Tuesday, 30 October 2018

Club Run - Last Minute Leading!

Hello blog readers.

This evening it was club run.  I volunteered at the last minute to lead group 1.  I was quite pleased actually, I wasn't really feeling it, so a nice gentle run is just want I need. Sometimes even if you don't feel like running, getting out could be just what you need.  I should listen to myself sometimes when there is time for a solo run, or even if Naggy neighbour calls!  Naggy asked me on Sunday to go for a run, I really wasn't feeling it, (party the night before) plus I had a huge amount of housework too!  I'm telling you, my mojo is nowhere to be seen on 'non running' days.  If it wasn't for my club I could quite easily just get fat and unfit again.  Leading group 1 always gives me a huge boost.  Especially when we have new-comers in the club.

As I didn't really have time to think about a route this evening I went for my 'go to route' when it's a move-up week.  It's a nice flat route with just a couple of inclines.  The first one is at the beginning of the route when everyone has tons of energy.  It's the short little hill up Kingsway to Towncourt Crescent.  I am not sure about everyone else, but. and keep this to yourselves of course, I hate hills!  I try and tell the beginners that hills are our friends, hills test us, hills helps us, hills train us! Yeah, some of them can bring me to tears!  Goss hill is one of them!  Right, in 2019 I am going to run up Goss hill without stopping!  That's my goal, no pb's, no getting the London marathon place, (I failed in that anyway)  Just getting up that blimmin hill!  That's my goal.

Oh, yes, anyway, back to the run.  I set off with 11 other runners, so a dozen of us in group 1 this evening.  We had a new comer and a couple of the ladies brought their daughters along too!  We were the last group to leave the park but.......the youngster took off in front of me!  Well, I soon reigned them in.  I shall give the plenty of opportunities to run ahead!  And then maybe next week if they feel like it they could do group 2!  So the first hill,  Kingsway, it's just a little one and I like to get up it as quick as I can.  As I am leading I had to keep an eye on the pace, so a nice steady one to get up, no stopping, trying to chat to Chris as he ran beside me!  I managed it, and kept in front as the leader should! 

I felt quite good after running just that little hill.  I was hoping that feeling will stay with me for the whole run.  After all, the rest of it is now mainly all flat, just that little upward bit on Shepperton road. It was all really pleasant from running pass the One Inn the Wood where Joanne and Stephen were heading to celebrate their Dublin marathon, to running nice and quietly over the 'troll' bridge and then letting the faster runners have Crest View to pick up a bit of speed.  It really was!  I mean, if Carlsburg done routes this is deffo one of them, well mind you Carlsburg would actually end the route in a pub!

We ran along Crescent Drive until we got to Shepperton, utilising crossings as a catch-up and a breather.  Shepperton was another road that I could send the faster runners along to let off some speedy sections and run a their pace.  We were half way through our route,  we turned right to go along towards the bridge over the rail lines.  Everyone was running really well, we did have the faster runners up front, but I just sent them off to the end of the road at their pace. 

It was a good run, I really enjoyed it.  Chris enjoyed it, he said that he wasn't really 'feeling' it today either, but it was much better than sitting at home wishing that you had gone running.  "I really hated that run!" said no runner ever!  And it's true.  You may have run slow, or you may have run way to fast and made your self puke! (nearly done that a couple of times too!)  Seriously, all runs baring maybe having a nasty fall, really do pick you up!  Now all I need to do is to remember that when I find that I have plenty of time to go for a 3 miler solo run! Or with Naggy!

Here's our geeky stats

<iframe src='https://connect.garmin.com/modern/activity/embed/3127519394' title='Club Run (leading)' width='465' height='500' frameborder='0'></iframe>

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