Wednesday, 24 October 2018

Club Running - K9 route!

Hello blog readers.

It was my turn to lead group 1 this week.  I do love leading, I can put as many walking breaks in as I feel!  Oo, is that being lazy or what?  But I really do love to lead, to put group 1 through their paces, encourage them to push just that tiny bit more.  It's great fun.

The weather couldn't be more perfect for an October evening.  It had been a lovely day out and the evening was looking just as lovely.  I don't know if I have mentioned this, but my running Mojo has kind of been hiding again.  I don't know what I do with that darn thing.  I do know one thing, it hangs around the beginners a lot and it appears when I am leading, just for a very short while!  I don't know what to make of it!

Anyway, with the Mojo just making a slight appearance at Tuesday club run I had decided to do a bit of a hilly route!  Well, there is the flat route, but with the mojo just showing then hills were the thing to do.  When I gave out my route I said there was a hill.  I didn't lie, I said there was a hill, it was a hill that led to another hill, and just another small, tiny insignificant one after that!  If mojo stays around after that then I could be running marathons next year!......well, if I put my name down......oh darn I too late already?

To be honest it felt really good running on Tuesday,  I am not sure if it's because I have lost the few pounds that I gained over eating and drinking for the past few months.....and given up the fags.....again...... but I really did enjoy it, even getting up Birchwood Road.  I heard in the ranks that they thought I was running a little faster than it was last week, but when I checked my Garmin it was all ok.  Sometimes other peoples mojo leave them for a while, leaving this void which can be filled with, doubt, laziness, food and drink (that was me) or all of that a more (to be fair, that was me too!) I just need to stay focused, keep on running, and thankfully that is something that hasn't stopped.  It may be less running, on less days, but I am still running!  Blimey, I can't imagine what I would like like if I didn't have my running!

After that first hill, we turned left, crossed over the road and ran down the road with the house with the lovely chandelier!  Oh my goodness, it really is a lovely chandelier. Tearing myself from there we ran down to the small round about.  We took a little breather here because this is where there is another one of those tiny little inclines!  I said that the athletes I had with me, by the way, there were 11 of us that evening!  Plus we had a couple of injury/illness returnees back into the fold!  Oh my goodness, this is what group 1 is all about!  When you have had an injury or been ill and you want to come back to running, for goodness sake, do not go up to your usual group!  It can be just so demoralising.  If you run in a lower group and find it comfortable or even easy, then that just gives you an instant boost!   So Jane and Julie were both sweepers for me, bringing up the rear, making sure that no one was left behind.  And also feeling their feet, see how it all goes!  I had some of the usual group 1's there too as well as newbie!

We turned right once at the top of that hill which led to.....another smaller hill with a roundabout at the top of it.  I left them all run at their own pace till they got there.  We had a little break and then....some hill reps.  When I say some, I meant twice. because after the round about was another tiny little hill, great for doing some hill reps.  Not every one did it though, which is just fine, you got to keep running fun!

But after this last hill we were at the top of our route again, which meant that it was all either flat or down hill till we got to Crossways!  A great run and the weather was perfect again!  Is this really October!  When we got to the rec I noticed that we still have a tiny bit left to do before we got to the 3 miles mark, so I had to run all the way in the park and half way to the other gate!

Geeky stats and as you can's the K9 route!

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