Hello Blog readers.
Yesterday we had a fourth session of beginners running! I was leading! I just love doing this, watching each runner as they achieve their potential. They are even surprising them selves! It does your heart good in more ways than one when you start running, leading, encouraging others!
I think there were about 20 runners that morning, with some of our fabulous PWR's to help all those runners to keep on going! Sometimes you have just have to forgo parkruns or racing to come and chat with these new budding runners! Getting back to just running for running sake, running just because you can, is sometimes where you need to be! And there is no better place to do it that than with the beginners!
So there we are, with our magnificent PWR's volunteering, running around with our beginners we had a fab time! We really did! The weather held off, it had been raining sometime beforehand so it was a bit squishy in places, but that just makes for a nice soft underfoot, a massaging each step you took. As usual we started with our two laps of walking. Walking is a great way of getting to know more about our beginners. Time to chat, help them put aside all negative thoughts about whats going to come next. Time to breathe, wake up a bit, get the lungs working, ready for the running. After that we had a drills to get our muscles warmed up. Then it was the running. With 4 minutes of running and 2 minutes of walking, so began the step up to becoming a fabulous parkrunner and (hopefully) a PWR.
Everyone really did well, of course they were all thinking "When does this get easier" Well, readers, we all know the answer to that don't we? We just think about that fabulous feeling after we have finished the session, the run, the race! Which ever one we have signed up for!
We end with our usual drills and that was that! All done until next week.....apart from the homework during the week!
Loving these sessions, love PWR! What more can I say!
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