I know there are still a few out there! I spoke to one of you at the leaders meeting! My ramblings are still reaching people! I know my ramblings do me an awful lot of good, it helps me to focus on the good points of my running. For one, that fact that I am still doing it! Can you believe it. I started this blog way back in 2008, how many words and I written! I am sure I must have repeated myself a few thousand times!
When I look back to those early days it really does bring home to me the fact that I have changed my ways! I no longer just come home and sit and veg all the time! Oh, don't get me wrong, I still like coming home and vegging! It's a necessary part of living! I know some people hate that time of doing absolutely nothing for a whole day! I love it! Just to read, watch telly, potter about, call people! It's perfect. But now, since 2008 my vegging days are interspersed with my running! Looking back at my blogs, with me asking the same questions that I now see the new beginners asking "Does it ever get any easier?" Well, no, is the honest answer. It's still bloody hard work, I still look a complete hot, sweaty, pink mess at the end of any run. But that fact that I can run further than a mile, which was my first ever attempt at running, without dying, is the reward!
My heart is stronger, I know it is, my lungs are stronger, especially since giving up the ciggies a year ago February, (although I did succumb to a couple a month or so ago) back on track again though! My weight issue is...well an issue at the moment. I don't feel as if I am eating more than I used to this time two years ago, but feck me, weight has piled on! It just has to be the 'wrong' foods I am eating. I must get back to eating salads most days.
My running however, well that has been constant, apart from blimmin covid lockdown of course (which is where my weight seemed to have started piling on).
I am loving it. I am loving leading group 1 at club nights on Tuesdays. I enjoyed getting back to parkrun and now I am enjoying being one of the leaders again at the Autumn Beginners course. Can you believe we just finished week 3 yesterday? We have been so lucky with the weather, it helps with the discipline of getting people out of the house to come along and keep going. Mind you, we could have been scuppered if people had to drive to us, the queue to get into the local petrol station was causing tailbacks and road blocks! Blimmin ridiculous!
We were running for 3 mins and walking for 3 mins yesterday. People were doing just fine! I am sure they are well impressed with themselves!
Today I went out by myself, it's Sunday, after having the rest of Saturday as my veg day, I needed to do things today! The housework for a start! After getting back from church and a bit of shopping, I got stuck into my housework. I was thinking I would just get on with that and then get out for a longish run! Best laid plans and all that! My housework took longer than I thought it would. I was blimmin knackered! In fact I almost talked myself out of running! But I couldn't do that! Not after letting the beginners know about that quote from Ben Mudge, self discipline, routine, regularity! If I am not doing much on Sundays well then I will be running! I have to, I have the 10k to look forward to, that's only in a couple of weeks! I did talk myself into only do three miles though, but considering this week I didn't get out to club run, I talked myself into doing just the 3 miles. What I really needed was to kick ass and get out and do more!
I put my music in my ears, hat on head and went out there! I felt pretty smug with myself as I ran outside, "Look at me, doing housework for 4 hours and now getting out running! I am bad ass!" Then I got to the end of my path, "Blimey, knackered already" I thought to my self! I quickly dismissed that thought and just concentrated on my music, I had 70's rock anthems being blasted in my ear drums.
Before you could say 'Bob's your uncle' I was already passing the tractor park. If I was lucky, I could almost convince myself that I was on the way back, almost. I mean, once I was through the park and on to the road at the other side of the park, then run to the top of that road, every step after that will be a step leading home. See what I mean about almost convincing myself I was on the way home!
I am still doing the 'Jeff-ing' I know Naggy said to me yesterday "Well that's going to have to stop" She's right of course, but for now, I am still hanging on to my 'comfort blanket'. Those little regular walks helps just a little, I will cut it down by 30 seconds from next Sunday!...... There, I have written it now, I have to do it!
I keep forgetting to take pictures. That is something I am going to have to work on too! So until next time peoples, keep on running!
<iframe src='https://connect.garmin.com/modern/activity/embed/7559782266' title='Solo Run' width='465' height='500' frameborder='0'></iframe>
Here are some pictures from the beginners group last week!
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