Hello blog readers.
Indeed it was better! The weather was simply appalling, it had been raining all day yesterday! Oh, yes, I am writing this a day late! Sorry about that! Anyway, the weather, it was chilly, wet, windy and oh so dark! But I still had a better run than I did on Sunday at Brighton! It's amazing what the right ingredients for a good run can do!
I had plenty to drink, that's tea, coffee and water by the way, and a nice carb based lunch and a nice breakfast in the morning! Add all that together with a good nights sleep! Well, actually I went to bed quite late, but I had enough 'Z's' that I needed. So you can see I was quite prepared for club run, not only that but it was the first club night after the beginners graduation. I had no idea how many would be turning up. There may have none from the graduates, or they may all have turned up! So I really had to be there. NaggyNeighbour came over and we walked to my car where Shalini met us! Can you believe there are now three PWR's on my road! Brilliant!
As it happened on Tuesday night, there were not many beginners there! I expect the weather put them off. Their first experience of running with PWR in the dark, on the pavements and in the rain was probably not the best thing that could have been happening at 8 o'clock that night! But we did have a couple of them with us! So after all the leaders gave out their route we all met up at a designated places and had a count up of how many was in Group 1. We had 10 runners, that wasn't too bad for a night like we had! Also there were a couple of new people, who hadn't come through via the beginners group they just found us else where!
I was leading and Tracy was sweeper for me! Auriol was there too and she kept the middle section going. I had a plan to do the easier route, not only because I thought we may have had beginners with us but also I just needed the confidence boost too! So I nice easy run around m go to route!
We did pretty well, we were not too strung out, of course we had to have some catch up points and walking sections. But I know that next week the faster ones will be going into group 2! And hopefully by then some more of the beginners will be with us, not put off by inclement weather! It really wasn't far, the beginners have such spirit! I feel sure they will be at parkrun on Saturday and then club run on Tuesday!
As for me, I need to work on my running too! Stop slacking(?) and just get on with it, she says sitting in her nice warm house typing up a blog about yesterdays run! Oh Mojo, where for art thou Mojo! Thank goodness for PWR I say!
So geeky stats for Tuesdays run.
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