Tuesday, 10 July 2018

Er.....Some blogs!

Hello blog readers.

I have had a bit of a lazitus, not from my running, although I should be doing more, but from my blogging!  How can anyone get lazitus about that!

So, some quick updates for the runs I have neglected to tell you about!

Thursday 5th, Morning

Just the three of us on that Thursday morning, if I can remember it was quite a warm one too.  Just me, Paula and Tracy was heading out the rec.  There were a few more in the other groups, I was a bit late as well, and the other group was just about to head out with Paula as there was no one else at the rec, (I had picked up Tracy) I think she was a bit relieved when she saw us!  I think she would have been running with some group 4's and up!

It was a good run, we had a photo opportunity by the river, which is always nice.  Here this is it!

And of course our geeky stats.  Not bad for a warm morning!

Thursday Evening Core and Speed

DiscoRich was taking the session this week and he had some instruments of torture for us to try out.  Of course there was the usual warm up laps and drills to be done to warm us up, even though we were all pretty warm any way.

So the instruments of torture were these little bunny hop things.  DiscoRich, at first placed cones in a zig zag patten.  We then had to jog forward to one, job backwards to the next jog forward to the next and then so on until we had passed all 8 cones and then we had to jog back to our team mates.

Then he made us hop in the same manner, obviously doing that twice, and then jumping forwards and backwards.  I have just realised that I am no good at hopping or jumping!  Now when did that actually happen?  I used to do it all the time when I was a child! I was quite shocked at how pretty useless I was at this simplest of activities.    But then DiscoRich throws into this simple activity these little hurdles, and we had to do the same thing again but of course include the jump over the hurdles! Hmm, I think some good long hard workouts is needed.  I may even try and find my skipping rope,  maybe that will help!

The core training actually consisted of planking!  We had a plank off!  I couldn't even last for the 40 second min, but the it was left to Illustrious leader and someone else whose name escapes me.  They had to tie at 4 minutes!

With some par luffs at the end to finish off our session we were all pretty exhausted by happy with what we had done!

Saturday parkrun

Well, what can I say about this!  It was bloody hot!  Oh my goodness, it had already hit 22 deg c by 9 in the morning. I knew it was going to be a very warm run.  I had remembered to bring water with me, having Naggyneighbour nag me about the week before reminded!  Naggy wasn't feeling the run that week either, and she had decided to walk around with Janet just to be a part of it and too keep active.  I had already drunk about a quarter of my water just walking to the start. I had met my running buddies in the car park, there was a card to sign, as it was Auriols 100th parkrun!  That means cake!  And Janet's mum makes the most delicious fruit cake in Bromley!  I just wished I liked fruit cake!  But I don't get left out of the cake eating, Carole does bake up a tasty chocolate brownie!

It was a very slow parkrun as I met on the last quarter of a mile of the last lap, Graham.  Now he is usually way in front of me, in fact Naggy herself uses him as her pacer, she likes to keep him in sight for when shes running!  Yet here he was, not looking good at all.  I grabbed his arm and asked how he was doing.  All he could say at that time was, "It's a bit warm"  I gave him my water to rehydrate him and asked if he wanted to sit of go directly to the pavillion, but he insisted that he was going to finish this parkrun! So, on a lovely, very warm, Saturday morning I walked arm in arm with a lovely gentleman, just don't tell my hubby!  I found out on our walk that his best parkrun was 20 something minutes at the age of 72! He's been chasing it for a few years now, as now he has reached the age of 78!  Amazing!

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