Hello blog readers.
Look at this, another blog, one that it is not too far from the other blog! Wow..! I almost didn't make it if truth be known. It was club night last night, the second one since this second lockdown eased up. I missed the first one, there was no dragging my ass out, and it was on a Wednesday! The first time in PWR history, we had a club run on a Wednesday, such as the need for normality to start! But still, that didn't get my ass back last week.
This week I had one of the other leaders down to take the lead but she, unfortunately was unwell. So I bit the bullet, didn't ask any of the other leaders to take it and decided that I will just have to get my shit together and get out there and do it. So I did! After work I came back and didn't even take a quick sit on my chair, I just knew if I cosied on down then I wouldn't move. I made myself a quick cuppa (caffeine has got to help, right?) and sat on the end of the sofa. It felt totally wrong, that wasn't my place and to make matters worse my son was sitting in my chair, no doubt making his own arse-dent in my cushions!
Well as you've probably guessed, I did get out, I had to park on another road though and had to run back to the recreation ground where we meet. I was already puffing out my backside what was I going to be like on the run? My group was the last one there! Sorry guys, but I knew the route we were taking, it was my favourite route, mainly because it's the flattest one around, but just to make it interesting, we were going to be doing it in the opposite direction. It's amazing just how different a route can feel if you change just that one thing. All those little psychological miles stones will not be in the right place!
After I caught my breath we started out, just five of us, so just one off from a full house for our COVID safe group, we ran towards Tudor way. A least Kingsway's little bump won't kill me off before we have really started. Beaumont road is that long road that we usually have at the end of our run, having it at the beginning felt kinda nice! That road just sometimes gets to me, stretching out before you, with that bend just further up, you think you have reached the end of it and then realise there is still more to run! Well, Beaumont, this time I got you! Well, that was what was going on in my head! I really thought I had it sussed, just keep putting one foot in front of the other. I didn't manage to run all of it! It was blimmin cold out there, it was just zapping energy right out of me (that's my excuse and I'm sticking with it!)
I promised myself that I would check out all the lights that we passed, just for seeing how a 'Woo Woo' run would go, but I was so puffed out, glasses were steaming up that I actually couldn't remember to take note, not that I could have seen them anyway! I flipping hate being cold, give me warm and toastie any day!
Once we were finished with Beaumont, psychologically it felt like we were nearly done! Weird, right? All that was going through my mind was 'Blimey, not far now!" So really, it is good to do your usualy loop route going in the opposite direction.
One of the things I love about our group 1 runners is we are the same, we all struggle to run fast or far. If we see someone struggling the encouragement that goes out to that individual is just amazing! Guess who the 'individual' was last night, yup, me! I was totally struggling, but from the group there was 'Just to the lamppost, we got this' and 'Look we are nearly at the end of the road, might as well just finish" With just those thoughts going through my mind I made it to the next lamppost, in fact, I made it even further going an extra lamppost or two! I got to the end of the road before taking a cheeky walking break! Yeah, group 1'er's are a special group indeed!
It was a great run, blimmin cold, blimmin hard, but a great run. You never hear a runner saying 'I wish I never done that' What you might hear them say is "Shit run, but so glad I got out". What does that tell you eh! It's like one of those oxymoron type of sentence, 'I had a shit run, so glad I got out and done! When we meeting up next'. I think runners are all oxymoronic anyway, especially when then put run and fun together!
So my Geeky stats are here
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