Thursday, 9 November 2017

Track Day - Oh and Thursday Morning!

Hello blog readers.

Thursday Morning

I again was able to do a double today, this morning I met up with my running pals at the rec.  There must have been about twenty of us there, but in my group there were four of us, me, Tracy, IllustriousLeader and Paula.  I was glad that I.L. was here, because if I was needed to leave early then I could just run back and leave the group to finish their run.  So IllustriousLeader was the leader this morning.  I just asked her that morning and so she had to think on her feet and come up with a route, just like I did on Tuesday evening!  

We went in through Poo Ally and then then turned left, it seems that I.L. is going to take us down Botany Bay Lane, but she also said that she is going to go up Goss Hill.  I was secretly pleased actually, because that is the way that I was thinking of going if she wasn't here anyway!  We may be slower than a gang of tortoises running through treacle but we don't shy away from these little challenges!  Once we got to the top of Goss Hill though, we had a little break.  And then the curiosity came over us.  We often get to the top of this hill and look at the path on the right and wonder where it goes.  IllustriousLeader has often been heard to say, "I often wonder where that path goes to"  So the curiosity had to be satisfied, as there was four of us we decided to go along this path, we had a chat about where we thought it would bring us out.  Lets see exactly where it does lead us.  

At first it the path lead towards where we thought it might lead to but the it started to go down hill, well that was to be expected but it also started to bear right!  That only means one thing, that we will be coming across Goss hill again, and we will have to run back up it!  We came across a pond, just a small one, we had to run over a little wooden bridge. It looked like the pond was dammed up, maybe it's part of the river at the bottom.  We ran around it and then started to run back up. Now we can see Goss hill, the path that we just ran up and we came out at the top of the hill, just by the path that took our curiosity!

We continued our run along the usual route, along to Botany Bay lane and then up to the path that goes behind Coopers School.  It was a great run, I ran at the back with Tracy keeping her motivated (I think, "Get those legs up" I am sure is very motivational screeching)  We got to the Middle Path and then ran all the way down non stop, chatting away to Tracy!  We got back to the rec, I had to leave though and didn't have time to do the stretches.  A great run, we my mates!

Geeky stats.

Thursday Track!

These sessions I always try and push myself that little bit harder.  I know last week I wasn't as hard on myself as I should have been. But todays sessions is one of my favourites, it's running to the whistle!  No counting how many laps I had done, or trying to figure it out by looking at the distance on my Garmin.  It's all about listening out for the whistle.  Karin was driving and we picked up MonkeyFeet Mr. S on the way.  It's good to see that he is getting back to his running, monkeyfeet and all!  All though coming out with said monkeyfeet in his hand rather than on his feet was rather brave!  It is November after all!  

There were loads of PWR's at the track, all ready to do this evenings session, it was to run for 4 minutes, 30 second rest times that by 5!  Not only that, but Mike had us do the first 2 minutes running one way and then the second 2 minutes running in the opposite direction.  I should think it was so that we all ended up at the finish/start line at the same time! Now don't that sound pretty darn easy!  Of course we had to do our warm up of 8 minutes of running, plus our drills and strides as well. Also when we were having our 30 second rest PhysioMiketheMod had us on the floor, sitting leg straight out and 'running'! Well our arms looked like we were running, and then we were doing clams in another rest, and also standing on one leg while our arms were air writing something I.  L.O.V.E.   R.E.E.V.S.I.E.!  I think PhysioMiketheMod forgot how to spell 'running'!  

I enjoyed this session, it was good fun! I even managed to 'beat' some of the faster runners back to the start line!  I am not sure if it was because I was doing a slower first 2 minutes and then running like hell leather back just so that I could beat them all!  I was pleased that I ran when I should have ran, and also that I didn't make too many grunts and groans as I tried to pick myself up off the floor after those little exercises, even though I am sure there was a few!

Geeky stats.

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