Saturday, 27 January 2018

ParkRunning - Lets Chase The PB's

Hello blog readers.

I am deffo chasing my pb for my parkruns, ok so it's my pb for the year at the moment, but then I will try and try to get nearer to my proper pb.  I love parkrun, I have a few left before the beginners course starts up in March, so need to start working harder.  Naggy and I drove to pick up Tracy and then we went on to Normans park, where we met up with all our friends.

It was pretty chilly this morning, thankfully not raining, I don't think I would have liked it if it was raining too!  I saw so many of our PWR's there too, well, it's KevTwoBalls 50th parkrun!  He made these!

I so had my eye on one of them, I do love a fairy cake!  All ready at the start, we listen to the RD and then it's 'Ready, Steady, Go!'  Our group normally runs at the back of the pack, we leave the front for the faster runners!  It's only fair,  parkrun is about fun, just doing it, but occasionally there is that all important pb that needs chasing down,  But it's against yourself that you run, not anyone else, I think that's what makes parkrun so successful and fun and so very friendly!  Getting going today was a little slower, there must be at least 700 hundred people again!  It's a popular parkrun is Bromley!  I had to weave through but only after the crowd thinned down a bit, I eventually got into my stride.

The other girls, J.J. LittleJ, PinkLadyJo, Tracy, and K were behind me, Auriol was running along side me and Carole was way up in front!  I don't know how she managed to get so far through the crowds but she did!  She had Naggy running with her, so I found out after the run.  By the time we got to the end of the long straight the throng had thinned down and I could slowly pass some of the other runners, I was getting warmed up!  Auriol pulled up just by the park, for a walk, she told me to keep on going, so I did!  I like to run for the whole of the first mile at least!  Totally focused I didn't know who I was passing, by the time I got to the first mile and just a little bit further I heard "Hi Old girl!"  It was Charley!  I had passed her by further back, on the first of the short straights (the ones we do on the summer route).  I decided to start running again and chat to her, I hadn't seen her for ages!  We ran along together and chatted as we did.  We got all the way back up to the top of the park again, and then started on the short straight,  I had to have a bit of a walk!  But if it wasn't for Charley I would have walked a lot sooner.  She just kept on going, she said that she might have a walk herself after a bit, but the way she looked I couldn't see it happening. 

And so after that I was playing catch up with her!  I think I took another walk and then I had lost it!  The 'thing' that keeps you going, just as I was running along to the bit of the path and the bottom of the park that takes us up through the woody bit.  I do believe I actually slapped my arse! "Go on, Old Girl, blimmin run" I said out loud!  I could see the marshal there looking at me, I bet she thought I was a complete nutter!

I tried to keep my eye on Charley as I played catch up!  There was just no way I was going to catch her now, but I started running again, trying to keep my pace fairly steady, ignoring the achyness in my legs.  I was feeling blimmin annoyed with myself that I had walked, but that's nothing new!  I am feeling blimmin annoyed anyway with myself, being weak and pathetic anyway!  Mind you, it's not as if I booze all through the week, just at the weekends!  Yes, I was running with a hangover, after a stressful week I thought it would be nice, along with a curry too, after all it's 'Date Night" something me and the Old Boy has done for years!

I picked some other runners ahead of me to be my 'race' and chased them down.  There was one lady that obviously had me in her sights, because she ran, over took me and then had a walk, then I over took her and stayed in front.  I could hear her as she started running again, she was quite fast, but then she would have a little walk and I would over take her again.  So she then became my 'race'. If I heard her running behind me I had to try and keep her there!  Something I had managed to do only on the last short straight to the finish funnel!  I just kept running and put on a bit more speed, I could hear her keeping pace with me, I really thought she was going to overtake me, but I kept on going!  I crossed the finish just a second in front of her! Phew!  Done!  A great run, and we had a little chat as we walked up to get our tokens!  We were side by side and the token lady almost handed the first one to her!  I had worked hard to stay in front of her!  I had a little chuckle as the lady said about fighting over the tokens, nah, that had happened out on the course!  I had guessed that maybe all the cakes had gone, but I walked around to where it is normally served and I was right, but there was more cake there, it was Sarah's 250th parkrun!  So I managed to get cake after all!  Oh, you know how the power of advertising and clever photography can do wonders, well KevTwoBalls cakes were actually those mini cakes, here, look!
Oh and just one more thing, our mens captain had managed to gain the coveted No.1 token! Here look

My Garmin and the official time had married up exactly again,  37:40 official parkrun time and 37:40:19 on my Garmin!  Slight slower than my fastest parkrun this year!  Got to work harder, get mean with myself, stop being weak and lazy!  Here's my geeky stats.

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