This evening it was club run, I wasn't leading, in fact I was that close to not even going! The weather has been totally barmy. Huge dark clouds this afternoon, lightening, and torrential rain! I thought it was in for the rest of the day! But thankfully it cleared up. I was hoping to be running with a friend of mine from the club, a huge motivator for me to get my backside out of the door, but then I had a message saying there it wasn't going to happen! By then I had already text Wendimoo and Auriol that I would be coming! Oh my goodness readers, I was so close to staying under my lovely cosy blankets! But Wendimoo has a very persuasive way about her and I got myself ready!
It was just slightly raining by the time I got outside J.J.s house, I felt a bit more relaxed about our run, maybe it won't rain anymore. All through the annoucements it kept off, it wasn't even that chilly! I felt sure we were going to have a nice dry run! So with my running mojo hiding again, poor Auriol who was leading, having a sore knee and a couple of the the other runners in our group all wishing that actually they were home, we did set off! Wendimoo was there, it was good to see her, so really, I was glad I came out.....mainly because she had nagged me to get out!
After all the announcements had been done we set off for our run. Auriol went with her plan B route, easier on her knee, plus, if the rain did come down hard we could take a short cut home! Everyone was up for that! We ran along Crossways towards Petts Wood Road and crossed over. The rain just started to come down just slightly. "Maybe it won't get any worse than this" I thought to myself! Well, all the thoughts in the world could not stop the rain from falling down even more! We ran along Willet Way and then down Priory Avenue, then on to St Johns and out on to Tudor Way. Auriol had some sprints planned for us to do on the other side of the tracks! But by the time we had gone under the bridge the rain was coming down quite hard! It really wasn't pleasant! I know this is typical British weather, and we should just suck it up and deal with it, but, I really didn't want to! I think the others were just about grinning and bearing it all. Auriol took us along to where were would start our sprinting, a loop of Nightingale, Lakeswood and Woodhurst, but it really was very wet, sprinting in that would not have been fun. We opted to just head straight back to the rec from there, via Crest View.
We were all like drowned rats by the time that we got back. There were another couple of people from another group who had decided to cut short their run too. But do you know what, not one of us said 'I wished I hadn't come out" It's amazing really, even though we didn't like being out in the cold, wet dark night and while we were running we were wishing that we were at home, we all still said "Well I am glad I came!" We are the most weirdest people I think!!
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