Hello Blog readers.
Look at me, writing again! Anyone would think I've been running! Oh, wait, I have! I didn't have a late pickup of kids at work on Tuesday so I was able to get to club run. Mind you, I still had to go and pick up Pat, her hubby was on petrol hunt so she had no car. So blimmin annoying this petrol malarky, isn't it? People panic buying fuel, why don't they go and panic buy peas (I'm not overly keen on peas!) I might start a rumour that the Pea growing assosiation has said due to lack of pickers peas are rotting on their stalks. But I guess that will just mean everyone will buy up everything that pickers and packers do!
Anyway, I'm rambling, unlike Tuesday...we were running! I think we did quite well. 'Till' we meet again is what I entitled this blog, it was also a clue I gave the group last week of what we would have been doing. I need to get some hills in! So, Tillingbourne Green is where we would find a hill...after going up a couple of hills to get there! The groans from the group were not too bad. Seasoned runners now, they know what to expect. We did have one newbie, when I say newbie, she is more a returnee. She came running with PWR a good number of years ago now, she decided it was about time she got back to it! Even she did really well. The nights are really drawing in now, but with a a few of us wearing lights we make sure we can be seen running up the hill! Watching all the other groups pour out of the rec, in their neon vests, chest lights, head lights, it really is awesome. Our club is growing faster than any other club, I am sure of it! Bring on a mob match, can't wait to do another mob match!
Coming out of the rec we turn left, run to the end of the road and then turn right! There before us creeping up and up was our first hill. Nothing like starting as you mean to go on, eh? This is not even the worst one, no, that one is Tillingbourne. There is no other way of getting there to run around the green. No 'flattening' out the hill by taking a different route, it's up, up, up all the way. Why in the infinite wisdom of the original ten or so people who started PWR in the first place, did they decide that being at the bottom of all the hills in Petts Wood is the best place for the meet up?! Denise, who hasn't been running for quite some time, did really well. Karen was just flying up there! Maybe that's what I should be doing, just get up there and get it done as quick as possible! Hmm, I think a while on that little concept.
Once at the top of the hill, we turn right, run to the next road and then cross over both Kings Way and the main road. We are now heading for the dreaded Tillingbourne Green! It's a nice run there, sort of, it has a down hill bit, so that's good, right? Once we are faced with the green, we take a minute to recuperate, grab a breath and then just get on with it, because, just before we go down the green we still have a bit more uphill! Oh, did I tell you I am doing the Petts Wood 10k this year? I need some hills to train on. I am sure group 1 don't mind a bit of hill work, they didn't say they didn't like it, but then again, they were not talking much anyway!
We all did the hill at our own pace, you can't rush hills, you just have to go at your own pace. Look to the top and know that it will be all over and done with soon. That is how I am going to look at those hills next week. Just look at the top, know that that is it and enjoy the down hill...until the next one!
It's now Sunday afternoon and still not yet published this blog, hmm. Well if you are reading then I have! Sometimes I should just take my hands of the keyboard while I am thinking, because the crap that I am thinking just comes out on the screen! Yesterday we had the beginners week 4. They were running for 4 minutes and walking for 2 minutes, they did that five times around the rec! I know there are some of our group doing this session 'virtually' as they are away. Knowing they are still keeping to the programme is such a nice feeling. I just think then we have done our best! Hannah was leading the session this time, she kept them all totally motivated.
I remembered to take some pictures, ok, so they are not quite aciton shots, it's just after we had done out cool down stretches, and DiscoRich was letting them all know about our 10k which is going to happen next week! Gulp! The 10th of the 10th in the year 2021! I'm looking forward to it!
I am facinated by number I also like to see order, the number of steps on my watch after the session amused me |
I am going running again today, I am just waiting for Naggy to show up! So what this space for blog no.2 later. I will try to remember photos as well 😏
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