Thursday, 12 October 2017

Three Blogs in one

Hello blog readers.

Club Night

After a very 'bad' weekend, consisting of booze (well just 3 pints on Friday night)  illness, (I am sure it wasn't due to beer)  two takeaways (left overs on Friday and full takeaway Saturday) and chocolate (chocolate was medicinal of course).  I was really ready for a nice gentle jog with group 1's.  I knew I had someone coming back to the club after not running for a while so I chose my 'go to easy route'.  The nice flatish one that everyone enjoys.

We had 9 in our group, a nice number.  Some of our group 1's have moved up to the new group 1 1/2, exactly like they should be doing!  It was a great run, we all more or less stayed together, and I could see that there are still some runners who could quite easily move up to the next group, but I am sure they will try next move up week, or when they have enough confidence!

I kept the faster ones occupied by letting them run ahead at a bit of speed, I had Michael with me, he just wanted to come along in our group just for fun!  That's what we are like in PWR, a friendly bunch, and we just love to chat to everyone, even if that means running in a slower group to do it!

Geeky stats

Thursday Morning Run

So fairly up to date now, this mornings run was done in just perfect weather conditions.  The sun was shining and everyone was so looking forward to going through the woods.  Illustrious Leader was here too, she will be able to come most Thursday mornings now! Brilliant!  My route this morning including hills, of course it does, it's in the woods, and besides which, I need to still lose extra pounds before the big day next week!  So we went in through the woods via Poo Ally and turned left.  I wanted to go straight up the path that the PWR 10k took, so not along the rail lines and up Botany Bay, we could still see the flour on the floor that was marking tree routes and possible trip hazards.

We ended up at the top of the woods and then still continued upwards as we headed into the big posh housing estate!  It's lovely this route, looking at the lovely houses.  It's a pity that it's not possible to do a winter nights run down there with my group because I can imagine Christmas lights would be amazing down there.

After running up to the top we crossed over and then ran through Scadbury Park and then back over the road to our woods, running all along the side of the road and then down along the rail lines to Poo Ally!  It was such a lovely run this morning, we took slightly longer than usual but it was so worth it!

Geeky stats.

Track Session

I went to track session this evening, no shopping to do so no excuse not to!  I do enjoy track sessions though, I try very hard to push that little bit harder!  The session was an 8 minute warm up run and then 40 secs run with 30 secs rest, 90 secs run with 1 min rest, 4 mins run with 90 secs rest times by three!  It was pretty tough going, I didn't think that I would be able to keep going!  It sounds easy, mind you running for 6 minutes sounds easy, running sounds easy!  But it's not!  There were loads of runners there today, all trying their hardest, some are there training for the marathons, and for some that is coming in a about a weeks time!  Others are starting their training for the London in April next year.  Me?, well I am just trying to keep the weight off, initially, until the wedding, and then hopefully keeping it off and taking even more off!  I have proved to myself that I can do it, but then, with the stress.......excitement of the wedding finishing after next week I am hoping that I can still stay focused and not just give up and say, "well that's it then, all done, finished"

I must try to at least keep on losing weight and keep on with my training and running.  Getting in the doldrums would not be good, what with this stupid hormone changing thing happening I can imagine it would be quite easy for me to just say "Feck it, I can't be bothered!"  I must remember the feel good factors that come with finishing a run, race or track session with PhysioMiketheMod.

It was a great session, I kept going, I ran when I should have and I walked when it was rest!  I was working hard, even PhysioMiketheMod mentioned that I was sweating well, I didn't have enough breath to say to him that blokes sweat women glow!

Geeky stats

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