Can you believe it's been a bloody age since my last blog! And a bleedin bloody age since a last ran!
I have been extremely lacking in the old exercise dept as well as the running dept! Lockdown hasn't helped in the slightest. You would think that it would, wouldn't you. All this long days doing nothing! It's been blimmin horrible. Of course I am not taking anything away from all those that have to go out and work, all the doctors and nurses, delivery men, transport chaps etc. They have to go out too. If my school had enough of our breakfast and afterschool club kids to attend I would be there! But alas furloughed again. Again, I know there are so many that would love to be in my position, and I am extremely grateful that I have this option. But there are other little demons that work on they old grey matter in the the old noggin. Little demons that say "Just don't worry about setting an alarm to get up, what's the point?" and things like "Do it tomorrow, it will give you something to do!"
You think like that it soon turns in to getting up at 11:30 am, or you end up doing nothing because you're saving things to do tomorrow! Well that's how I have been, add that together with having hurt my back on Christmas day to the extent that I had to start getting up from bed or chair half hour before I needed the loo just so that I could make it to the toilet on time! Being sedent.......scedent.......sedanttary......being still in a house for 2 weeks solid was not good. I was looking forward to getting back to work......I was still hoping it was going to happen on January 5th. But Boris said no, I had to go in for the first day as we had a couple of kids booked in, we just didn't know if they were key worker kids or not! As it happened they didn't come in! So there was nothing to do but close down, empty freezers and get rid of opened packets of cereals.
So that is where I was, beginning of January. I went for walks to help my back get stronger, Naggy has got herself this adorable gorgeous little Dachshound, one that I can keep up with walking and possible running with, when he's older. I have been going with my daughter as she walks both dogs while Naggy is working, and sometimes I have been with Naggy as well!
On the 7th January I did my first TBP for the year! Why oh why did I not continue to do these! I promised my self I would continue to do it after the first lockdown, when I went back to school in September. I was flying though those routines, I was helping all the others that watched me on Facebook and came to workouts on the green. But to see me now! Feck! I was puffing and panting like I had just done a marathon....and that was just pulling my jog pants on! They first class I did when I came back, was the one with the weights! Well, I had bought them, might as well use them! Oh my goodness, I really couldn't keep up at all! I had quite a few 'Little breaks' as Daniel Bartlett calls them. I flew through these last year! I just goes to show, if you don't use it you lose it! Of course the running was few and far between as well!
From 7th January I have tried to do as much as I did during the summer months, but my head is not quite there! I have done something most days, whether it's a walk, a short walk or a Team Body Project class by myself. I have got a bit better at them now, not quite up to Augusts standard, but getter better.
Today I attempted to go for a run! My first run since....8th December! Tut tut! It's deffo been quite a while! I thought I would need all the encouragement going, of course I procrastinated! I procrastinated for England! I thought my earphones needed charging, my phone needed charging, my house needed cleaning. I HAD to have a cup of tea, I really needed to see.......oh I don't know.....anything but get out of the house and run. I even decided not to do a TBP workout before or after my run, just to make it easier for myself to think that that would be it for the day! Eventually I got out of the house, I put Peloton on, to talk to me all the way through! It was a beginners interval run. I knew I wouldn't be able to do all he asked but at least he will tell me that 'I am doing well, keep going!'
My usual route of down the path and across the park, the A21 and then back home via Southborough lane. I listened to Andy Speer, especially the bits when he said ''Ok back to a nice easy jog" because that meant I just walked a little slower....! Of course I did run some, and I knew I was well out of shape and so much slower that I used to be because when Andy said that we were half way through, if it's an out and back then I should turn around, usually I was up by the Crown Lane Spur, the pub there on there corner! Not this time though, I was still on the new path by the new builds that is on the A21, I really need to pull my self together!
I got back thinking that it was a really bad run! But as us runners always say, 'There is no such thing as a bad run!' A slower run, shorter run, even one that was abandoned after a mile, yes deffo, but never a bad run. I got out there! I did it! My back grumbled again, which I not surprised in the least as my weight is just disgusting! Getting out there doing it, I've started. I just need to keep it going now!
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