Monday, 9 October 2017

Solo Run

Hello blog readers

I had an early finish today, so I got back home, quick tidy up, put some washing on, put clean clothes away and chopped up some salad. There was only one thing left to do, and that was to get changed into some running gear.  I haven't been out running since Thursday and it was only the one in the morning as I had to go out shopping Thursday evening to get more stuff for the wedding!  I have been a bit under the weather since Saturday, in fact Friday I wasn't feeling 100% anyway, but I just put it down to tiredness.  This evening was the first since Thursday morning! 

Confession time, the weekend was full of big fat 'do not do's' if you are on a diet!  Beer, curry, takeaway, chocolate and in activity!  I really was feeling like crap!  I didn't even get out to do the beginners course because I was feeling ill.  Sunday I was feeling better, but still not right, chocolate seemed good to try and cure whatever it was I was suffering with!  Even this morning, in the early hours I woke up with a tummy ache!  It could be that I just had a very crap eating weekend!  Anyway, back on track this morning, it's only 2 weeks now to my daughters wedding, still time to lose a bit more weight....or at least to lose the extra pounds I just put on this weekend!

Well, that's the reasons and the excuses laid out for why this run was a particularly bloody hard one!  My legs just wasn't in it, my mind was somewhere else, just not on my running, my breathing was, well I was breathing, I guess that was good!  And my running style was just not even on a scale of bad to worse!  My head was down, I was tense and not relaxed at all!  My back was niggling just a bit which I think wasn't helping at all!  I tried to think about just being out, at least I am not sat on my chair watching crap t.v. eating yet more chocolate. 

Just running up Farringdon Avenue I could feel my shoulders starting to ache and had to just stop running and try to relax, shake out my arms and roll my head and neck and then get started again.  I started to think about my daughters wedding, try and get in a good mood, try and listen to some good tunes on my ipod.

Running along Southborough lane and my form is all but lost again, head down, and just not even trying.  I gave myself a telling off, after all these times running should be good!  "Head up Old Girl" I said, a still quiet voice was there, just briefly!  "Keep going, don't stop, no turning back, keep on running"  I thought, I just ran, head up, heart beating like crazy, just keep on running!  Before I knew it I was turning on to Turpington Lane and then on to Greenway.  On the way home now, passed the point of no return, back home for dinner, a nice salad with salmon fillets.  Hows that for healthy eating, mind you......there is still one last piece of chocolate......a pudding maybe!

Geeky stats.

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