!" I really did need to keep a big open space for my lungs to fill up with air today, and I straightened up my back, shoulders back and head up. I am sure I ran a tad faster when I did that! I was running along with the group 1 leader, and telling her all my woes on my health issues, and the fact that I needed to do a very unlady like spit into the road again! "Footballers do it" she says, "And clear their noses" They do do that don't they, on T.V. on the huge screens if you happen to be watching in a pub, just as well its not 3D as well! ewwww!

We got to the last road, the road that least to the rec, I chose this as my 'do not stop running, at all' section. And it was just as well, as just coming up from the left were group 2! No way could I be seen to be walking, it was bad enough that I knew they were going to overtake me! So no way should I be walking!

I got back to the rec in 49 mins, and I was quite looking forward to a pint! Still, I was quite pleased I went out with the club today! It all helps to keep the fitness level up!!

Geeky stats!

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