Hi blog readers.
I know its quite late, in fact its two days late! Still, we got there in the end.
Tuesday was a good run, an old friend of mine wanted to come along and see how it all goes. He has been working in the gym and feels ready to tackle the streets of our area! Got to think of a nick name for him now, answers on a post card please! Do they still do those?
It had been raining and very over cast all day, and the Group 1 leader thought it best not to go through the woods as it would be very slippy. I was quite glad of that, I didn't fancy being 'fast food' for the mozzies.............Hey, what you all laughing out, I do have my faster moments, normally on the down hill sections, I know.
So we headed towards Poverest park, and me and Old Friend found our selves in the middle of the pack. I told him I prefer to start off at the front, just so that I can fall back through but still keep together. "That's good tactics" he said.
We were chatting and running along and still keeping up with the mid section of the group. Old Friend felt very comfortable. It seems that treadmills can work! And not soften you up for the real thing. We got to our first official stop and we noticed that we were quite ahead of the back markers! That is usually my place. I think I must have been trying to impress him with my running skills, and not woose out! Even when there was a little hill that we had to run up, I tried my hardest to run it. Cant remember if I stopped though, but I'm sure Old Friend would let me know!
Through the park now and down the hill. One of the runners with us was suffering badly from cramp. Him and the back markers met us at the bottom of this hill, where the group leader said "Ok, back up here" So we had to run back up the hill, for another quick briefing.
The Group Leader said that she is changing the route slightly because of the cramping the runner was having. So, we headed off back down the same road and headed off for our meeting point from there. We were going to be running back up Cardiac Hill as its is fondly known as. The hill that I gained my speed on getting to this point in the first place! But still, its all good exercise.
I kept up with the runners, and Old Friend was doing brilliantly, unlike my first time out with the runners. I can remember saying to the back markers "I'm so sorry for keeping you back here." and "One day I shall stay with the pack" Yet here was Old Friend running just ahead of me!
The last road now, (and it was just about now where I realised where I was!) and we could see our goal, the end of the run. The group was quite quite spread, I think once people know where they are, they go faster or slower, and just do their thing to reach the end. Me and Old Friend decided that is exactly what we are going to do, and we put on a bit of a sprint. I managed to just get into the gate before I slowed down, Old Friend was going to slow down too, and I urged him on to the car park at least.
A good run, even with the heavy mist falling gently down, very refreshing!
Geeky stats.
I am loving running. I can say that with almost true conviction. After all, if I didn't love it, then I wouldn't still be writing this blog, right? So dive in, enjoy the ramblings of my open diary.
Thursday, 30 June 2011
Sunday, 26 June 2011
Summer Is Back!
Hi Bloggees,
My third blog in 2 days! Can you believe that. I am just mad keen on this whole exercise thing, even though I moan like anything whilst doing it, either running (jogging really) or cycling up hills!
We started our jog at around 10 to 6, at it was still warm, warm, warm out there still. It doesn't seem to have cooled down at all! Just running up Farringdon Avenue and I was totally sweating and looking as if I had already done 5k. And I was feeling tired, legs feeling like lead already!
Of course Naggy wasn't at all impressed with that. Oh didn't I say, I am jogging with Naggy Neighbour today. It seems a while since we last jogged together. But we both have water with us, and she kindly lent me some running shorts as well, I think she feels for me running in my long 'skins'. I was dubious if I could actually get my fat a... in them! not even mention my knees! But somehow I squeezed into them and I can even move as well.
So we looked quite the keen joggers out there today, but if anyone knew I looked liked this after only 400 yards then I'm sure they would change their mind. I was thinking that maybe we were only going to do about 3 miles today, as its so warm, and maybe our drinks wouldn't last longer than that!
Our route took us up hill and then into the park. I was totally struggling from there. Naggy just kept the pace and she wasn't stopping for nothing. She knows that I will have to keep jogging to keep up with her, but today it was just so, so hard. I blame the heat, and that I had jogged 5k yesterday and cycled 16 miles..........and 4 pints of larger, huge lunch, dinner with pudding!
So that was todays struggle. It felt like the first time of me doing T.A.L. I struggled to stay jogging! I was pleased that for most of the times that Naggy turned around to see if I was jogging I actually was! but there were times when I was walking and thinking "Please don't turn around now" and other times when I thought "I don't care if your turn around now, cos there is no way I am jogging! No way"
She did catch me walking and just nagged in her usual way, which got me jogging again. I do appreciate all that she does, and I am well aware that she could quite easily just take off and I wouldn't see her through the dust that she would create! But she is here, nagging me and keeping me on my toes and putting up with my moaning, hows that for a good friend!
Running or walking down Southborough Lane Naggy said, "I shall give you to the end of the pub and then you are running non stop, or I shall add on another mile" I knew I was in no fit state to do another mile, even naggy knew that, but just the threat made me think twice about doing it.
By now not only did I have naggy's borrowed shorts, but she loaned me her hat as well. She saw that a couple of times I had stopped and mopped up the sweat with my tee shirt, "Here, this will help you to see" she says "No stopping now"
So from the Chequers pub I jogged, albeit, very slowly indeed to all the way home, I think I did walk once, and I didn't get caught by Naggy, so no extra mile
Here, I took a picture of me after todays session, and its not a pretty sight

Not pretty at all!
so geeky stats for you.
My third blog in 2 days! Can you believe that. I am just mad keen on this whole exercise thing, even though I moan like anything whilst doing it, either running (jogging really) or cycling up hills!
We started our jog at around 10 to 6, at it was still warm, warm, warm out there still. It doesn't seem to have cooled down at all! Just running up Farringdon Avenue and I was totally sweating and looking as if I had already done 5k. And I was feeling tired, legs feeling like lead already!
Of course Naggy wasn't at all impressed with that. Oh didn't I say, I am jogging with Naggy Neighbour today. It seems a while since we last jogged together. But we both have water with us, and she kindly lent me some running shorts as well, I think she feels for me running in my long 'skins'. I was dubious if I could actually get my fat a... in them! not even mention my knees! But somehow I squeezed into them and I can even move as well.
So we looked quite the keen joggers out there today, but if anyone knew I looked liked this after only 400 yards then I'm sure they would change their mind. I was thinking that maybe we were only going to do about 3 miles today, as its so warm, and maybe our drinks wouldn't last longer than that!
Our route took us up hill and then into the park. I was totally struggling from there. Naggy just kept the pace and she wasn't stopping for nothing. She knows that I will have to keep jogging to keep up with her, but today it was just so, so hard. I blame the heat, and that I had jogged 5k yesterday and cycled 16 miles..........and 4 pints of larger, huge lunch, dinner with pudding!
So that was todays struggle. It felt like the first time of me doing T.A.L. I struggled to stay jogging! I was pleased that for most of the times that Naggy turned around to see if I was jogging I actually was! but there were times when I was walking and thinking "Please don't turn around now" and other times when I thought "I don't care if your turn around now, cos there is no way I am jogging! No way"
She did catch me walking and just nagged in her usual way, which got me jogging again. I do appreciate all that she does, and I am well aware that she could quite easily just take off and I wouldn't see her through the dust that she would create! But she is here, nagging me and keeping me on my toes and putting up with my moaning, hows that for a good friend!
Running or walking down Southborough Lane Naggy said, "I shall give you to the end of the pub and then you are running non stop, or I shall add on another mile" I knew I was in no fit state to do another mile, even naggy knew that, but just the threat made me think twice about doing it.
By now not only did I have naggy's borrowed shorts, but she loaned me her hat as well. She saw that a couple of times I had stopped and mopped up the sweat with my tee shirt, "Here, this will help you to see" she says "No stopping now"
So from the Chequers pub I jogged, albeit, very slowly indeed to all the way home, I think I did walk once, and I didn't get caught by Naggy, so no extra mile
Here, I took a picture of me after todays session, and its not a pretty sight

Not pretty at all!
so geeky stats for you.
Saturday, 25 June 2011
Park Run!
Hello blog lovers!
As I have not been running since Tuesday, I decided to run the park run this morning. The alarm went off, and I turned it off, and it went again and I turned it off. The taste of last nights wee dram reminding me that maybe I should have just stuck to the one!
But I wanted to go, my feet were itching, its not raining, and I'm awake! So nothing stopping me.
I crawled out of bed and started to get ready. Who decided to do Park run at 9 in the morning? But at least I will have the rest of the day to do some other enjoyable activities.
I was running a tad late, I was going to take my bike there, but an engine would be quicker. I parked the car and I had noticed that I had about 5 minutes to get on to the other side of the park. No problems, so I did a little warm up of walking and jogging. Nothing to strenuous, but getting the muscles warmed up.
I got there and ready and I noticed that the time was 08:59! Hows that for timing! I noticed a few PWR members here as well. We all we waiting for the off! Then the count down. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 go!
I had learned not to try and run with the crown, but its still difficult not to, I have it in the back of my mind that I dont want to be the last person running through the tunnel, so I didn't look at my Garmin until a after I started puffing hard. I was doing something like 9 min pace! I had to slow down a bit because I knew I wouldn't be able to keep that up. So then I just plodded along at my own pace.
I was heading down the long straight when another PWR said hi to me. She is in my group, and she was doing really well! I tried to keep pace with her, but she is improving all the time,.....well she's younger! Thats my excuse! So I kept on at my own pace.
I was having a good time, overtaking, being over took, enjoying the just being out running. And to think, this is all free! Just marvelous! How anybody can not want to do this. I know most people have a pair of trainers and some shorts, its just great getting out here and improving your fitness levels!
I saw a couple of girls in front of me, they we walking and chatting. I said to myself "They have achieved their fitness level, or, they just can't make it round! But more than likely they just enjoy being out doing a little bit of running and a lot of talking!
The second lap of the park was uneventful, everyone was getting on doing their own thing, whether its running, jogging or chatting like the two girls!, but I just did my best. I was feeling on top form, but then again I am never on top form for early morning jogs, and believe me, 9 o'clock on a Saturday is early for me!
The best bit of the jog today was that run down to the tunnel! How I love that I even have a bit left over for a sprint finish! (Obviously not doing enough in the jog its self!)
I checked my Garmin and it said 36.09 I am sure that it the same as last time. maybe a couple of seconds quicker!, but certainly not longer than before, so I am pleased with that. I just had to wait for the official results in the email which came a bit later on in day.
Guess what folks? I checked my emails, and I did beat my previous time.............by 57 seconds!! and I thought it was just by a couple of seconds! So yes I am well pleased with that.
No please turnover to read cycling blog.......thats right, I went cycling today as well!
Geeky stats
As I have not been running since Tuesday, I decided to run the park run this morning. The alarm went off, and I turned it off, and it went again and I turned it off. The taste of last nights wee dram reminding me that maybe I should have just stuck to the one!
But I wanted to go, my feet were itching, its not raining, and I'm awake! So nothing stopping me.
I crawled out of bed and started to get ready. Who decided to do Park run at 9 in the morning? But at least I will have the rest of the day to do some other enjoyable activities.
I was running a tad late, I was going to take my bike there, but an engine would be quicker. I parked the car and I had noticed that I had about 5 minutes to get on to the other side of the park. No problems, so I did a little warm up of walking and jogging. Nothing to strenuous, but getting the muscles warmed up.
I got there and ready and I noticed that the time was 08:59! Hows that for timing! I noticed a few PWR members here as well. We all we waiting for the off! Then the count down. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 go!
I had learned not to try and run with the crown, but its still difficult not to, I have it in the back of my mind that I dont want to be the last person running through the tunnel, so I didn't look at my Garmin until a after I started puffing hard. I was doing something like 9 min pace! I had to slow down a bit because I knew I wouldn't be able to keep that up. So then I just plodded along at my own pace.
I was heading down the long straight when another PWR said hi to me. She is in my group, and she was doing really well! I tried to keep pace with her, but she is improving all the time,.....well she's younger! Thats my excuse! So I kept on at my own pace.
I was having a good time, overtaking, being over took, enjoying the just being out running. And to think, this is all free! Just marvelous! How anybody can not want to do this. I know most people have a pair of trainers and some shorts, its just great getting out here and improving your fitness levels!
I saw a couple of girls in front of me, they we walking and chatting. I said to myself "They have achieved their fitness level, or, they just can't make it round! But more than likely they just enjoy being out doing a little bit of running and a lot of talking!
The second lap of the park was uneventful, everyone was getting on doing their own thing, whether its running, jogging or chatting like the two girls!, but I just did my best. I was feeling on top form, but then again I am never on top form for early morning jogs, and believe me, 9 o'clock on a Saturday is early for me!
The best bit of the jog today was that run down to the tunnel! How I love that I even have a bit left over for a sprint finish! (Obviously not doing enough in the jog its self!)
I checked my Garmin and it said 36.09 I am sure that it the same as last time. maybe a couple of seconds quicker!, but certainly not longer than before, so I am pleased with that. I just had to wait for the official results in the email which came a bit later on in day.
Guess what folks? I checked my emails, and I did beat my previous time.............by 57 seconds!! and I thought it was just by a couple of seconds! So yes I am well pleased with that.
No please turnover to read cycling blog.......thats right, I went cycling today as well!
Geeky stats
Wednesday, 22 June 2011
Mid Summer!
Hello Bloggees.
After my ride to Brighton on Sunday, I didn't think I would be ready for a run Tuesday evening, but I was surprisingly ok! No aches and pains, so I decided I shall just go and do it. It was a club special run, with two drink stops on route and then back to a club members house for Pimms! And to see who gets all the prizes for our club member runs. So not too challenging, and the drinks on route will be nice.
I left a bit earlier than usual, as I was walking, just so that I can fully partake you understand!, and didn't want to drink and drive, I think trying to drink and run will be a challenge!
We all met up, there seemed to be quite a few of us and the groups will be merging to two groups and then we were all to meet again at the first drinking hole! It worked very well, we set off in the lovely evening sun, just how a mid summers eve should be (can you believe I am writing MID SUMMER, I am still waiting for summer to kick in properly!, it was warm and sunny and just right. Of course I am at the back of the pack, and I could see the pack snaking through the woods, and up to Botony Bay where it became a throng as we all waited to collect together again, and then up, up, up to the watering hole just on the common at the end of the path and road.
On offer was beer (of course) and orange squash, and fizzy pops and lovely jelly babies! We stood around for 10 minutes drinking and chatting to all the members and just having a good time before we set for the next drinks station.
I felt a bit more refreshed and was feeling good, but as I have mentioned before, being a townie I am not that keen on the whole mud puddles, insects (which I know I have eaten several this evening) and trees across that path. One of the other runners said "I feel like a horse" as she hurdled over yet another felled tree.
It wasn't that long before the next watering hole, but by now the woods had taken their toll on me. I twisted both ankles and my knee and I am sure, trying to steady myself, I had twisted my back slightly. But being the runner that I am, I just ran through it, and hoped it wouldn't come to anything more that what it is now. A fizzy drink this time (I am not not a John Smith sort of girl) and then on to the Pimms stop.
We were almost there when my leg decided that it will cramp up. Maybe I wasn't quite ready for a run after all, but I just stopped a while and stretched it out. By now the pack was a head of me, but I didn't lose heart, I just kept on going, looking forwards to a drop or two of Pimms and getting to know more of my fellow club members.
Fortunately for me the host of tonights club run lives very near to the finish of our run. Once I got there I stretched out some more, caught my breath and then walked with the others to the house.
A great night was spent there, I am afraid I was part of the 'stay to the end' crowd, and left at about 11 ish, I still had the 2 miles to walk/jog back to my house! Thanks again to Mr. Kit Man, my first midsummer run with my club. I really feel part of the group now.
This morning I woke up achy, and it seemed every muscle was complaining!, still wouldn't have missed it though.
Geeky stats, and remember, there was a couple of drink stops!
After my ride to Brighton on Sunday, I didn't think I would be ready for a run Tuesday evening, but I was surprisingly ok! No aches and pains, so I decided I shall just go and do it. It was a club special run, with two drink stops on route and then back to a club members house for Pimms! And to see who gets all the prizes for our club member runs. So not too challenging, and the drinks on route will be nice.
I left a bit earlier than usual, as I was walking, just so that I can fully partake you understand!, and didn't want to drink and drive, I think trying to drink and run will be a challenge!
We all met up, there seemed to be quite a few of us and the groups will be merging to two groups and then we were all to meet again at the first drinking hole! It worked very well, we set off in the lovely evening sun, just how a mid summers eve should be (can you believe I am writing MID SUMMER, I am still waiting for summer to kick in properly!, it was warm and sunny and just right. Of course I am at the back of the pack, and I could see the pack snaking through the woods, and up to Botony Bay where it became a throng as we all waited to collect together again, and then up, up, up to the watering hole just on the common at the end of the path and road.
On offer was beer (of course) and orange squash, and fizzy pops and lovely jelly babies! We stood around for 10 minutes drinking and chatting to all the members and just having a good time before we set for the next drinks station.
I felt a bit more refreshed and was feeling good, but as I have mentioned before, being a townie I am not that keen on the whole mud puddles, insects (which I know I have eaten several this evening) and trees across that path. One of the other runners said "I feel like a horse" as she hurdled over yet another felled tree.
It wasn't that long before the next watering hole, but by now the woods had taken their toll on me. I twisted both ankles and my knee and I am sure, trying to steady myself, I had twisted my back slightly. But being the runner that I am, I just ran through it, and hoped it wouldn't come to anything more that what it is now. A fizzy drink this time (I am not not a John Smith sort of girl) and then on to the Pimms stop.
We were almost there when my leg decided that it will cramp up. Maybe I wasn't quite ready for a run after all, but I just stopped a while and stretched it out. By now the pack was a head of me, but I didn't lose heart, I just kept on going, looking forwards to a drop or two of Pimms and getting to know more of my fellow club members.
Fortunately for me the host of tonights club run lives very near to the finish of our run. Once I got there I stretched out some more, caught my breath and then walked with the others to the house.
A great night was spent there, I am afraid I was part of the 'stay to the end' crowd, and left at about 11 ish, I still had the 2 miles to walk/jog back to my house! Thanks again to Mr. Kit Man, my first midsummer run with my club. I really feel part of the group now.
This morning I woke up achy, and it seemed every muscle was complaining!, still wouldn't have missed it though.
Geeky stats, and remember, there was a couple of drink stops!
Tuesday, 14 June 2011
Club Run And Birthday Drinkies!
Hello bloggees.
Well after Sundays run and today's 15 mile bike ride, I thought I was ready for my club run. Boy was I wrong! Maybe its because I have over done it, but I want, and need to be ready for Sundays L2B.
When we got there, we were invited to the pub after to celebrate one of the other members birthday. I shall see, after all I do have my car with me! But on the run I thought, I could do with a nice pint of the amber nectar, and that thought kept my spirits up. Pity it didn't keep my body for hurting me!
We were doing about 11 minutes miles, but to start off with my Garmin was showing 10.30 min miles. My lungs thought there were being attacked! They started rebelling and chucking up their own ammunition! My lungs were hurting me!! Then the stitch arrived, half way round our route. And the most awful stitch as well. But that could quite easily been my fault, for tasting dinner as I was cooking it. I know I should not eat before a run, especially curry! Of course by now I was way behind the rest of the group, even way behind another runner who has had 6 weeks off during to another dangerous pursuit..... gardening, those secateurs can be lethal you know! She said she was struggling!
We got to point just outside the woods where the group was to run a little loop before heading back to the rec. One of the chaps suggested that I just take a little break! I was quite glad of that suggestion. After they went off, I had a good chance to ...... clear my lungs of debris, shall we say. I was hoping that would see me through to the end of the run now. My legs felt good, it's just my chest, and my lungs, and I'm sure my kidneys were ganging up with my lungs as well!
I just looked ahead, Naggy's voice was in my mind, (thank goodness) that particular sentence she says to me every time we run together "Head up and shoulders back, breathe!" I really did need to keep a big open space for my lungs to fill up with air today, and I straightened up my back, shoulders back and head up. I am sure I ran a tad faster when I did that! I was running along with the group 1 leader, and telling her all my woes on my health issues, and the fact that I needed to do a very unlady like spit into the road again! "Footballers do it" she says, "And clear their noses" They do do that don't they, on T.V. on the huge screens if you happen to be watching in a pub, just as well its not 3D as well! ewwww!
We got to the last road, the road that least to the rec, I chose this as my 'do not stop running, at all' section. And it was just as well, as just coming up from the left were group 2! No way could I be seen to be walking, it was bad enough that I knew they were going to overtake me! So no way should I be walking!
I got back to the rec in 49 mins, and I was quite looking forward to a pint! Still, I was quite pleased I went out with the club today! It all helps to keep the fitness level up!!
Geeky stats!
Well after Sundays run and today's 15 mile bike ride, I thought I was ready for my club run. Boy was I wrong! Maybe its because I have over done it, but I want, and need to be ready for Sundays L2B.
When we got there, we were invited to the pub after to celebrate one of the other members birthday. I shall see, after all I do have my car with me! But on the run I thought, I could do with a nice pint of the amber nectar, and that thought kept my spirits up. Pity it didn't keep my body for hurting me!
We were doing about 11 minutes miles, but to start off with my Garmin was showing 10.30 min miles. My lungs thought there were being attacked! They started rebelling and chucking up their own ammunition! My lungs were hurting me!! Then the stitch arrived, half way round our route. And the most awful stitch as well. But that could quite easily been my fault, for tasting dinner as I was cooking it. I know I should not eat before a run, especially curry! Of course by now I was way behind the rest of the group, even way behind another runner who has had 6 weeks off during to another dangerous pursuit..... gardening, those secateurs can be lethal you know! She said she was struggling!
We got to point just outside the woods where the group was to run a little loop before heading back to the rec. One of the chaps suggested that I just take a little break! I was quite glad of that suggestion. After they went off, I had a good chance to ...... clear my lungs of debris, shall we say. I was hoping that would see me through to the end of the run now. My legs felt good, it's just my chest, and my lungs, and I'm sure my kidneys were ganging up with my lungs as well!
I just looked ahead, Naggy's voice was in my mind, (thank goodness) that particular sentence she says to me every time we run together "Head up and shoulders back, breathe!" I really did need to keep a big open space for my lungs to fill up with air today, and I straightened up my back, shoulders back and head up. I am sure I ran a tad faster when I did that! I was running along with the group 1 leader, and telling her all my woes on my health issues, and the fact that I needed to do a very unlady like spit into the road again! "Footballers do it" she says, "And clear their noses" They do do that don't they, on T.V. on the huge screens if you happen to be watching in a pub, just as well its not 3D as well! ewwww!
We got to the last road, the road that least to the rec, I chose this as my 'do not stop running, at all' section. And it was just as well, as just coming up from the left were group 2! No way could I be seen to be walking, it was bad enough that I knew they were going to overtake me! So no way should I be walking!
I got back to the rec in 49 mins, and I was quite looking forward to a pint! Still, I was quite pleased I went out with the club today! It all helps to keep the fitness level up!!
Geeky stats!
Sunday, 12 June 2011
Race Day!
Hello bloggers,
Well, its here. Race For Life Day. And its raining. There are only 4 of us running today, and big son giving all the support from the side lines. My thoughts are with mum, the reason why I, personally, am here, and with my two nieces, who were being baptised today. Not just a christening, but their own personal testimony, and proclamation of their love of Jesus! Torn between already taking sponsorship, and watching them! But the family were being well represented there, and I was praying for all of them!
I got up this morning, head thumping like anything, but I tried to ignore that and just get on with things that needed to be done. Tickets sorted out, keys, number pinned on back, little message written, nose blown, hair tied, money (for celebratory drinks after) Anything else?
The one thing I did forget was my camera! But between us we had Iphones and camera phones to take a few pics, which will be at the bottom of today's blog. We all met up in time to by tickets for the kids and lucozade for big son! (just to keep him awake) So all photos will be downloaded from phones and Iphones!
It was raining! It was chilly and cold and wet! When we left for the station there was just a little 'dampness' in the air, but I carrie on in just tee shirt and leggings, in the belief that it will be a bright morning! Boy was I wrong!
We got to London bridge, and the rain was really coming down Gee suggesting that we walk to the start area, at Bank. I had other ideas, take the tube!! Still holding out hope that it will stop raining!
No such luck. Big son gave me his jacket while we waited to do the warm ups, what a little gent he is! Here is a pic of me and Gee's daughter, not looking too impressed, especially as me, Happy neighbour and her mum had been dancing to the tunes before hand,

But it was soon time to get going. My cold was threaten to put a dampener of things, just like the weather, but I was determined to run for as long as I could and as fast as I could, ignore the cold, ignore by coughing fits, ignore the headache! Sound advice I think!
We all started off together, getting through the barrier about 1.08 minutes after the clock started. My Garmin, although I switched it on about 3 minutes before hand so that it could locate satellites, was still looking for them! Either it was the rain and rain clouds that it couldn't get through or the satellites find it very difficult to pinpoint my tiny watch in the big City of London!!
We chatted for the first half kilometre, I was still trying to find satellites on my Garmin, but then I just had to take off, I weaved through some of the joggers, the ruuners already ahead of us, and it felt pretty good to be over taking people.
I was enjoying the whole thing, in spite of the weather trying to bring us down, and in spite of colds and flu virus trying to bring us down, and inspire of satellites refusing to find us on the streets of London!
I had to wipe my glasses clear of rain, but as I did the glass popped out! Is there anything eles that possibly happen to try and bring me to a stop and quit this race! Well its not going to happen. I ran and ran, and when I needed to I walked, I even stopped at one point, to try and locate satellites, but it didn't happen.
There was one magical moment on the run today, and I remembered it from last year, it was the bells of St. Pauls ringing out, I took a picture of St. Pauls, just so that I can go back to that moment when I look at this picture.

My Garmin found satellites when I was about half way round the course, so I shall up load and see where it found me! I really wanted it for the whole route, so that I could look around the streets where I ran. My sense of direction and my memory is useless, and when people say where about did you run at least I could have looked at my geeky stats and said.
But still half of it is better than none at all.
So a couple more pics and my geeky stats. Oh yes, and I finished in first place out the our little group this year! I came in when the clock said 37.01, minus 1.08 mins makes it 36.53! Not bad for someone suffering a cold.

Me 36:53
Gee's daughter 40:00
Happy Neighbour 40.....something will have to check
Gee 46:00
Well, its here. Race For Life Day. And its raining. There are only 4 of us running today, and big son giving all the support from the side lines. My thoughts are with mum, the reason why I, personally, am here, and with my two nieces, who were being baptised today. Not just a christening, but their own personal testimony, and proclamation of their love of Jesus! Torn between already taking sponsorship, and watching them! But the family were being well represented there, and I was praying for all of them!
I got up this morning, head thumping like anything, but I tried to ignore that and just get on with things that needed to be done. Tickets sorted out, keys, number pinned on back, little message written, nose blown, hair tied, money (for celebratory drinks after) Anything else?
The one thing I did forget was my camera! But between us we had Iphones and camera phones to take a few pics, which will be at the bottom of today's blog. We all met up in time to by tickets for the kids and lucozade for big son! (just to keep him awake) So all photos will be downloaded from phones and Iphones!
It was raining! It was chilly and cold and wet! When we left for the station there was just a little 'dampness' in the air, but I carrie on in just tee shirt and leggings, in the belief that it will be a bright morning! Boy was I wrong!
We got to London bridge, and the rain was really coming down Gee suggesting that we walk to the start area, at Bank. I had other ideas, take the tube!! Still holding out hope that it will stop raining!
No such luck. Big son gave me his jacket while we waited to do the warm ups, what a little gent he is! Here is a pic of me and Gee's daughter, not looking too impressed, especially as me, Happy neighbour and her mum had been dancing to the tunes before hand,

But it was soon time to get going. My cold was threaten to put a dampener of things, just like the weather, but I was determined to run for as long as I could and as fast as I could, ignore the cold, ignore by coughing fits, ignore the headache! Sound advice I think!
We all started off together, getting through the barrier about 1.08 minutes after the clock started. My Garmin, although I switched it on about 3 minutes before hand so that it could locate satellites, was still looking for them! Either it was the rain and rain clouds that it couldn't get through or the satellites find it very difficult to pinpoint my tiny watch in the big City of London!!
We chatted for the first half kilometre, I was still trying to find satellites on my Garmin, but then I just had to take off, I weaved through some of the joggers, the ruuners already ahead of us, and it felt pretty good to be over taking people.
I was enjoying the whole thing, in spite of the weather trying to bring us down, and in spite of colds and flu virus trying to bring us down, and inspire of satellites refusing to find us on the streets of London!
I had to wipe my glasses clear of rain, but as I did the glass popped out! Is there anything eles that possibly happen to try and bring me to a stop and quit this race! Well its not going to happen. I ran and ran, and when I needed to I walked, I even stopped at one point, to try and locate satellites, but it didn't happen.
There was one magical moment on the run today, and I remembered it from last year, it was the bells of St. Pauls ringing out, I took a picture of St. Pauls, just so that I can go back to that moment when I look at this picture.

My Garmin found satellites when I was about half way round the course, so I shall up load and see where it found me! I really wanted it for the whole route, so that I could look around the streets where I ran. My sense of direction and my memory is useless, and when people say where about did you run at least I could have looked at my geeky stats and said.
But still half of it is better than none at all.
So a couple more pics and my geeky stats. Oh yes, and I finished in first place out the our little group this year! I came in when the clock said 37.01, minus 1.08 mins makes it 36.53! Not bad for someone suffering a cold.

Me 36:53
Gee's daughter 40:00
Happy Neighbour 40.....something will have to check
Gee 46:00
Wednesday, 1 June 2011
A Very Good Run!
Hello blog lovers!
I must remember to write a short blog. I must remember to write a short blog. I must remember to write a short blog. There that should help me to remember! (I hope)
Well it seems to be a while since my last run, and after my short break, and other things, plus lazitus getting in the way, I was quite pleased that I was going. I had been looking after just one little one today, and the weather was good, a walk to Pettswood and play park and I was feeling good. Lazyitus seemed to be banished, and my motivation was back! Just as well really as in 12 days I shall be running the Race For Life!
I also had a reason to go out jogging, well kind of. The Old Boys car was parked up just beyond T.A.L. But I said I would head for there and make that my finish point, then bring it back. I am getting kind of good ish at judging a jogging distance, and I estimated that I could do a run that would be about 3 to 3 and half miles before I get to the car. I wasn't that far off. (But of course I used routes that I have mapped out before!)
Blimey, I have not even started to write about my run yet!! Anyway, I decided to run up to Pettswood, up hill, and no stopping. I was quite pleased I did it, and.......and.....I felt pretty comfortable! I have never felt like that running up Hollingworth before! I was always thinking "I need to stop, I am going to stop, STOP NOW YOU MAD WOMAN" Yet there I was, almost breezing up the hill. I had to check that I was running, and not walking and day dreaming! I was even annoyed that I had to stop to let cars continue on the way home! I tried not to be too blase(is that how you spell that word?) as I know that I will flag at some point on this route, after all its just me on my own running! And I am a lazy mare at the best of times.
Anyway, Pettswood was in my sights, and I was still feeling pretty good. After that its the long road down to the A21. The first half is easy, its down hill, in fact most of it is down hill. But in my mind its a long, way, from one end of the road to the other. Its something that I have never actually done before. Run from Pettswood to the A21! It has always seemed to me to be a kind of monotonous run, no left turn, no right turn, just running dead straight. But I was looking forward to it.
The little incline to crest view always had me puffing hard, but not today! Either I am not pushing hard enough (more that likely) or I am getting fitter! The crest reached, and the downward run started. I was feeling good! Yet, I tried not to be cocky, a show off, it would be Murphys Law that I fall over, or twist an ankle or something, think stuff like that.
So I just enjoyed myself and ran and ran. But then the traffic wanted to stop me from running across the roads, each time it took a little longer to get going again. A few extra walking paces after I crossed over. Then a walking break when I wasn't crossing a road. That's when my games came into play. Looking for people that I could catch up with and pass. Looking for other runners and to make sure that I was running when I did spot them.
I had put my Ipod in my back pocket by now, and wasn't able to change the tunes. I was listening to some dirge, let me tell you! #Nothing But The Blues# are not good to run too. I must buy myself one of those arm bands, then I could just whack my arm to change the tunes.
By the time I got to the Crown I had stopped several times. Just one last push now, to Trinity Church, where the Old Boy had left his car this morning. I was warm, sweaty, and no doubt red faced, but I was feeling good. I looked at my Garmin and the pace said 19 mins! I was not pleased to see that! I know I was walking again but still! 19 mins! I know I was on the last mile, I had already done 3 (a pretty good guesstament, I thought)and this was the last bit. So I started running. I used this bit of the road as my, no stopping what so ever part of my run. Not until I see his car, that's when I will stop running. So I ran, I slowed my pace down a bit, but I just kept on going. His car was at the other end of the little road, but I kept going until I saw it.
It was a good run, well I know I walked in some spots. but check out the geeky stats! I cant believe that not one of the miles went into the 12 min mile!! Yup a good run today!
I must remember to write a short blog. I must remember to write a short blog. I must remember to write a short blog. There that should help me to remember! (I hope)
Well it seems to be a while since my last run, and after my short break, and other things, plus lazitus getting in the way, I was quite pleased that I was going. I had been looking after just one little one today, and the weather was good, a walk to Pettswood and play park and I was feeling good. Lazyitus seemed to be banished, and my motivation was back! Just as well really as in 12 days I shall be running the Race For Life!
I also had a reason to go out jogging, well kind of. The Old Boys car was parked up just beyond T.A.L. But I said I would head for there and make that my finish point, then bring it back. I am getting kind of good ish at judging a jogging distance, and I estimated that I could do a run that would be about 3 to 3 and half miles before I get to the car. I wasn't that far off. (But of course I used routes that I have mapped out before!)
Blimey, I have not even started to write about my run yet!! Anyway, I decided to run up to Pettswood, up hill, and no stopping. I was quite pleased I did it, and.......and.....I felt pretty comfortable! I have never felt like that running up Hollingworth before! I was always thinking "I need to stop, I am going to stop, STOP NOW YOU MAD WOMAN" Yet there I was, almost breezing up the hill. I had to check that I was running, and not walking and day dreaming! I was even annoyed that I had to stop to let cars continue on the way home! I tried not to be too blase(is that how you spell that word?) as I know that I will flag at some point on this route, after all its just me on my own running! And I am a lazy mare at the best of times.
Anyway, Pettswood was in my sights, and I was still feeling pretty good. After that its the long road down to the A21. The first half is easy, its down hill, in fact most of it is down hill. But in my mind its a long, way, from one end of the road to the other. Its something that I have never actually done before. Run from Pettswood to the A21! It has always seemed to me to be a kind of monotonous run, no left turn, no right turn, just running dead straight. But I was looking forward to it.
The little incline to crest view always had me puffing hard, but not today! Either I am not pushing hard enough (more that likely) or I am getting fitter! The crest reached, and the downward run started. I was feeling good! Yet, I tried not to be cocky, a show off, it would be Murphys Law that I fall over, or twist an ankle or something, think stuff like that.
So I just enjoyed myself and ran and ran. But then the traffic wanted to stop me from running across the roads, each time it took a little longer to get going again. A few extra walking paces after I crossed over. Then a walking break when I wasn't crossing a road. That's when my games came into play. Looking for people that I could catch up with and pass. Looking for other runners and to make sure that I was running when I did spot them.
I had put my Ipod in my back pocket by now, and wasn't able to change the tunes. I was listening to some dirge, let me tell you! #Nothing But The Blues# are not good to run too. I must buy myself one of those arm bands, then I could just whack my arm to change the tunes.
By the time I got to the Crown I had stopped several times. Just one last push now, to Trinity Church, where the Old Boy had left his car this morning. I was warm, sweaty, and no doubt red faced, but I was feeling good. I looked at my Garmin and the pace said 19 mins! I was not pleased to see that! I know I was walking again but still! 19 mins! I know I was on the last mile, I had already done 3 (a pretty good guesstament, I thought)and this was the last bit. So I started running. I used this bit of the road as my, no stopping what so ever part of my run. Not until I see his car, that's when I will stop running. So I ran, I slowed my pace down a bit, but I just kept on going. His car was at the other end of the little road, but I kept going until I saw it.
It was a good run, well I know I walked in some spots. but check out the geeky stats! I cant believe that not one of the miles went into the 12 min mile!! Yup a good run today!
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