Hello blog readers.
Well, it was hardly travelling to a new venue, but for one night only, we had to change our start and finish venue for our club run. Some 'visitors' decided that they wanted to 'share' the recreation green at Crossways, our usual meeting point for our club run. With their caravans parked all over the lovely managed greens and in the car parks we thought it may be best to leave them to their 'peace and quiet' while they enjoyed the facilities! Our meeting point for this evenings run was at Petts Wood Park, Eynsford Park, not to far from our usual place, and plenty big enough space for everyone to meet at.
I picked up J.J. while Tracy picked up Wendimoo and SnapperHannah. Our usual friends were there as well, RefMichael was leading group three, while Auriol was leading group 1. You know what that means! I was moving up again! I decided to join group 2, J.J. and Wendimoo also came along as well as CookingCarole! (C.C. for short, she has some amazing baking skills!) WendyLC was leading group 2, and I was looking forward to it, probably still at little apprehensive as well. It's the whole comfort blanket thing, I can hide in group 1, even while leading! It's easy to hide, because you can stop running when you want to, to check up on the back runners! But with running with a faster group I am going to have to keep up. I knew I would be at the back, but I was determined to try and keep up as best as I could. As J.J. said "It's good to push ourselves" She's right! We do not push our selves too hard in group 1, occasionally I pus myself a little harder at parkruns, but then, parkruns there is nobody leading me on a course and I am generally not at the very back.
WendyLC had a route planned from the new location that took us through the woods and then onto the Cinder Path. So we still got some lovely time running through the woods, away from the cars spewing out their gasses from the exhausts. That first mile, nay, that first half a mile is such a blimmin killer! I tell you, my lungs and my heart and my legs just want to stop! My head is telling me "You silly ole woman, what you doing" my legs quickly fill with lead, and my lungs really want to just jump out of my chest and go home!
By the time we got to the end of the Cinder path I was very much warmed up and my breathing was tons better. I was still at the back of the pack though! WendyLC took us down Crofton road, and it was down, A nice gentle slope back towards Petts Wood. From the top to all the way to walking bridge, I think J.J. and I managed to run, non stop, with our leader WendyLC. The others WLC let off the leash to run at a fast pace, on the promise they run back to us (by the way, I didn't see any of them running back!). WendyLC said that we had a mixed bunch in group 2, some normally would have been running in groups 6 and some in group 4. But they were here in this group building up after being away from running for a while! It's not only group 1 that take care of the injured! We are such a caring club!
We ran over the bridge to Beaumont and then ran all the way to the end, oh did I say I ran none stop on this bit, *smug mode* Yes, it is deffo good to push ourselves, I really didn't want all those faster runners to be waiting for me! Oh the pressure! From the end of Beaumont we ran on to St Johns and then we ran to Station square. We were not going to be running back to Eynsford just yet. We still had a few more roads to do. We pass the One in The Wood pub, where group 12 were starting and strangely finishing their club run this evening, and then we ran over the walking bridge. J.J. and I were getting a bit tired, we was thinking that we would be just heading down the high street and back to the park. Now, when I think of it, I think anyway we got back to the park from here would be about the same distance! But heading away from what we feel is the right way to go, down Southborough Lane was where we headed.
We ran along Crescent Drive, the faster runners again given the green light to run ahead of our leader. Half way down here we could hear another group catching us up, group 6! We were on the left hand side of the road, and they were on the right side of the road. Most of group 6 passed by us but me and J.J. seemed to be keeping pace with a couple of their back stoppers! It gave us a really bit of boost. We saw them all turn right in to Shepperton where the entrance to the park is, "Come on then Old Girl, keep going, pick it up, faster, faster" J.J. started to encourage me from my right shoulder! I started to push it a little as we ran to the park, then a little more and more! We were doing a pretty good pace, deffo at least group 6 pace! It's just a pity that we can't keep that up through a whole club run!
So, a new location, for one night only, a slightly new route and a new leader! A brilliant run, and I don't think I was too far behind all the others! Here's our Geeky stats. Oh, the 'visitor's enjoyed their stay at the park and have moved on to pastures green. The lovely volunteers of cleaneruppers were busy tidying up the park for the more user friendly visitors of the park.
<iframe src='https://connect.garmin.com/modern/activity/embed/2932975931' title='Club Run ' width='465' height='500' frameborder='0'></iframe>
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