Thursday, 2 November 2017

Double Day

Hello blog readers.

It's been a couple of weeks since I've done a double Thursday, I wasn't sure how I was going to to.  The first of course is the morning run.  It was a bit foggy when I work up, and I just knew it would be a bit chilly, but it actually didn't feel that cold out, it still felt quite mild. I met up with everyone in the rec, there were about 15 or so of us.  DiscoRich divided us very expertly into our groups.  There were four of us in my group, me, Tracy, IllustriousLeader and Paula.  I was going to take them on the easier route around the edge of the woods, Tracy is still nursing a sore tendon and I was planning on running in the evening at track, but I still had a good run.  Both me and IllustriousLeader took it in turns to lead and sweep!  First I led then I.L. lead.  That way it meant that Tracy always had someone with her.  Well, I didn't want her to get lost, not in the woods, I would definitely not find her if she went on walk about.

I think everyone had a good run, some faster bits, some slower bits.  We got back to the rec, the fog was quickly disappearing and it looked like it was going to be a good day.

Geeky stats.

Track Session

These dark nights, it's so much harder to get out and do stuff for myself.  It's fine getting out when I am leading, but actually getting out for myself, well it's pretty hard.  Just thank goodness that NaggyNeighbour was going and Mr.S wanted to be picked up too!  

We were there quite early for a change, I think it's because Naggy wasn't quite sure of the start time!  But that's fine, it gives us a chance to acclimatise to the cool the evening air.  It's still quite mild really, perfect running conditions.  The session was 400 metre run, rest for 90 secs, ........that was what was said on the Facebook page, but then PhysioMiketheMod changed it to 60 sec rest.  We had to do that 12 times.  I am not sure how many times I did it, but I did try and do my best.  With the 'not feeling it' and a niggling sore knew I just knew I was going to struggle.  

But there is one thing, I am glad I went'  I may not have done as much as everyone else but I still went out and did some exercises.  I went out even though I just wanted to curly under my blanket and keep warm while watching crap t.v., I still got myself ready to go out and run.  

Next week I shall have to start throwing in mu solo runs again, I gotta keep this weight down and off me, at least until December this year!

So geeky stats for Normans Park Track, it was good running also side Dina Asher Smith,.....ok totally behind her then........ok, to be able to run in the dust clouds left by her......actually even her dust clouds disappear just as quick, but being in the same running track is very good! 


  1. Ha ha, I was expecting you to mention the "very loud telephone conversation" on the had to be done :-) "MARMITE, I LIKE MARMITE"

    1. Ah man! I forgot about that! This is why you need to keep on coming Jez, to remind me about everything! lol
