Thursday, 21 February 2019

Track Thursday - Solo? Never!

Hello readers.

So it's track day and my usual running buddies are doing stuff, either eating dinner or doing some sort of teacher work, even Shalini who was going to try track today had stuff to do. Naggy wasn't going, SnapperH wasn't going to go!  Usually I would have found some sort of excuse not to go too, but weirdly I was really looking forward to it.  I think the weather helps, it's quite a mild evening, so much warmer than other track sessions have been.  Also I had told Paula that I would be there too, she wanted to see what track was all about, so really no excuses and a real reason that I had to turn up, not matter what.

I got myself ready, got my money, got my water, I put my shoes on and I was out of the door.  I get to the car park in Normans park and realise I had actually left my water at home!  Oh well, it could have been worse, I could have left my money at home!  That would never do!  There were about 35 or so people there today, included Paula who didn't chicken out of it and Jill and Mick too, the ones that have recently got engaged, they were trying this track thing for the first time too.Auriol was there as well, apparently only because she knew I was going, just as well I didn't bail out either!  We were to do this Yasso session (I think that's what PhysioMikeTheMod said)  now for the life of me I can't recall what he said it meant, all I know is that it sounded like something I could do and really try hard at!

We had to run 4 lots of 800m, the faster ones were doing 4 lots of 800's with a 90 sec static recovery and the 4 lots of 200m.  You just know that the 200's are going to have to be fast!  I was looking forward to that!  Weird, so weird! Is this what it's like to have mojo firmly in place!  I don't know, it's been so long!  Let's not say no more, I don't want to frighten mojo away!  Of course there are the warm up drills to be done for us slow ones while the faster ones do warm up with PhysioMikeTheMod.  We had a special stand in for Jane this evening, everyone seems to know was me!  That's right, PMTM asked if I would stand in for Jane as she couldn't make it this evening!  I felt quite honoured really!  PMTM kept an eye on all of us though once he had got the faster ones started.

Once that was all done we walked over to the opposite corner from the faster runners which is going to be our start and finish, then we started our running!  I started off slower, still warming up, and then I tried to just push it a bit more, after all this is a training session!  Mike stood and watched us all as we did the first 800, me and Auriol came in behind everyone else.  He told us that we should do just 3 lots of 800 as it wants us to do all of the200 reps!  Of course, they are the faster reps, that's why he wants us to do those.  The 200's are only half a lap so we can really push out and got full out! Just seeing the end of the sprinty bit has a great psychological effect on me, I really want to do as best as I could.  After I did my last 800 I took my 90 second recovery and then just went for it, my body was totally warmed up I was hoping that I was doing faster than my usual parkrun.  I must try and look at how to do the recording for each lap on my Garmin. 

I finished the last of my 200 with Auriol with me, Paula and Gill were way in front of me!  Gill said that she really pushed out too hard on the fist 800 and found it hard.  So after that she used me and Auriol as pace makers, just keeping in between us, as she didn't want to not enjoy track.  But when those 200's came you could tell that she was warmed up too and when and did her own pace again.

It was a fantastic session, I really enjoyed it, I am totally sure that Paula, Gill and Mick enjoyed it too!  Our KevTwoBalls was there today, he wasn't running but he was there with his camera!  He is just practicing and experimenting, he kept a few, look!
Can you see me, far right in my white hat!  Doing stretches
after the run

Look at this lot, the faster runners!

I only ran for a couple of miles but it was fun, here's my geeky stats.

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