Hello readers.
I am a couple of blogs behind, but for now I shall just write about my run today, only because it's still very fresh in my memory, well it would be really as it was only a couple of hours ago!
There were a few of us missing from club run tonight, I think everyone's mojo has left them, maybe it's mojo hibernation season or something, but I think we all should be kicking ass and getting out there to find it! Naggy was somewhere, unless I pick my phone up and look at where she said she was I can't remember, and SnappyH was busy with worky things! J.J., well, she needed at the moment. Wendimoo, K, well, I think they are desperately looking for mojo too!
This week I wasn't leading, I was running in group 2. I was running a tad late too, I bet GetYourLegsUpTracy was thinking I had changed my mind about going. Thankfully she was ready when I turned up and we drove to the rec. I dropped GYLUT off at the gate while I went to park the car. By the time I had got to the park they had already started their leaders speeches to let everyone know where they were going. I knew I was going to be running with group 2 but as I was at the back of all the club members I couldn't quite hear who was leading and where we were going.
As soon as everyone started to move towards their leaders I moved over to where group 2 usually meet and found out that it was HannahH leading, not only that by IllustriousLeader was also running in group 2 as well! Lovely!
I decided to be sweeper again, I am not quite ready to move into the middle of the pack just yet, when I do I will keep my hand down when it comes to volunteering for sweeper duties! IllustriousLeader also was sweeper too! As it was move up Tuesday we had a group 1 with us as well. The only one so far, but I know there are a couple of others that are ready to move up to group 2. I am sure the leaders will be encouraging them to move on up! The route that HH had planned was a lovely route, perfect for a move up week, just a very slight slope in Beaumont road to get up, but it's such a long road you hardly notice it!
We were all keeping together really well, with hardly any gap between us at the back the leader. We had just the right amount of stops too. I was really enjoying the running, I even got a bit warm and had to remove a layer! It is quite a nice evening really, perfect for winter running too! Not like last week when we were running through rain and snow!
On the last leg of the run, the road with a thousand names, well actually it only changes 3 times. It starts out as Woodland Way, then it changes into Great Thrift with a change a bit further on to Hazlemere and then only last change into Birchwood Road, but we cut down Crossways before we actually run on to that bit of the road! Thankfully we were running this in the 'nice direction' from Woodland way, we have the long hill to run down and the shorter hill to run, always a bonus! I was running with our mover upper Alison giving her just a little bit of support as we ran this last bit of the route. We finished the run with hardly a gap between us all, a brilliant run. I think my mojo is getting back to me, just got to build up, I have a race to look forward to!
Here's my geeky stats for todays run.
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