How quick have these six weeks gone, eh? In the gang now there are 30 still plodding on with the course. They will deffo make it to the end now, and after that, who knows! Some of our beginners have gone on to bigger and bigger races! They look at distances as a challenge, pb's are there to be broken! I feel sure that some of them in this group will be smashing pb after pb once they finished this course. And what a day it was! The sun was shining brightly, it was even feeling warm first thing too!
Sherry was leading this Saturday, fully recovered from her cold bugs from last week, although her voice was still a little softer than it needed to be! We had stepped up our running sections by another 2 minutes to 8 minutes but still kept the 2 minutes of walking. It is becoming challenging now, so now you got to use all the distraction techniques that you can think of! When I am running solo it use a my iPod. When I get a great song on after running for a couple of miles then I make sure that I run through the whole of the song before even think about walking. The think is though, I usually do walk instead of get another focus! That's something I am working on!
I had one young lady approach me saying that she is going to find the session really tough as her breathing is just all over the place, she can't quite get it right! So I suggested that once we start to run then I will stay by her and see if we can get it sorted. I will tell her what I know what works for me......and actually what doesn't work! For instance, panting while you're running does not work! You just get totally light headed, hyperventilate! That's not good! So controlled breathing is what is called for, nice steady breathing, good quality breathing, then when you are concentrating on that you actually don't pay attention to they fact you are running. The seconds and minutes tick away and you are not constantly listening out for the whistle to blow. When it does, wow! You start to feel good, well, you start to feel good when there is not more running!
So that is what happened on Saturday, We walked around the green a couple of times, then the drills and then the running reps! A couple of people spoke to me as we started running, I spoke to a couple of others and then I found Emma, the young lady that was a bit apprehensive about the session. I just spoke to her as we were running along. Then someone else came up to me. She told me that she has now become one of my readers! Sue her name is, saying that through my ramblings she finds inspiration! Wow! I'm still amazed that I get anyone reading to the end of my blogs! I hope you noticed that they are shorter these days! I explained to her that my blogs are really my diary. My thoughts and feelings, among all the other ramblings, are all in here! It helps me to stay focused. Reading back on m blogs helps me to see just how far I have come, and like the present time, how much I need to get back to the fitness I had before! This fitness malarkey, well, it's tough! It's not a 'one running course/race fix all' scenario! It's an on going thing. You have to stick at it, and sometimes take your self out of the comfort zone! Just like I did on Sunday when I ran the half marathon at Paddock Wood! There look, I'm rambling again!
Both Sue and Emma were running next to me, there were runners in front and runners at the back. All around the rec, a nice steady pace, me just chatting away to the two girls I was running between. Trying to take their mind off the running and to focus on breathing. There's another good way to help take your mind off running, go with a running buddy that can chat all the way round! It so works well! While you are trying to run, breath and take in what your pal has to say, the whistle has blown and you're taking your walk! I miss our Wendimoo! Now she could chat, she could make you laugh while you were running! I know, incredible, laughing and running! Crazy! At least Wendimoo comes back down from oop north to see us sometimes!
We were soon on our third rep, the third and final rep. It went by just as quick. All though I did notice that I was talking a little less! See what I mean about the fitness thing, sometimes you can do it easily, sometimes its a little bit more difficult! When that final whistle blew the smiles on the two girls faces was just amazing! They had done it, they had ran at a nice steady pace for 3 lots of 8 minutes! Fan-blimmin-tastic! Well I certainly enjoyed it and looking at everyone else, they enjoyed it as well as all the PWR volunteers today, about 10 of them I think! Marvellous! I just love PWR!
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Always stretch after your running! |
Geeky stats for you all.
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