Wednesday, 1 June 2011

A Very Good Run!

Hello blog lovers!

I must remember to write a short blog. I must remember to write a short blog. I must remember to write a short blog. There that should help me to remember! (I hope)

Well it seems to be a while since my last run, and after my short break, and other things, plus lazitus getting in the way, I was quite pleased that I was going. I had been looking after just one little one today, and the weather was good, a walk to Pettswood and play park and I was feeling good. Lazyitus seemed to be banished, and my motivation was back! Just as well really as in 12 days I shall be running the Race For Life!

I also had a reason to go out jogging, well kind of. The Old Boys car was parked up just beyond T.A.L. But I said I would head for there and make that my finish point, then bring it back. I am getting kind of good ish at judging a jogging distance, and I estimated that I could do a run that would be about 3 to 3 and half miles before I get to the car. I wasn't that far off. (But of course I used routes that I have mapped out before!)

Blimey, I have not even started to write about my run yet!! Anyway, I decided to run up to Pettswood, up hill, and no stopping. I was quite pleased I did it, and.......and.....I felt pretty comfortable! I have never felt like that running up Hollingworth before! I was always thinking "I need to stop, I am going to stop, STOP NOW YOU MAD WOMAN" Yet there I was, almost breezing up the hill. I had to check that I was running, and not walking and day dreaming! I was even annoyed that I had to stop to let cars continue on the way home! I tried not to be too blase(is that how you spell that word?) as I know that I will flag at some point on this route, after all its just me on my own running! And I am a lazy mare at the best of times.

Anyway, Pettswood was in my sights, and I was still feeling pretty good. After that its the long road down to the A21. The first half is easy, its down hill, in fact most of it is down hill. But in my mind its a long, way, from one end of the road to the other. Its something that I have never actually done before. Run from Pettswood to the A21! It has always seemed to me to be a kind of monotonous run, no left turn, no right turn, just running dead straight. But I was looking forward to it.

The little incline to crest view always had me puffing hard, but not today! Either I am not pushing hard enough (more that likely) or I am getting fitter! The crest reached, and the downward run started. I was feeling good! Yet, I tried not to be cocky, a show off, it would be Murphys Law that I fall over, or twist an ankle or something, think stuff like that.

So I just enjoyed myself and ran and ran. But then the traffic wanted to stop me from running across the roads, each time it took a little longer to get going again. A few extra walking paces after I crossed over. Then a walking break when I wasn't crossing a road. That's when my games came into play. Looking for people that I could catch up with and pass. Looking for other runners and to make sure that I was running when I did spot them.

I had put my Ipod in my back pocket by now, and wasn't able to change the tunes. I was listening to some dirge, let me tell you! #Nothing But The Blues# are not good to run too. I must buy myself one of those arm bands, then I could just whack my arm to change the tunes.

By the time I got to the Crown I had stopped several times. Just one last push now, to Trinity Church, where the Old Boy had left his car this morning. I was warm, sweaty, and no doubt red faced, but I was feeling good. I looked at my Garmin and the pace said 19 mins! I was not pleased to see that! I know I was walking again but still! 19 mins! I know I was on the last mile, I had already done 3 (a pretty good guesstament, I thought)and this was the last bit. So I started running. I used this bit of the road as my, no stopping what so ever part of my run. Not until I see his car, that's when I will stop running. So I ran, I slowed my pace down a bit, but I just kept on going. His car was at the other end of the little road, but I kept going until I saw it.

It was a good run, well I know I walked in some spots. but check out the geeky stats! I cant believe that not one of the miles went into the 12 min mile!! Yup a good run today!

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