Hello blog readers.
I know it's been a while! This job of mine is killing my blogging! No more sitting up till midnight to finish off blogs! I will try and get this one done asap! If you are reading it and it's still Sunday, I did it!
I am cramming two blogs into one! First to talk about is our beginners group! They completed their nine weeks of training and graduated yesterday with a parkrun at Bromleys Norman Park! They really did so well! At least 20 of our beginners were there in the cold morning, waiting in the car park for their fellow graduates. RefMichael and ZippySherry were there as well as some of our regular PWR volunteers to the beginners group! An amazing number of graduates! They were all really so very pleased with themselves, as they were chatting away with each other. We gave them stickers, one at the front and one at the back, just so they could be easily spotted by our photographers and other PWR's who were running among them.

Once everyone was there we walked to the finish funnel so they could see how it all worked out and then we had them skipping, butt kicking and side skipping to the start line, and fortunately it is the winter route, so we didn't have to go across the park! Once we were there we all lined up, listened to the RD about the rules and then......off we went! I was going to take it nice and easy, especially as I had a race the next day. I say race, for me it's never a race, it's a 'get around and try and look as if you enjoyed it' run! So at the back is where I was going to stay.
It was great to see CarolWithAnE back to running, I though maybe I would be able to keep up with her, but there was no way I was going to do that! She is like a coiled spring at the moment and was just going to be doing her thing! Auriol was just behind me so I thought I would run with her. She is also coming back from injury, I am sure I could keep up with her without knackering myself for my run then next day! Fortunately she was doing a timed run walk. With a 2 minute run and 5 minute walk. I deffo could do that! In fact it was perfect. The beginners were all in front of me so I would be able to see if any of them would struggle but I seriously doubt they would! We have helped them on their way to running paradise! They had this!
Me and Auriol just did our thing around the 5k route of Normans park, chatting away as we do, and romped home feeling totally relaxed, just what I needed before the 10k the following day! Here are some pictures of our Autumn 2019 Beginners Course!
Brighton 10k
An now for todays race! I mean, run! We had to run 10 glorious Kilometres today! Last year I did this and I wasn't feeling too well at all! A night out left me with a mega hangover! So I was already failing then. But today, no such thing! I was feeling positive, but feeling positive and trying to put that into practise is not my strong point.
There was not a coach this year, as it wasn't on the Grand Prix list of runs to do and there wasn't many PWR's in the line up, there were enough to get noticed though! There were also some PWR supporters to as we saw Olivia say hi to us all! Both me and SnappyH got a lift to Brighton with LouLou and Terry. Door to door! So I was totally relaxed and organised.....well, almost organised......just before they got to me I was just walking up my path and realised I hadn't picked up my Garmin which was charging! Oops, a quick sprint back to get it and no-one was none the wiser!
A straight forward drive to Brighton, parked the car in someones drive. Apparantly people let out their drives, just like they let out their homes! Amazing, it meant that we had parking not too far from the sea front! Perfect! We walked to the start and met up with some of the other PWR's, got the team photo of course! It will probably be the last time we are all together! Then a hunt for the loos.
We found some more PWR's and had a quick Team Photo, it's obligatory! Here, this is us!
It was soon time to go to the pens, I was in green wave with SnappyH, Loulou and Terry so we went right to the back.
There didn't seem to be as many there this year, or was it that I was imagining it! anyway at the back I was, then the crowd in front of me surged forward as they gave the off! I had my Garmin ready to push the button as soon as I crossed over that mat! LouLou and Terry ran ahead, me and SnappyH stayed together for just a little longer!
People passed us by and then SnappyH found her pace and started to run ahead, I was the last runner! I can't remember when I have been the last runner! Usually there are a few people behind me! Oh well, if I am last it means I will be making the second to last person happy! I just kept on running, walking when I wanted to and back to running! I tried to remember to thank the marshals as I ran by. Sometimes it was a bit difficult when they were looking at their mobile, or sitting on the wall on the other side of the street! It just made me realise that my club have the best marshals going when we lay on our own 10k! Of course most of the marshals were clearly enthusiastic as they cheered us all along, encouraging us to keep going! It's also so great that the residents of Brighton also cheer us on, having my name on my top, hearing them call to me is a great encouragement.
I managed to pass the second from last person! I think it was where we ran along by the buildings, obscuring our view of the sea. But I was no longer the last person. I could see SnappyH up ahead, I just need to keep her in my sights, not let her get to far ahead and the last person far enough behind me so that there will be no surprise sprint finishes! A tough run. But I've done it before, with a hangover, as well as feeling not too well! Mind you, I wasn't feeling to well today, I think I am coming down with those 'baby bugs you get from schools'. Kids are full of germs! But its just as well I am not racing, I am running, so I shall just have fun, enjoy the scenery, with a smile on my face!
Now this race, it's a straight out and back route, with a little bit of psychological running when you get back to the start/finish, because you have to run pass that for another half mile then do a 'u-ee' at the top and run to the finish. It's always a tough bit of the course for me! Getting to the very first turn around point though is a good thing. I always feel like I am on the way back, which of course I am. I was still ahead of the last person, I kept checking behind, I could also see SnappyH up there, on route too. I wasn't going to be able to catch up with her but I didn't want the last person, Myra, (I heard her friends calling to her), to catch up to me either. It was my own little challenge to myself. And I am sure I would be her challenge too!
Running along by the seafront again is always nice. I can't believe the weather this year! It's just perfect running condition. I wished I was fitter and lighter, I could get a PB if I was! But I wasn't going to be that pressure on me. Run for running sake, just because I can, just....because! And there's a medal at the end. I learned a long time ago that I wouldn't be in the trophy awards any time soon.....unless it was by default. A few years back I had won my group Grand Prix......because I was virtually the only one competing in my group! Nowadays the groups are slightly different, with everyone having to challenge themselves a bit. I still can't do it though because there are quite a few Sunday races that I just won't be able to get to.
Anyway, back to the 10k. Where was I? Oh yes, on the way back! I am not saying that I was having a fine old time running, I mean, for a start I was almost last. Last year there were quite a few behind me! Surely I couldn't have lost that much fitness? Also, no inflatable ducks, chickens or turkeys to compete against! Where is everybody. It certainly felt different from the previous years I have done this race! A little lonelier! I believe SnappyH felt exactly they same! I kept my run/walk going, sometimes even yelling at myself to keep on running! I haven't done that for a while! I really do need to kick some ass and get moving soon, that's for sure.
Running back on the road, I knew there was only just over a mile to go to the finish........and then run past the finish for half a mile or so before heading back to the finish! I tried not to let it get to me, I tried not to think of that bit of the route. I wanted to just enjoy the weirdly nice weather we were having for the Brighton 10k. No wind, no rain, it wasn't that cold either! I even started the run with my jacket tied around my waist! The public we still cheering us on, some were saying "How many more is going to come up behind us" I almost told her that there was probably just one left, but thought "nah, lets just get this done".
I focused my gaze on the pier, knowing that with every step I will be be closer, the pier will get bigger and bigger. My run will soon be over and I can look forward to fish and chips! The lady and gentleman with the cow bells were cheering me on "You can never have enough cow bells" I thought to myself, smiling as I recalled a comedy sketch on the telly! I think I will have to have another blog writing down all my thoughts when I run! I do seem to think of some weird stuff! but can never remember to put it down in a blog!
At the pier now, runners with their medals cheering me along, not long to go.....so everyone is saying! But I am still feeling positive. A lot better than I felt last year when I had go to this point! I was still smiling and, weirdly, feeling good about the whole run. Well, apart from the usual atmosphere that is generally about! I do miss that. The whole getting to Brighton on the coaches, sleepy heads nodding off in seats, a quiet murmur from hushed voices. Even the start line seemed weirdly quiet as well! Oh well, I couldn't dwell on that, I was just pleased that I was feeling pretty much ok! No puking up at the end for me!
Running pass the start/finish line, I tried not to look at it, just the people finishing! I could see Terry not, I checked my watch and saw that he had got in just under the hour! Very good going for him! I saw some other PWR's as I ran along beside the home stretch, longing for the time that I will be running along there! I still had to go out for half a mile before I even turn around! I checked behind me to see where there last runner was, I knew she was keeping pace with me, I just needed to keep her at a safe distance where there was no possibility of getting into that whole sprint finish thing and suddenly losing my position of second to last!
This last bit seemed to go on for ever! Have they some how managed to stretch the road! I am sure it wasn't as long as this last year! I think I say that every time I do this bit, I guess that is my psyche getting to me! I say SnappyH coming back on the home stretch, which means that I didn't have that far to go to turn around cones! I just needed to keep on going, keep on smiling! After all, this is for fun! I got to turn around cones, I could see the camera man sat there, you just know he is going to be snapping away! I had to try and look as if I had just started out! Smile!
I swept around the cones and headed back to the finish line I could see Myra coming up the other side. We smiled at each other and we high fived when we got near to each other. Respect, 10k is a challenge to people, even for me still, always looking to try and better your last pb! I had to keep on top of my game, I knew Myra had reeled in a couple of meters on me. I think I was still in the safe zone of no last minute sprint finish.
I could hear the guy on the microphone now and the lady as they started to call out the winners of each category so they could give them their trophies! Yup, the race is all but over now, just a little bit more, the cameras will still be flashing away, I must remember my smile as I cross over the finish line!
Did it! Done it! Beat it! Beat last years pb anyway! Still got to beat my over pb for this course! maybe next year! A great race, but.....there was just that little bit lacking this year.......maybe the party bus really does bring the party atmosphere to races! We really are an awesome club!
Oh there was of course a little matter of food and treats! We found ourselves a little American diner, complete with...well him
and an Elvis...sort of.
While we dined on burgers, chips and this lovely beauty!
Geeky stats.
most photos from SnappyH