Tuesday, 16 January 2018

It's A Chilly One! - Club Run

Hello blog readers.

The sun was shining brightly this morning, I was expecting it to be a lovely warmish day, but it was deceptively chilly!  Of course I didn't find that out until I had left to go to work, before that I had done my 16 repeats of my five disciplines!   Exercises, before I even get out of my bedroom! It's still pretty hard going, even just adding on one extra rep each day!  How I am going to feel when it's in the twentys I don't know!  And then what do I do next month?  Anyway, back to the running. 

It's club run and I'm leading again.  We did the easy one, then we did a slightly challenging one and now we are doing an even more or a challenge, with a longer hill, and hills to get there......and a couple of inclines after that!  You should have heard the group when I told them that we were doing Tillingbourne Green, anyone would think they didn't like a hill!  But I know that they will love it.  We had a new comer in our midst and she wasn't quite sure what to expect, so when she heard the group groan I thought we would have lost her there and then!  But seriously, I think if you have managed to get your shoes one, coats on and down to the rec, then there is no way that you will go home without trying us out first!

After our count up, by the way we had a bakers dozen, which to me is so much nicer than unlucky 13, runners, I led them all out of the gate, turned left and then turned right to run up Birchwood, a nice warm up hill to get us all in the mood!  It really was very cold, I was thinking that maybe I should have kept my PWR hoody on to start with and then I could have tied it around my waist when I warmed up!  I so hate being cold, I was glad that I had chosen this route, some lovely hills to get us warm!.........did I just say lovely hills!?  I think I must still be chilled and my brain frozen!

We did the first one and waited at the top for the rest of the group to catch up.  One of the newer runners asked if that was the hill, I just said 'No', I didn't think if fair to elaborate much further than that, after all running is fun, right! We then carried on by turning right, we ran along till we got to Sherborne, the road opposite Kingsway, we crossed over and then ran till we got to the beginning of our little loop, the longer, steeper hill. The one that group 1, the ones that know, groaned about!  I took a little breather there, waited for everyone to catch up and then we started the loop. 

We ran up the shorter hill and then ran down, down down, all the way around the green, knowing that we will have to run up it again to the place where we started!  When we got to the point on the loop where it starts to go up again I looked at everyones shoes and saw that quite a few of us have these fabulous lights, and I wanted to take a photo of us but I had forgotten my phone, some of the other ladies had their phone so I suggested we waited till we get back to the rec to take some pictures! ( I so wish we had done it there and then as I forgot about it when we got back!)  So next week I shall take some pictures!

Once the loop was done we still had a little hill to do, it's the hill that I like to do Hill Reps on, you know, run up, then run down, then run up etc.  I only had two others who wanted to do just one extra rep of the hill, Emma and..... oh blimey, I have forgotten her name!  I must try and improve my memory skills....does anyone know how to do that!  So, hill rep, all I asked was just one little rep, only two of them wanted to do it, so we ran up to the top and then ran down, fantastic effort from the two ladies,  I then started back up the hill, "Are we going back up there?" was the confused question from the two ladies "Yes, of course, this is part of the route!" I said they thought that we were going back along Sherborne road! 

We got to the top of the hill and then ran all the way down to Crossways, it's a nicer part of route, everyone loves a downhill, you don't even have to think about it.  I was going to see what the time was, how far we had done, and how my group was doing before deciding on the end part of our run.  I looked at my watch after our sweepers got to us and decided that we could so manage the very last incline up to the top of the road and then run along to Towncourt and then down Kingsway!  Everyone that was there were doing brilliantly, chatting away, no one was struggling too much.  We then ran along Crossways and into the rec. We ran 3.21 miles, we a few undulations to keep us warm.  Viral then invited us to join in with his group 6 to do some fantastic stretching out! 

A lovely group of people today, our club seems to be getting bigger and bigger.  It's a popular club!  Here are our geeky stats.


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