I was leading this evenings core training and speed session at the rec. I had no idea how many would be turning up, you see, it's been raining all day! I woke up this morning to the gentle sound of the rain outside the window, and I thought "At last, a bit of rain to clear the air! But the rain just kept on coming.....all day!
Still we are hard core runners, we don't let a bit of rain come between us and a good speed session. But then all the messages on my friends whatsapp group about who was coming and who wasn't started. But I still went along, after all I was the leader! How would it look if only 1 person showed up and I didn't!
I drove to the rec, because I had to get some bits and bobs for Kirsty afterwards, so I needed my car. When I parked in rec I could see no one there! Not one person....well not one person ready to do our Thursday evening session! Hmmm, I wonder if this was going to be a wash out. The fact of the matter it had actually stopped raining and there was blue skies up above and just perfect temperature for running. The ground was a bit splishy splashy, but I know last week it was so warm, we were praying for a little bit of rain! After a couple of minutes of me wondering if anyone else was going to turn up when Auriol parked her car beside me. Well, that's two of us, I thought I would give it a couple of minutes and if no-one else turn up then me and Auriol would probably call it a night too! But then DiscoRich and Illustrious Leader pulled up in their car. "Just the four of us" said DiscoRich, "We best get on with it then!" Well, that told me and Auriol, we were all ready to go home!
So, with just the four of us we started off on our 2 lap warm up around the rec. Now with the rain came the drop in temperature too, it was going to take a little bit more than two laps to warm us up, so our drills was next, try and get our muscles ready for the sessions. We seemed to be flying through everything, It's not going to take an hour for us to get through what I had planned! With only 3 pairs of ears to reach I really had command of the 'group'. Ok we an do this. I was trying to think about how I could play my magpie game with just four of us. But actually it worked out just fine. It was tough as it's just us running with no let up! But that's what we are at the rec for, some good ole running. So my game of magpie went ahead. I even had the new rule in place, and the rules of the game are.
1. 4 teams each standing same distance away from the next,
2. 1 person (in our case there was only 1 person in each team) ran to collect a cone and put it in their own nest,
3. Once everyone had two cones then they could chose to steal from the left or right two cones only, run to their opposite opponent and steal everything, put it in the big nest.
We did that for about 10 minutes or so. It was pretty hard going because there was no break, no team member to tag and get them to do some running. It was good fun though, and I am sure there is yet another rule that I can add into the mix to make it more interesting, but maybe I shall wait until it's a well attended session before I do.
After that we did some strengthening. Now because the ground was quite damp I remembered some exercises that we could do using the fence or benches. We did some Triceps Dips, and then we did some push ups from the benches, followed by some static squats against the wall finally we did a plank, on the driest bit of concrete that we could find. All in all a pretty good strength programme I thought, keeping our bodies off the wet grass!
Par luffs were off the agenda as our usual end of the session so we had some Pyramids instead, using just one team, after all this is a little social group as well!
So, with just the four of us we blimmin managed to have a good speedy, strengthening session! I am pretty pleased with myself that I didn't go home! Hard Core......plus we managed to finish the session before the rain started again, and boy when it did come down it was torrential!
Here's a couple of photos I took of us four at the rec.
Me, Illustrious leader, Auriol and DiscoRich |
Look at them perfect planks! |
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