Hello blog readers
I think I deffo need to get my arse into gear, it seems senior moments can happen at anytime! For instance, my last blog, all about Tuesdays club run, I mentioned that K was running with us and sweeping with GetYourLegsUpTracy! K wasn't there! This is why I do try to write up my blogs on the day that I do the run.....otherwise anything could be written up! I am so glad that I had photographs of me doing the London Marathon twice, otherwise I may question myself about that too!
Anyway, it was a struggle to get out there today! J.J. wasn't going, SnapperHannah wasn't going, and the Old Boy had a delicious smelling beef casserole and dumplings cooking in the oven! So many things to keep me all nice and cosy indoors. I text NaggyNeighbour to see if she was really wanting to go only to be told that she had her running gear on and raring to go! So there you have it! It was kismit that I had to go and do track. I know when I have done, when I have done the track, disciplined myself to do as well as I can, listened to all PhysioMikeTheMod has to say, been put through my paces by Jane.......then I will be pleased that I went!
It really does all feel so much better when it's all done, and you can feel very....... what's the word I am looking for.....? Is it pious? Chatting in our Whatsapp group saying that I had done it always feels very good! A comment is usually followed by a smug GIF! But really, I do need to work harder, my weight keeps creeping up by three pounds and then down by two and back up by three! I am just pleased that at least I am still running!
We got to the track, it was misty, I mean, you couldn't see the PWR's at the back of the track! The call of the pub was so very loud in my ear! Enjoy a pint or go running, enjoy a pint or go running! I chose running! It was only because I had to pull my run pants up again over my belly! We were a little bit late, and the faster runners were already on their warm up tempo run and Jane had the slower runners over near the cage thingy doing some drills! Not our fault, traffic was awful! Hones! We joined in with the drills, skipping, side stepping and lunging! It was there that we noticed that it was quite slippy out there! Icy or maybe just very cold and damp! But it was deffo slippy! It was going to be like that out on track!
After our warm up drills and a warm up lap, we were ready to do our session. For me and the other slower runners it was run for a lap and half, brisk walk to the start then 3 laps, followed by a lap and half....I think that was how it was supposed to be! Anyway, as I am the slowest runner on the planet, I Jane said I should just do two laps then rest for the 90 and then back to the lap and half! I got completely confused as to what I was supposed to be doing, and I think I ended up doing two 2 lap reps instead! I still didn't cover two miles! I should have pushed out harder!
I am hoping that if I keep on with doing my Thursday night rights, Saturday mornings, which are not back to parkrun, and my Tuesday club run, I should start to lose weight again,.....oh yes, and of course keep a close eye on my eating and drinking! It's going to be pretty hard this side of Christmas, but I don't want to start thinking I shall begin after Christmas, I might just take 'Carte Blanche' and just go crazy until then! I could end up even chunkier!
So another track session done! Although I try to find tons of excuses of not doing it, I really do enjoy it.......when it's all done! One thing that did make me smile was seeing Mr.S back at Track! Me and Naggy were only talking about him on the way to track today, we said that we were going to be nagging him to come to track after Christmas, get him back to running! And knock me down with a feather, there he was, with one of his offspring, Jezzarette2. It seems that she has inherited the 'huge challenge' gene, because she is getting herself fit to climb Kilimanjaro! Hmm. And there's me still wanting to lose a few pounds and smash my parkrun pb sometime before I meet my maker!
And just so that I did not imagine myself being at the track, I pinched a photo from one of the guys of me doing the cool down stretches! You can see me there, with the white cap on!
And here is my geeky stats
photo from Marcus
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